Introducing the Armoury Extension on Twitch
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OMG really? Who the fuck even waste time watching streamers? Looks like GGG would rather focus on something no one wants... Than deliver on promises.
As an avid viewer of numerous PoE streamers, this'll be super helpful! There was an extension that was supposed to do this at some point in the past, but it was always super buggy (at least for me). Here's hoping! ^^
Don't watch streamers, but GGG is very forward thinking in how the support the streamers and in turn the growth of the game. Keep up the good work!
Something we didnt know we needed/wanted until you made it lol. 10/10
"but i tell u its just fo' try, fo' peep n' fo' know"
how neat is that!
"This extension allows you to view the items that your favourite streamer is using without missing a moment of the action."
You dnt need to see ur fav streamer whats using for that ocasion etc, if you like the game its cos u tested out urself. Dnt follow others if you aint selfsufficient urself. Apart that, when they shows up their equipment in live they normally fake lots of times (the original one its for exploits but normally ppl dnt like the true xD). Just do ur way which gonnna be alot better with noticeable results than the streamers/"pro" players (they die more than a a real player which knows the axiom of that item or build or even playable map/area mission scene) around there. @execreth - @eledhyr - @arthasspaw - @edherisctf - @douchebagontheway_hd
@the_pest - @ioneshotbosses_eightkai |