Righteous Fire/BV! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxing Play|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
" As a noob, personally I prefer +30 Dex nodes instead +20 Dex of "Art of the Gladiator". We got nothing from "Art of Gladiator" other than +20 Dex. BV hits Physical but it is a spell. So, attack speed gives us nothing. There are 2x +30 Dex nodes on the build path if you prefer. I prefer to use 2 passives on HP or regen nodes instead Dex (thats good because it shows build is flexible.) About armour, as you said build is tanky because high armor along with high HP. Without high armour, we will take higher hits if you are taking higher hits under the bleeding/poision its deadly. Make sure your Endurance charges up and max always, then you dont need anything else lol. Oak or 2 passives are up to player. Both works. Still at story side. Regards. |
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Thanks again for your helpful answers.
With the gem changes you are tinkering with for 3.6, is there any way we could fit in Arctic Armor instead of Enhance?? Seems like that would be another big defensive buff while we channel Incinerate. This would put us at 95% mana reservation. I guess my question is, having not played with the channeling skills much, is if we have enough mana regen from the tree to keep Incinerate going with 95% reservation and still have enough to use Consecrated Path to the next mob group? One other question I have in regards to how Avatar of Fire works. I really love Delve and want to push further down than I have before next league. I am a little worried about how Rippy things can get the lower you go, especially in melee range, where even one death can knock a significant amount of progression off your character after they level to 90+. I was looking at the newly announced Synthesis gloves, Storm's Gift Assassin Mitts, which shocks and proliferates shock 15' once you kill a mob. This would trigger an Inpuslas to explode the corpse clearing out things like quills and other rippy mechanics and also help with clear speed. Will having Avatar of Fire only make the explosions do 2.5% damage instead of 5% or will it do the full damage since it is the corpse doing the explosion and damage and not yourself? If it only does 2.5% damage i am not sure it would be worth the investment. Any thoughts? ![]() Thanks again. |
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"You're very welcome! I'm glad that the guide was helpful. (It's really nice not to "need" any items, isn't it.) You're changes sound great! The thing with PoE is that you can't do too much with one build. You're always going to be needing to choose between one thing or another. So just remember the choices you made so you know what to revert back to if things don't work out. In HC the choices can be a little more severe, but the best method to determine your choices is: the easier it is to survive, the better your choice. Sometimes choices seem great on paper but don't work great in game. - Oak suits our build nicely. - Armour and Life - Sounds good :) - Like signonthe said, Attack and Accuracy won't matter to this build except for the movement skill, but the Ignoring Movement Penalties is huge. I hope it works out! And thanks again for the kind words. :) https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"You're welcome :) "The less mana you have, the more you HAVE to have the right amount of mana regen. But yes, that's an excellent addition to the build. Buuuuut...they are also going to be adding an aura that increases Damage Over Time...so we'll have to wait to see if that's a 35% or 50% mana reservation node. All of a sudden we have too many skills that reserve mana to choose from. :) "The combo of both items I think would work really well. I would have to guess if the damage from exploding corpses counted as YOU dealing the damage or not. But I don't know if the 2.5 or 5% would be the big issue. I personally don't find Inpulsa's prefect enough for me to 6 link for this build. It has perks for sure but I wouldn't go out to buy this for this build. This build's current weakness is the time it takes for single target damage to stack. Clear speed is fine. So I think the gloves fit the bill perfectly. IF an Inpulsa dropped, it'd be worth playing with, but I wouldn't spend what the market wants for it. So, I'd agree with you. I don't think Inpulsa's would be worth the investment. The gloves are hard to resist though :) https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I believe Inpulsa is not affected by Avatar. It says %5 max HP as lightning damage. So, our lightning damage base is not included or its not added to our lightning base damage. "50% lightning damage converted to fire damage" is our lightning damage on our character window which dead mob %5 max HP never included. Inpusla just mentioning damage type. However, if mob has high lightning resist then damage will be lower than %5 max HP.
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" Thanks again Wrecker. " Thanks so much Signonthe! I was always a little confused about that mechanic. I googled around the internet, Reddit, and these forums for quite a bit and could never get the clear answer you shared. Really appreciate it. Does exploding corpses remove Corrupted Blood like it does quill projectiles and the proximity bomb like things or will I need to get immunity on a Jewel? There is nothing I hate more than dying to something I can't see on the ground through all the effects. |
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" HP degeneration is always enemy of HP regeneration. I'm not sure exploding corpse removes it. If it was removed that easily it would not be part of game. However, CI with a shield (something named "Apep's". not remembering full name atm) can trade "Corrupted Blood" with poision and immune to Corrupted Blood. Base enemy of RF builds are Poision and Bleeding, mostly bleeding because less areas has poision. A bleeding removal HP/Mana potion is always good to have as RF (I carry 2 HP with bleed removal). And it removes Corrupted Blood too and you are immune Corrupted Blood during flask effect too. An example; you can use 2 HP potions one with bleeding removal and immunity during flask effect. One could give you good amount of HP in short time like 2-3 secs. However, other one could have longer healing time like 7-10 secs (It doesnt matter how much HP it heals). Point is, second potion will keep you immune to bleeding during its effects like 10 secs. Similar methods can be used for other heavy negative effect areas too. But beware to not spam potions like crazy. |
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Hi, brand new to POE; this is my first "season". Felt like I was drinking from a fire hose wrt information. I stumbled on your build and thought it would make a great first time player build. I have nothing to compare it against, but I am enjoying the build. Made plenty of mistakes along the way but I think I'm getting on track with the true intent of your build. However, one issue I'm having and was hoping you might nudge me in the right direction. I cannot beat the 4th (eternal) labyrinth. Izaro absolutely owns me (first trial). Is this a common issue with this build? I suspect not, which is what brings me here hoping you might nudge a noob like me in the right direction. Thanks again for taking the time to develop your build and make it available. I really appreciate it and it has made a totally new player like me really enjoy the game. Looking forward to next season, but I sure would like to get 4th ascendancy before the end of this season! Thanks!
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"Hey! Thanks for such a great post! I'm glad you've found a helpful post too! This is a crazy game to come into "green", so don't be discouraged in anyway! You can put in 1000s of hours into this game and still keep learning mechanics that you never knew about. If you have any questions about anything, please ask. I'm glad you're enjoying the build. RF is a tricky skill to start playing PoE with. You're doing great by getting to the fourth ascendancy! Izaro is can be really easy or really hard. Like everything else in this game, it depends on a billion factors. I'll take a look at your character detail and give you some specific feedback. GGG by default makes characters on PC private for each account. So if you go into your privacy settings on this website and allow your characters to be public, I'll be able to take a look at your details (if you're willing). Thanks again for the supportive words. I'm glad it's as helpful as I hoped. I'll improve this guide lots for 3.6 once the dramatic changes to 3.6 are posted. If you make your characters public, let me know. Also, if there is something you wish the guide provided you, let me know too. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Feb 27, 2019, 9:46:14 PM
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Hey Everyone! This is a really good interview with one of the co-founders of PoE about 3.6...for those that are excited about the coming expansion.
The coming Manifesto and Patch Notes (tomorrow and the day after) will make the next couple days busy for me. I'm expecting that Path of Building won't be updated immediately so I'll be trying to choose the best compliments for RF based on the two articles mentioned. Since GGG mentioned that they are adding a DoT improvement Aura, the 3.6 ideas I was playing with may be out the window too. So we'll see what happens. The core concept of the build won't change though. It doesn't seem like Chieftain will be touched at all and that's the most important part of our "sustaining RF without gear" concept. Anyway, just FYI. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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