Righteous Fire/BV! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxing Play|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]

poppinveinz wrote:
steiljeds wrote:
By the way, what do you mean that using BV can have negative effects with RF and EE. Can you clarify this for me? We are using BV to proc crits so EE can trigger right? I am sorry I haven't fully understand this one.

EE is Elemental Equilibrium, which in some RF builds can be utilized to increase the RF damage, by having something hit the enemy for anything other than fire damage.

Elemental Equilibrium makes it so that hitting an enemy with a fire spell for example will boost their fire resist by 25% and lower their other resists by 50%. But since we are using Avatar of Fire all of our damage is fire which means that we are only getting the negative effect from it.

I think you are thinking of EO or Elemental Overload.

The one that gives a 40% boost to elemental damage for 8 seconds whenever you crit. It's also basically 90% of our single target damage, without it boss kills take AGEEEES.

Holy*** you're right. I mistook EE for EO. My Bad. Thanks!
steiljeds wrote:
Holy*** you're right. I mistook EE for EO. My Bad. Thanks!

Haha it happens, I've been looking at your PoB and taking bits and pieces here and there to improve my own build :)

I will be using this build, first time playing this game also.
poppinveinz wrote:
...this is a video to showcase the general playstyle...Thank you for another fantastic build guide :) Looking forward to more in the future!
Hey poppinveinz,

You're very welcome! And sweet video :). I like seeing how people go about the game with my builds. Thanks!

(PS - RF can be sustained without any items. Obviously increasing Max Fire Resist is a beneficial help, but it's not required. Once I'm finished using up the maps from 3.4 that aren't "allowed" in the Map Stash Tab, I'll be back at attacking the Atlas. Once I find a Racecourse, I'll post a Video of the build in action with my mediocre rares.)

I appreciate your posts! Thanks for all the effort you're putting in!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Jan 3, 2019, 12:37:05 PM
battleboibasty wrote:
Small update from me, I played almost all kinds of content and invested some time and currency in my build. It's still pretty fun to play, enter a map, cast RF and BV, charge into enemies and kill them fast and easy. I had no problems killing Atziri, yellow Elder and uber lab is also no problem.
For me kind of frustrating are boss fights. The charging of BV and close combat with bosses got me killed many times, especially in the t16 maps. But I think it's also a problem of my play style and not being patient enough.
I mean it's still lots of fun but I can't see me beating the end game with this build without investing some more exaults...

To get an idea of my build I will post my PoB, probably anyone got some feedback on how I can improve my equipment and hopefully I can help you orientating on what to buy/craft :)

Hey battleboibasty,

Thanks for the post. Sorry you don't see it going farther. Your gear and setup look great! BV/RF requires some patience once hitting the Red maps. Not every boss can be Face Tanked...even with 2 Kaom's Way. I'm not saying you're not patient though. That's more a comment for everyone else to consider. One thing to consider, is even though some good damage mitigation comes from our movement skill, only apply it when it's safe. I had to make this adjustment once I hit Red maps. I walk around the map until it's safe to get close to do some damage. When that time comes I use my movement skill to hit the boss and hold BV until I start moving around. I've found, that I accidentally ignore Enduring Cry and Scorching Ray. Even though they sound great on paper, I stay alive way longer focusing 99% on BV and using my movement skill to get around.

It sounds contradicting, but it's working for me.

Thanks for the post!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
For anyone looking for a bit of a boost, I'm going to see what life is like using Sulphur Flasks instead of Life Flasks. Obviously feel free to try it out, but I'll post my thoughts once I get the opportunity to do for a while.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
steiljeds wrote:
Thanks for this guide. I was able to give this a try and results are pretty good so far. Feel free to check my build so you can also get some idea of the equips...I am seeking too some more tips to squeeze this out. I am looking at using Carcass Jack Varnished Coat which will surely hit my RF to 190K and 446K BV for a loss of some HP (back to 6.8K) and resistance (still capped anyway)...
Hey steiljeds,

Thanks for the post. You're welcome! I hope it's been fun to tinker with! Your gear looks too sexy to mess with ;). I just posted this to the reply above, maybe it'll help you squeeze what you want in the build...even though it seems contradicting:

"BV/RF requires some patience once hitting the Red maps. Not every boss can be Face Tanked...even with 2 Kaom's Way. I'm not saying you're not patient though. That's more a comment for everyone else to consider. One thing to consider, is even though some good damage mitigation comes from our movement skill, only apply it when it's safe. I had to make this adjustment once I hit Red maps. I walk around the map until it's safe to get close to do some damage. When that time comes I use my movement skill to hit the boss and hold BV until I start moving around. I've found, that I accidentally ignore Enduring Cry and Scorching Ray. Even though they sound great on paper, I stay alive way longer focusing 99% on BV and using my movement skill to get around.

It sounds contradicting, but it's working for me."

Just like the previous person, your gear is hard to improve! So let me know what you think.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
valemau wrote:

I will be using this build, first time playing this game also.
Hey valemau,

Welcome to the world of Path of Exile! I hope you love the game!

If you have any questions, let us know. We're happy to help. Though my guide is geared towards new players, there's a lot of information it won't have on it. So pay attention to the Help section GGG provides in the game. There's lots of good info there.

RF is a tricky skill to start the game off with :)...but it's one of my favourites for sure!

Thanks for the message and if you need anything let us know.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Can you use the increased Duration support on Blade vortex to keep them active longer without significant loss to the build. only wondering as I would like to to be able to zoom through more areas without the need to stop as much and reapply. Its not a huge problem but im still early in the build and im curious about this. Sorry if this has already been asked.
Borrilo wrote:
Can you use the increased Duration support on Blade vortex to keep them active longer without significant loss to the build. only wondering as I would like to to be able to zoom through more areas without the need to stop as much and reapply. Its not a huge problem but im still early in the build and im curious about this. Sorry if this has already been asked.
You bet you can add Increase Duration. It actually wouldn't change the build at all. All it would do is decrease the damage of Blade Vortex. so it would simply be a matter of personal preference for you which support gem is more valuable. Good question.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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