Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]

triniparty wrote:
Diseasedmeat wrote:
got another question, got some gear all set up with the right links and sockets and got the gems etc, so holy relic , molten shield, and stone elemental, are on auto cast, from the def gem. was alittle freaked out on why it wouldnt let me cast it. but i cant get charged dash to work, i meet all the requirements, just keep saying skill cant be used. am i doing the skill wrong?
Most of the time people can't use Charged Dash is because they have a Wand equipped. Melee Attacks can be used by anything except Wands and Bows. If that's not the issue, let me know. If it is the issue, don't worry about it at all. I do it every league...and I make the guide ;).

yep it was the wand,so i spent some time and got all the link and sockets right on all the beginning end game gear, i was getting worried, cuz outside summoning i dont really have a skill, before i was using arc and raging spirit to help with dps. i have a 6 link tabula, and trying to 6 link this nice chest i bought for 20 c. once i got used to this build and have faith in the minions, this build rocks, i just walk and skellys and zombies just smash everything, im getting used to the charged dash but im also lucky and have a socket ring and can use my flame dash also. only thing i have noticed so far is im little squishy but i also know thats my heath and some resis issue. but loving just walking and letting minions crush things.
Hi, just some little updates. With enfeeble and minion life back, I managed to kill guardians, red elder and shaper almost deathless. the only issue is the minotaur, but for the rest is really easy. now I have almost completed all the atlas, I need just 7 unique maps and that's all. next step uber atziri and uber elder. thanks for the help!
Ailean wrote:
Hi, just some little updates. With enfeeble and minion life back, I managed to kill guardians, red elder and shaper almost deathless. the only issue is the minotaur, but for the rest is really easy. now I have almost completed all the atlas, I need just 7 unique maps and that's all. next step uber atziri and uber elder. thanks for the help!

I really like what you did with the build. I just straight copied your skill tree and flask setup for the most part. Still keeping my united in dream but my zombies feel way beefier already. Going to try the fights I already did up to Shaper again and see how it goes. I am up to Shaper but still a bit nervous as ive never done the fight. Will report back in later!

Also I blew some more chaos because this build has made me rich from delving. Vaal skeleton 20, a minion life 23% corrupt for my zombies, some other upgrades to gems as well and a new abyss on my belt to make up for the missing life from the right tree. I can still completely redo my amulet, rings and my boots/gloves if I wanted to min-max the heck out of this build and get it in shape for boss killing, so we'll see how it goes.
Last edited by Ramus#5300 on Jan 3, 2019, 2:40:56 PM
Magna Eclipsis is very good, with a "safe" gameplay it has a very great interest. Thanks for the idea
Ramus wrote:
I love how its evolving! Everytime I think I hit a wall I seem to find new options to make the build even better. Now I think a few incremental upgrades to my rares (max out life rolls, etc) and I may downgrade chaos resist a bit to get better rolls, but only because I am honestly done with syndicate for the moment. I'll give it another go in lower tiers maybe, but for now having it stuck on lab has improved the enjoyment of my game 999%.

Also, as I have said previously. This thing is a delve BEAST. I've made over 400c delving in the last two days with this build. Charge is pefect for delve and the way our zombies clean up behind us works perfectly with the darkness mechanic. At this point if I wanted to pick an end game build I could probably buy into any of them, but I just have too much fun with this build.

Here's the t16 if you want to check it out! (And proof for others that this build can no-death solo guardians.)
Thanks for the compliments! That's a sweet video (nice cats!)! You even survived a long session of clouds. Great job! Thanks for the video! It's nice to find something that works naturally with a playstyle. I'm glad you found it. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Ailean wrote:
...i will think to use again the minion life support gem. I'm just concerned about the utility of 40000 life on zombies. Ok, for sure they will die even less, the explosion of mon' Tre grasp is even bigger, but besides that it won't help me in any way with bosses. During the guardians I never lost a single zombie. that's why I thought about hypothermia in first place. With enfeeble back, I can drop it for another gem, i can choose between 3 I think:
-minion life

with the drop of vulnerability I think maim is the best option, but maybe ruthless will give me more damage in longer fights, that are my weakness now. what do you think? obviously if no-one of this solutions is good, I will just put back minion life and that's all. THANKS!
If you find your zombies aren't dying, and that damage isn't an issue, I see that you put in Item Rarity, Sweet! I hope you notice a difference! Hypothermia is totally great if you're always around your Zombies (which you are), Maim is awesome cause it slows enemy movement speed too.

If your Zombies aren't dying, Hypo, Maim, and Ruth are all great options with their own pros and cons. There isn't really a wrong choice there.

Thanks for the message! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Ruamzutzla wrote:

really nice build. I've started with 3.5 first time really playing "not casual", so first time looking at builds and only playing hc.

Is anyone doing this build in HC, i started with a Spectre Summoner and it was pretty neat but i did some beginner mistakes :D, anyway i got so many nice minion items in my stash and i want a minion build besides my CA Ranger in HC.

Best Regards Exile!

Hey Ruamzutzla,

Thanks for the message and for considering the build. I don't design my builds for HC, so make whatever changes you find necessary. Fortunately, you have 40 pages of replies to filter through to see what HC players have done with this build...unfortunately you have 40 pages of replies to filter through to see what HC players have done with this build. ;)

Good luck! Let us know how it goes! (Ask whatever questions you like of course. Lots of us are happy to help.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Viscar wrote:
If you watch my video's you'll notice I got my Syndicate setup stuck on Laboratory as well and I leave it the heck alone. I refuse to do that content at the moment with this build. I was watching the recent race though they had this past weekend for the game. It was funny because without any "extra" difficulty settings 90%+ of the players died this time around which typically doesn't happen. A lot was to syndicate crap. The funny thing was that the build which could handle it were all lightning spire/storm brand builds and the winners (top 10 even) were all that build. Since they were racing to 85 (and broke the record at 7 hours total to reach that level) they were doing syndicate because the huge chunks of EXPs it gives later in the game. They at least reward the difficulty involved with lots of exp. Problem is that most people die and lose whatever exp that could have been made off it usually.
It does suck that the Syndicate encounters are substantially more difficult than map bosses. I brought up your POB again and if I may, I have two suggestions specifically considering the Syndicate:

- Up your Chaos Resist. I know the guide casually encourages Chaos resistance, but the Syndicate encounters deal lots of Physical and Chaos damage. Once I increased my Chaos Resists, the fights got WAY easier. Again, I die on occasion, but it lets me get excited for their encounters instead of wanting to avoid them.

- (Don't forget to overcap your resists.)

- SRS - It took FOREVER for me to find all the trials to do Uber Lab. But once you can, do it. Cause having your fourth set of points will really help. I'm not sure if you're planning on keeping SRS after your uber lab (I don't remember what you previously said)...but in case you are: SRS doesn't really agro enemies the way that skeletons and zombies do. The more minions there are on the field that attract the attention of the enemy, the greater your chance at distracting the enemy from hitting you. In your POB, I currently show SRS doing 7200DPS each. So 7200*20=144'000 (if they are all out). With the 1 handed version of this build (so skeletons in a 4 link), skeletons each do 46000DPS. 46000*11 (base amount with Bone Sculptor) = 506'000.

Anyway, a few things to consider for the short term.

I agree though, even though I'm not having the same degree of difficulty with the Syndicate, I think they're dumb. Unveiling is neat, but it's pretty stupid that their map encounters are the hardest content in the game. Once it's a part of the core game (I bet it will be, based on the types of crafting it unlocks), I hope it'll have been tweaked as dramatically as Bestiary was for the core game.

Thanks again for posting. I appreciate it. And good luck! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Ramus wrote:
...for bosses I am noticing minion life plays a much bigger role and mana reservation is an issue not being able to resummon. I'll probably figure something out for that soon.
The biggest change I made from 3.4 to 3.5 was the addition of skeletons. The primary reason for that was 100% so I could ignore my zombie count mid-combat...even if it reached 0. With the 1 handed version of the build, and only the base amount of skeletons, Summon Skeleton deals 500k dps. I found in previous leagues that focusing on my quantity in the top corner of the screen (whether it was SRS, skeletons, zombies...) just got me killed. So now the build just has visual cues, like the Fortify Star and EE hue...anyway...

You clearly have a good handle on things, the only reason for my reply is to remind that your zombies don't HAVE to be alive to live.

And thanks again for the compliments :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Rodneyking wrote:
Has anyone played around with dual wield? I have seen others use Unseen/Severed Cutlass and also has anyone tried taking necromantic aegis?
Great Idea! Using a Bound Fossil on a Staff can get up to 130% Increased Minion Damage, while a Sceptre can get 80%. And 80%*2=more than 130% ;). I like it.

I haven't used NA, so someone else take that. (There are tons of great options though!)

Good questions! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Jan 3, 2019, 5:39:20 PM

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