Introducing the Armoury Extension on Twitch
well this is amazing news :D
" Pretending that monosyllabic backfire was a request for elaboration, as opposed to mindless fanboy grunting... This "feature" now means that streamers can make it so that only their sycophantic and profitable minions can see build details. That behavior harms third party resources like the builds section of poe-ninja since presumably that site can't scrape builds that are private. GGG is literally making tools now to directly enable exploitative harmful behaviors. Now we know why the RMT and bot enabling scamfest known as trade hasn't seen and will likely never see anything like meaningful reform. Because it's working exactly as intended. Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Still "An error occurred:
Make sure your Twitch account is linked to your Path of Exile account here." Any fix yet? I stream on :o
I still have the issue too :(
Still having the issue as well.
Extension is currently slightly broken, displaying wrong portraits for classes.
doesnt work for me anymore
It doesn't work for me also :(
Extension not working for me either.