Righteous Fire/BV! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxing Play|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
"Great question. I'm still playing around with the fine-tuning stuff...and of course, everything could change this coming week with announcements, but there is an extra gem slot for a low level Clarity. If you put a Clarity at level 10, you'll have enough mana to sustain Incinerate. I haven't done that though. In my exploring I crafted extra mana and/or mana regen on my gear. But if the gems stay the same, adding a level 10 Clarity will give you everything you need for a 6 link if you have ANY type of mana mod on your gear. You'll only need a small portion of either increased mana or mana regen and you'll be set for sure. Good question :) But if you didn't want to use Clarity, you'll only need a couple mana regen mods on your gear and some extra maximum mana mods. Not many, nor do they need to be the best. Does that answer your question? https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Well, EVERY spell in the game is getting balanced for 3.6. The only reason BV was added to this RF build was for great single target damage with very little damage nodes selected on the tree. So obviously I'm not sure if BV will go up or down in damage, but if a skill that doesn't require to be "charged up" to do full damage gets on par with the current BV (and preferably is AoE), then we'll have no more BV :-).
EVERY SPELL. That's nuts. They must have big plans for 4.0 in 2020. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Really amazing guide!
The explanation for every choice is sorely missing from so many guides but not here. I feel like i understand everything about the build after reading it. And the quest list + gem acquisition reference is just A+ And even including a customized loot filter is just the 30% quality on a guide so to speak. Makes our life so much easier so big thanks for that. I wanted to ask why not use the standard CWDT-Immortal Call then I realized that it consumes endurance charges so thats off the table with RF. :D Regarding the plans for 3.6: I plan on starting out with your build, it really convinced me. I am not quite sold on the Cast While Channeling so I may not do that. I do like the blasphemy setup and Culling Strike though, i may just move the Enfeeble to CWDT though. I have been liking that setup on other builds. And then use the saved gem slots for faster attacks/casting (based on the movement skill of choice). There are also some other moving stuff about that I am thinking (like selfcasting Stone Golem from an Unset Ring and adding something else to CWDT like Cold Snap maybe). But I will just have to test those ideas out and see if it works. One question though: Is there a merit to using Vaal versions for BV RF and Clarity? One other thing: Any possibility of the new 3.6 support gems being good (I am not even sure if unleash even works with channeling)? And spell focus may mage BV far too small. What is your opinion? So once again thanks for the amazing guide, and will definitely need to check out your POB for base item types because I can't even make up my mind over claw vs dagger vs wand. Or the base armor types (though that may just be STR and no other choice as ES seems pretty bad with RF and evasion seems sketchy for coloring). |
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" Thanks so much for your detailed response! What you said make a lot of sense. Especially about find a way for the build to be fun for me. After reading your comment, I might give Concentrated Path a try since I have never used it, it looks fun, and I will be using Avatar of Fire. Guess I will need to slot in Additional Accuracy for it to hit and proc Fortify then right? Does the Culling Strike work for mobs standing on the concentrated ground it makes? Haven't played much with channeling skills besides Charged Dash. How is Flameblast? Any reason to use it over Incinerate? The 360 degree effect looks nice from the picture on the wiki, but having never used either skill not sure how they work. The more I think about this build the more I think it will be perfect for my play style. Getting excited for the new League and to try out this build. thanks again. |
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"Thanks for such kind words and the effort you took to letting me know :). "The Vaal version of ALL skills in the game is worthwhile. I just don't use the Vaal skills personally because I don't remember to. Too many buttons. Then I die trying to remember what button is what :). For people that can play with a bunch of active buttons, definitely get the Vaal version of every skill. Just keep in mind that Vaal skills can't be 20% quality'ed the easy way. "I'm really excited and nervous about the balancing. It'll make all skills on par which will be AWESOME but they haven't really hinted where that bar is. So will BV be weaker? Or will all skills come up to BV's level? So in regards to the support gems, I wish I knew. I don't see any impacting RF, but they may be implemented into BV (or BV's replacement). It just depends on the damage. BV is only in this build for single target damage...though it obviously helps the clear speed too. We'll have to see :(. I do think that the Malevolence aura may be a big help ("Malevolence is a new arcane themed aura that provides more damage over time, and a small bonus to skill effect duration.") It looks like it reserves 50% mana though...we'll see. It'll probably get re-balanced 100x within the first few weeks though. I'm always hesitant to use new gems cause they get changed so much right away. This league will be unique though. We'll see. "Thanks again for the great and kind post. I also am looking forward to seeing what this build turns into. Though, until the patch notes, your guess is as good as mine. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"The thing I hate about Consecrated Path is that if it doesn't hit, you don't move AND you take damage while you wait for the skill to hit. Because we don't have any accuracy nodes in the tree, Additional Accuracy is a life saver with Consecrated Path. Culling Strike only works on Hits. So the Culling will only take place on the initial AoE Hit after your jump. "Flameblast only does damage on the release of the channelling. And it'll only do great damage if you get the skill to max stacks before releasing. That wouldn't be hard to do, but it's not safe for me. I would be too focused on staring at the Flameblast counter than my character and I'd die lots. With Incinerate, I'm always looking at my guy and am on top of all my local threats. Any Channelling skill works. Do what's most fun/natural. But DPS wise, everything changes in 2 weeks. "Thanks again for taking the time to write and complement. I'm glad you're excited. :) https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hey, I was wondering if you switch incinerate with Charged dash, would the clear speed be better?
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Thank you for build. Currently giving it a try. "Charged Dash" is awesome mobility and auto-debuff choice with other gems. I noticed, you can curve its path while holding/charging "Charged Dash" and its follow curved path which you cant port other side of a barrier/wall. Down side is; charging is slow too if you are debuffed with anything make you slow. My question is; how did you get 111 Dex to max BV? Without any gear we got 44 Dex from passives (aka PoB) and level 20 BV need 155 Dex. Obviously you got it from gear but we are talking about 111 Dex not 20-30 =). Last edited by signonthe#6518 on Feb 23, 2019, 7:26:47 PM
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"That's a good suggestion. You'd lose DPS from the build as a whole, (losing Incinerate's damage) and you'd likely not really use any other movement skill either (Consecrated Path)...which means likely be losing Fortify as well, but though that sounds bad on paper, you'd be constantly in a position of channelling and escaping. The other downside is that the movement speed of the skill is dependant on your movement speed, so if you're slow, so is your channelling and escaping. I think you'd have better clear speed for sure. And likely survivability. You'd just have to see if bosses die fast enough to your satisfaction. It's an idea I've been throwing around for 3.6 as well. Good question! Let me know what you think if you do it. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Feb 23, 2019, 8:41:46 PM
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"I'm glad you like Charged Dash. I love the skill myself. The extra required Dex sucks. Not much I could do about it though. I wanted a physical spell (for the Ngamahu Ascendancy Node). At the beginning of 3.5, there were very few physical damage spells that could do good damage without much investment. I'll get back to this is a sec. So I have most of my Dex in an amulet. The nice thing about this build only focusing on Cold and Lightning Resists, is that it gives you space to craft some Dex on gear that has a free Suffix spot. So I've done that (Dex rolls easily on gloves) on my gear. Sorry I can't link it. I have the character on console. I suggest grabbing the +30 Dex nodes you pass on the tree until you have an amulet that has high Dex. I'm really hoping the spell balancing in 3.6 will give us some different options other than BV. But we'll see. The Chieftain Ascendancy hasn't received any love from GGG since they started changing Ascendancy nodes. So unless I wanted to go totems, I had to go the Ngamahu route. So maybe GGG will add another branch to the Chieftain while leaving Tawhoa and Ramako alone. Good question! Hopefully in 3.6 we won't need 111 extra Dex. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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