Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
"Very good points! The 9 minion nodes in a circle on the far West of the tree are 99% offensive so you could use those points to travel to more health South of Devotion. And there's the two health nodes we skip on the far East near Written in Blood. Good thinking. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 22, 2018, 1:42:12 PM
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" I definitely think that part of the issue is the movement skill. While I like the skill, I find myself not using it as much in the higher maps because if I charge into a large group I may get insta-gibbed. Lately ive changed up how I use it to improve survival, which is usually by skirting around in a square around the enemies while my minions pick them off. I just changed up a few pieces of gear (Check out my armor/gloves/boots now!) to get me over negative chaos resist (to help against 1 hit syndicates) and increased my movement speed to 30% as well to help. I also got more resist on my shoes and gloves so that I can change out my staff for something else as well if I find a good 5l or 6l. I'm leaving the amulet for now, but I may end up changing that to be flat out defense for the higher maps and switch it out for the unique on lower maps for more damage/zombies. Not knocking the build at all, I assume a lot of it is me and my play style so I am just brainstorming changes that can help me (and maybe others who play more like me). :) Edit: Just blew through a t9 map pretty fast with the updated setup. A few of the physical hits are still taking over 50% my hp but im feeling a lot better so far with the extra hp and an instant-flask on standby. Last edited by Ramus#5300 on Dec 22, 2018, 3:03:23 PM
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" Been playing it all morning with enough reduction nodes to hit 18% Mana Reserved Reduction. About the only thing I can't do is summon more then 3-4 Skeletons(don't have the Ascendancy 2 Skeleton summon at a time) or to stutter step Charged Dash with out running out of mana though with the Quick Recovery node in the tree it regen is pretty fast so it's not down for long heh. Pretty much just CD around into packs to get our zombies to smack stuff. Vaal Skeletons on Bosses summon the occasional Skele for longer lasting fights or just hold the CD to proc any life on hit you have. Another thing I've noticed is physical damage really hurts. Thinking of grabbing an Armor Flask or a -Phys damage Flask and swapping a health flask for it. Life on Hit really seems to help survive-ability a lot with charged dash since each time it pulses, every enemy hit returns health and with the faster attacks/casting form the minion nodes counting towards us, it can add up quickly. Just an idea for an extra stat or even enchant/craft if you have it! Edit: Forgot to mention, Hatred with the gem reaches to the edge of your screen, so you can Charged Dash through a bunch of stuff and your zombies will come in behind you and be buffed and shatter everything with their slams. Anything not instantly one shot is usually frozen thanks to running them with Ice Bite Support. Last edited by Guru1619#5671 on Dec 22, 2018, 3:59:01 PM
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Hi Triniparty,
Just checking in, and still loving it! Working towards Final ascendancy and mid level 83. Have 4 trials unlocked. I am at T5 maps because that's all that has dropped, but more are coming, not complaining at all. I have abandoned Minions now, they never die am I am the weakest link in this build so I will focus on my life for the next 5 levels. Also wanted to point out that as the chaos creeps in now especially incursion, those "broken" Atziri's flasks that everyone is giving away are awesome! +20% phys as extra chaos damage on a boss is appreciated :) I actually replaced my mana flask, because after I raise zombies, I don't need mana anymore, zombies just don't die. and I have enough reserve to raise them 1 at a time if needed. and skeletons... LOL that's a FREE spell! ROFL Really enjoying myself, thanks again! I feel like a Mom out there, as long as I keep these kids happy, they take GREAT care of me! I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me. That is some cold blooded shit to say... Last edited by GrunkleBob#2230 on Dec 22, 2018, 7:56:36 PM
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Is there any room for an empower gem in the 6l zombie setup?
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Rarity: Rare
Oblivion Braid Undying Flesh Talisman -------- Requirements: Level: 36 -------- Item Level: 73 -------- Talisman Tier: 1 -------- +1 to maximum number of Zombies -------- Adds 11 to 21 Fire Damage to Attacks Adds 11 to 24 Cold Damage to Attacks 12% increased Cast Speed +25% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier 8% increased Armour +23% to Lightning Resistance -------- 'Sleep when you are weary,' our mothers told us. 'Sleep when you are dead,' our fathers told us. To the First Ones, the slumbering and the corpse are one and the same. - The Wolven King -------- Corrupted Just found this in a safe house, sorry, still cant link items I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say... |
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" This is where I was... physical damage was just too much. I don't know if something is different this league or what. But I needed to make changes. The good news is.. i'm awesome again, after some tweaks. Blowing through T10+ like nothing and at 120 delve now. Here's the key things I changed after T10+ that I was missing to get me feeling safe again. Warning this might be a bit long. Golem: Swap the Stone Golem for a Chaos Golem, any physical damage reduction we can find is going to be a big help. Skill Gems Quality: Maybe I didn't pay attention enough to the guide, but it doesn't make clear what gems are worth 20% on. I found out a majority of the minion gems have additional minion bonuses for %. If you are late game, getting GCP isn't that big of a deal, or buying gems maxed out for a few C. Check all of your gems on wiki to see what increasing them gives you. Chaos Resistance: If you are playing syndicate often, then get your chaos resist to at least not negative. I've noticed that since going from -18 to +5 chaos I am getting murdeed less by syndicate weapons and the chaos damage members. I don't know if this is worth maxing out and this can start costing C as well so put this as a secondary. Skill Tree: Don't be afraid to spend those orbs of regret. Take out any minion health nodes you can find that do not trigger a major skill. I found 3 from the west side of the skill tree that could be safely removed and put those directly into life/health. There's also another jewel on the west side for 2 skill points that may be a big benefit if you have a decent jewel to slot. Ascend: Do your labs as soon as they become available. And rush to find the 4th lab while mapping because the last two skills are pretty huge for survival. Either you can take Commander of Darkness, to give your minions full ele resist and 30% increased damage/3% attack speed. Or you can take Puppet Master which is 20% increased movement, 30% duration, 12% attack speed, and 30% minion damage when you use a minion skill. My personal choice: Puppet Master As nice as Commander of Darkness is, I have no issues with zombie survivability at all. The puppet master gains in damage, speed, etc are just too huge. This leads me into... Minion Damage: It's time to pile this on, I talk about some of this in Gears & Mods coming up, but any skills, mods, jewels, etc that can increase minion damage are going to be great. The less time enemies have to live, the more time you can spend not dying to massive physical damage. My zombies at this point are so powerful that anything dies before my charge ends. One problem I was having was that I was using my charge on groups of enemies and they weren't dying before I got hit by attacks, or let go of charge and ended up directly in the middle of the fight. Now that my zombies are insanely powerful with puppet master/mods, they just run through just about any group. Gear & Mods: So this is a pretty easy one. For the most part, the guide stands true. Pile on as much life as possible and overcap your resists if you have the chance. (Elemental weakness maps are a breeze with 120+ resists) +Life isnt enough, you should also aim for gear with +% to life. Your chest can hold a +1 zombie but I would highly suggest +%Life/Mana over that. Aim for 5k+ life or at least 5k+ with combined ES to survive nasty potential 1 hits. Armor is actually a benefit to us because we're trying to avoid physical damage, thankfully all of our pieces are STR/INT which gives us great chances to get high armor/ES pieces. I am trying to aim for 2000 armor with flask right now. In addition to this, your gloves, your staff and your helmet can all contain awesome minion mods. My gloves give +20% damage, my staff gives +28% life and damage, and my helm gives a whopping 40% damage and +1 zombie/skeleton. Minion mods in betrayal are INSANELY GOOD and easy to craft. Another big thing is MOVEMENT SPEED. Get yourself a 30% movement boot, your movement skill relies on it and being able to maneuver is a big part of this build. You don't have to focus on damage, so you can instead focus on positioning and charging into enemies properly to trigger EE/fortify/etc. And last don't forget about mana, you need at least enough mana to have both your auras on, and still be able to summon 1 zombie. (You can go without enough mana by disabling auras but if you lose a zombie in combat you wont be able to resummon it quickly.) Flasks: Get yourself a 25% reduced, instant recovery on low life, 66% increased armour during flask. (Panicked eternal life flask of iron skin) and put that in your 1 slot. This is your go to potion now while fighting. Spam it anytime you take damage and between that and fortify you are going to be able to take a lot of physical hits. The next 3 flasks I use are all recovery rate/bleed and a quick silver for speed. Maps: Honestly the only thing at all that has given me trouble is Reflect Physical. Reflect Elemental doesn't do enough damage back to my zombies to outdo their regen. Physical is a pain though, but it can be done if you are using your skeletons wisely and resummoning your zombies. Also temporal chains maps are a bit of a pain, because they signifcantly hamper your charge. But if you use a quicksilver flask and take your time you are fine. Aside from these I don't think any map mod poses a huge threat to us. Delve: Have fun, this build is such a breeze in delve (1-125). While traveling to your point, be careful and try to charge alongside your cart as best possible. The enemies do have pretty crazy physical damage at 100+ so let your zombies and skeletons take the lead if needed. Once you reach your node, spawn a vaal army, skeles and sit back and watch. (Or read twitter, as one user stated earlier) I really like this as a delve build so far and we'll see how it goes further down we go. Breach: RIP Breach, I wish they were still like the days of old before multiple nerfs. Because this build is just insane in a breach portal. Rip that thing open, summon a vaal pack and charge around like mad collecting shards and loot. Incursions: Actually be careful on these temple incursion maps, with map mods some of them can be come very dangerous because of the time limit and how we use charge. The temple itself is a breeze like any other map. Syndicate: I saved this for last because this is probably my least favorite part of the game right now. Syndicates just suck, in general. But for us, here's some tips. Large Forts: Generally ignore these, they are not worth the time killing 1000 exp-less mobs and chancing getting pummeled by 3 syndicates. The minions go crazy attacking everything in the area while the syndicates attack you, directly. Small Forts: These are actually fun, our minions literally mob the fort and nothing can move until it's dead. Lab: These aren't that hard, smaller area so you can minion mob anyone that attacks you. Intervention: These suck, for the most part. You either run if you don't get 1 hit, or you hope it's not a bad map mod/combination of syndicate/high ranks and take them out. Transport: Meh, some of these I do, some of these I avoid. Depends on the map. If you start out in front of the train (And its coming towards you) you can mob spam and usually crush it, but if you're following behind its hard to get a good attack going. Safehouses: Really easy stuff, just be careful on the safehouse that have chaos damage shooting you constantly. Mastermind: Very easy as long as you follow the right choreographed movements, watch a video on this fight before you go in. Minions make mince meat of the mastermind and its minions. Whew, this turned out to be long but I hope it helps some of you that are entering the end game this league! Last edited by Ramus#5300 on Dec 23, 2018, 11:07:26 AM
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" Wow, lot of good info in this. Agree with you on the gem quality because that can be really useful depending on the gem. As far as Syndicate goes, I don't mind doing the large forts as I Charged Dash the door down, then Charged dash into the fort and pop Vaal Skeletons in the middle and Charged Dash through the Totems and Syndicate members which generally keeps me alive since I stay moving the whole time. Not sure about using Chaos Golem over Stone Golem as that's a nice bit of health regen(Level 17 Stone golem out gives me around +100 Regen). Will see if I can add it to an empty slot I have and level it up to try out though! Agree with dropping some of the minion health nodes (early on at the least) as I've only managed to lose 1-2 zombies(out side of Labyrinth Traps, those really hate minions haha). Have invested more in boosting our Aura/Curse effects. Like the idea of adding another jewel slot or 2 if we have good ones to add laying around any ways. As far as Ascendancy goes, I think I'll go with Commander of Darkness because it also grants flat +20% elemental resistances, +30% Damage and 3% attacks speed to you and allies affected by at least one of your auras. Temporal chains procs it for ourselves and Hatred keep it up for our minions. The only downside to it is if our minions are out of range of Hatred. Which is where using the increased area of effect support gem can come in very handy. This is also a bit 'lazier' then going Puppet Master as you have to actively cast Skeletons to proc it's +30% damage (though range isn't affected by it so that's a + over the other). It also has +9%(+12% but commander has +3% so it's only a +9% difference really) since D more attack/cast speed, which one most stuff is being one shot doesn't seem like much use out side of bossing which then would be nice, especially if you take the minion leech nodes. I guess it would also affect our movement skill, but 9% seems kind of small/insignificant to em compared to a good movement speed Quick Silver Flask roll. The +30% Minion Duration could really prove nice for Vaal Skeletons on longer boss fights but if the boss fight has adds, it doesn't seem to take all that long to recharge. Been finding my self actually focusing more on killing adds during some bosses in order to recharge Vaal Skeletons instead of going directly for the boss since they hit the boss for a lot more then our zombies do and will even use convocation to get my zombies to group up on adds instead of the boss. The +20% Minion move speed would be nice but with a minions move speed gem in link, it feels it doesn't need that. So if you take puppet, that may free up a possible socket. Edit: Also getting that +20% resistances means you can possibly go for more +Life/Armor/Etc on gear instead of resists. So may be nicer early on for that. Basically if you wanna go lazy mode go auras/commander. If you want to be a little more proactive, go Skele's/Puppet. Been looking at changing from Evasion gear to Armour gear. Just haven't been any much of it with decent stats sadly. Forgot that Health flasks can roll an armor affix. May try that and drop a quick silver... or an immunity. I like my double Quick Silvers since I tend to full map/area clear hehe. Haven't started doing maps yet, just about half way through Act 9 and this is the farthest I've actually gotten in the game, ever. Everything else you mentioned is spot on far as I have experienced. So obviously really enjoying this league and the build! Last edited by Guru1619#5671 on Dec 23, 2018, 12:46:52 PM
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" Unfortunately commander does not work on this because its blasphemy spell. It will only affect your minions. See the guide entry on it here: - 4th Two Points - Commander of Darkness. The aura benefits of this build are only for Hatred. Curses turned into auras do not apply to these bonuses. Hatred will therefore be the only aura that affects our minions so they'll get 3% increased attack speed. The 30% increase in damage is only applied once, no matter how many auras your minions have benefiting them. The 20% to resists will also cap our zombies with 75% elemental resists, which is huge. Hatred doesn't apply to us because we linked it with Generosity. This node doesn't affect us at all, only our minions. |
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" Oh. Well darn. Hmm, might have a solution. Just not sure if it'd be worth while in order to add another aura or 2. Would have to sacrifice a good bit of the health% nodes to do it too. My idea would be to go for Mortal Conviction. There's also a couple of life nodes you can grab slightly branched off the path to it. May have to jump into PoB when I get a chance and see if it'd be do-able/worth while. Edit: After messing around in PoB it seems like it could be worth while if we could find another way to boost our health a bit. Will have to see what auras might work best. Last edited by Guru1619#5671 on Dec 23, 2018, 2:47:32 PM
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