Righteous Fire/BV! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxing Play|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
hmm a staff, could try that, ill loose the +4 or +5 Max resist but with this build i can handle it, im going to try both setups and Will get back with results.
im on vacation atm so im just theory crafting, im only lvl 45 or something atm. im using Chain Lightning so far in a 4link. /Sinn |
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Biggest problem i have with this build is with incursions. There isn't enough time to ramp up BV en cause a lot of spike damage. How do you deal with it?
I do like this build and feels very tanky. So good job on building this one. I also have another question and that is do you use vaal skills? |
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I struggled with incursions too.. What helped me was ramping up bv before entering the incursion, the blades wont be reseted as u enter. Also a big help are the vaal skills. You can charge them while killing mops im the map and then cast them in the incursion.
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"Hey Klaptafeltje, Because of the limitations I cater to when making builds for myself, one thing my builds will never naturally have is really fast movement speed. So when you add that with a skill that needs to be "charged up" it makes the timed parts of the game the weak part of the build. Personally, that doesn't bother me. I never like Incursion. I have always hated timed aspects in games, I like playing at my own pace (sometimes rushing, sometimes slow). I also prefer the expansions in this game that just throw enemies at me without needing to go to a new area. So I love things like Abyss and Breach. Buuuuut for those that aren't like me, battleboibasty has the best solution as far as I can see (don't forget the Quicksilver flasks too). Some builds require "being prepared" for specific encounters. So in our case, getting your Vaal skills ready (or saving them) for Incursions is a good suggestion. Regarding Vaal skills, Vaal RF and BV are both very powerful and there is no reason to not use them. The only reason I don't use them, is because of my medical limitations. If I have too many buttons to consider my brain just starts slowing down too much. Good Questions! Thanks! "Hey battleboibasty, Great suggestions! I do appreciate that GGG didn't add a loading screen to the Incursions in part for builds like this one that need some charge up time. Thanks for the great advice :). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 31, 2018, 3:45:55 AM
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Hey guys. So now I'm level 85 and finally found my final Trial, so fully ascended (uber Izaro was rather easy, by the way, but I didn't buff him). I feel ready to go into red maps (once they drop!). Atziri was easy, other than my own incompetence!
Here's my SSF gear, in case people would like some reference:
Nothing too amazing other than the lucky 5L Belly. Note the weapon master mod: it's pretty nifty for clearing! A question regarding uniques: the lootfilter highlights two bases for chancing Balefire and Rise of the Phoenix. I can see RotP's usefulness, of course, but is Balefire really that strong? The life recover on kill is nice for clearing, not so much for bosses - so is the 25 Scorching Ray really that powerful to offset the lack of spell damage on the sceptre itself? Thanks again! |
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"Looking good! Good post! Nothing like a sweet Belly... Nah, the Scorching Ray part of the build is the most expendable. Having Balefire increases the SR damage substantially (not primary skill damage though) but if you SR only for the fire debuff (or you forget about it completely like I do), there are many other weapons you can use instead that, like you said, can buff BV spell damage instead. Good post. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 31, 2018, 3:46:09 AM
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Gave this build a shot on HC Betrayal and it didn't pan out. Once I hit around act 10 onwards, syndicate encounters became very sketchy and inevitably succumbed to one such encounter just barely getting into maps. Blade Vortex just seems to very clunky to use, but my biggest frustration is meeting the intelligence and dexterity requirements. I felt I had to craft a bunch of int and dex on my gear rather than other useful mods. Intelligence became less of a headache when I started going into the Witch nodes toward the end, but dex was killing me.
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"Hey Multiplicity, Sorry the build didn't work out for you. I'm not a fan of HC so I don't design my builds with HC in mind. You're right though, this build is Dex starved for sure. I equip the first Jade Amulet I see and keep updating it with as the game goes along until I get an Amulet that has all the Attributes I need. I'll also take the two +30 and one +20 Dex nodes that are close to our starting point early on so I can level BV without hesitation. I of course respec those points once the right gear has dropped. One thing that would work really well for HC is taking the BV links, and adding Spell Totem and Multiple Totems to it. It'd give you BV's great damage from a distance :). The Multiple Totems also casts the totems pretty close together so you'll have 2+ BV skills hitting the same enemy for even more damage. It's just an idea to attempt without having to dramatically change anything (unless you want to). I appreciate the feedback. If you try the build again, let me know how it goes. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 31, 2018, 3:46:23 AM
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Hi op, was wondering if you could take a look at my current set up. Currently lvl 62, can sustain RF while moving and popping flasks when get lower via magic mobs etc. I do seem to struggle against bosses, having to do over 10 takes using both BS and RV or combination of 2, also despite having mana regen ring I still cap almost all of my mana in order to sustain RF without it draining life when moving. BS works good though especially with endurance charges, just not against bosses. I do have two Kaom's rings that I would like to put on and yet I can't as if I try to swap gear out I get stuck with 100+ dex requirment for gems. I noticed that you mentioned that it's a good choice to get early dex and int nodes and I will try that later on to see if that helps. I got really lucky with that onyx amulet so that helped out with stats as far as I know. I'm also worried that perhaps the damage from bosses if coming through because of lackluster in elemental resistances. Any feedback or suggestion will be appreciated.
P.S. all uniques are from other characters from SSF, I might swap to 6 link Carsass Jack in the future that I currently have on another char. Last edited by Kastet2012#6226 on Dec 29, 2018, 5:37:40 PM
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"Hey Kastet2012, I appreciate your humility and of course am happy to help. If you don't mind, I'll respond in the thread instead of privately to remind others of a few things as well. You're following the tree really well! You've done everything you need to do to sustain RF without Gear except for one thing: Get the Ramako ascendancy node. It gives you the rest of the Fire Resist that Purity of Fire can't reach along with bonus life regen. That one is a must. Once you get it, with your current setup, you wouldn't need Charges to sustain RF. After that, the only thing to remember is getting your Cold and Lightning Resists up to 75%. I'd do your best to try and cap your resists (remember, you can ignore fire resist (you get all you need from Purity of Fire and Ramako)) with your weapon, helmet, chest, gloves, boots, amulet, and belt. Normally, in any other build I'd say your rings are for resists, but with this build, three really obvious uniques that people go for are the Rise of the Phoenix shield, and two Kaom's Rings (either version). So if you came upon any of these (you have one now), you could incorporate it if you wanted. But that's honestly it. You're just short on Resists. (And just make sure you get the Ramako ascendancy node to cap Fire Resist.) Everything else looks fantastic. Let me know if you have any other questions and thanks for a great post. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 31, 2018, 3:46:32 AM
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