Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
Hey Erendir,
"Ha ha. Thanks! "Correct on all accounts. There is no reason to level Charged Dash. I kept mine at level 1. "Yes. Level all four of those gems all the way up. :) Good questions! Let me know if you have any others! Thanks again. :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 14, 2018, 8:02:12 PM
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Any reason not to get necromantic aegis?
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First of all I just wanted to say thank you for a fantastic beginner friendly guide!
Reading all the “your first character won’t hit end-game, it’ll be bad” posts and having my first character be good makes me feel good :) I’m currently about a week into playing PoE (tried it once for an hour back in 2015 xD) and I’m absolutely loving it! This build is so simple but it works! I took some time in Act 6 to fully replace my gear and craft it a little better and aside from switching to a bone helmet at level 73, I’m currently level 74 and still using the same gear and managing to easily farm T12+ which is something that I thought was wayyyy out of my league. Another very important thing about this build is that it seems to work really well for players with high latency due to the fact that there isn’t very sudden movement and not so many inputs from the player himself that the server has to catch up so playing with predictive has given me no problems. I’m also building an Elebuzzsaw ranger and the high movement speed on it is absolutely wrecking my game at 200+ ping :D Keeps pulling me back when I move around with Whirling Blades with a very high attack speed. And lastly, could you maybe take a look at my necromancer build (character name Apocqt) and possibly give me a few pointers on how I could prepare better to tackle the Shaper and his guardians? I would really appreciate it! Any item syggestions that could help me out (expensive or not) would be great :) I’m capped at 75% all resintances but my overall defences are a little lacking so I end up using skeletons way more instead of mostly just dashing in with Chatged Dash. Once again thank you for a fantastic guide that not only details the build but also has beginner tips in sprinkled all over the place which overall helps in learning a very complicated game like PoE :) Wish you the best of luck EDIT: A tip for newer players like myself, do not underestimate the skeletons! Yesterday I managed to clear a T12 map with 0 deaths at level 73 only using skeletons and vaal skeletons for the boss fight. Was able to fairly easily cruise through the map without any zombies and curses at all! Definitely took a couple extra minutes due to the slow nature of the skeletons, but having the Bone Sculptor ascendancy trait is a huge help as you’ll constantly be spamming them due to their lower health. Do not underestimate your boney friends! :D Last edited by poppinveinz#7411 on Dec 15, 2018, 5:35:33 AM
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Hey rem0nster,
"The only reason to get NA is to share your shield stats with your minions...I know that's obvious, but keep in mind on a rare, there aren't many mods that will be worth the travel to NA on the tree. Not every mod is considered a bonus that will apply to your minions. So unless you're planning on committing to a specific shield, it's not worth it. There are a couple unique shields that can be really cool if you're going to commit. Also, there may be some really cool new mods that can be crafted with 3.5, but I haven't found them yet. Good question! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hey poppinveinz,
Only a week! Welcome! I'm glad you're playing! We hope you love it! "Thanks for the great compliments and good suggestions! I like what you had to say. I'm also glad it's working for you both in enjoyment and technically! Some builds that can clear content just aren't someone's style, so I'm glad this was a good match. You're T12 within a week...pretty sweet :). In regards to your specific character, I can't access them. If you unlock your character list in your privacy settings, then I'll be able to check it out via POE or POB. Only do it if you're comfortable though. Thanks again for such a great message. Let me know if you have anything else! (Ya, I'm pretty happy with the skeleton addition...though I miss what I used to have.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 15, 2018, 1:00:44 PM
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" Yes, sorry about that. Ive been stalking everyone’s characters through the forums that I didn’t even realize it was off by default haha. Thank you, again :) EDIT: I also had a little time earlier to switch my wep and shield, so I did that, especially since I was squishy as hell, and still am, but I’ll work on that haha One last question if you don’t mind, is there any way to get zombies to fight far away enemies? I often struggle to see things in boss fights so I try to keep my distance from the boss so I can see his mechanics and try to work around them, but if the boss is near the edges of the screen my zombies will just run back to me. Is there any way to work around this or is being closer the only option here? Last edited by poppinveinz#7411 on Dec 16, 2018, 5:30:27 AM
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I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I have found that the "Summon Phantasm on Minion Kill" support gem that you as a reward for Mercy Mission (lvl 4) is great for levelling.
Summon Phantasm on Minion Kill |
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There is no problem using Cyclone instead of Charged Dash ? Last edited by IamFrench#1836 on Dec 16, 2018, 8:46:21 AM
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Is it possible to change skeletons for spectres? What should I change on the tree, if gonna use Kitava's Heralds with 2h weapon?
Last edited by whaLeLe94#6745 on Dec 16, 2018, 1:34:37 PM
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Hey poppinveinz,
"Your progress looks awesome! Great job! You have a great implicit roll on your Bone Helmet too. So one thing you need to set your expectations for the end battles (guardians/shaper/elder) is that the battles have lots of sequences that have huge hitting spells/attacks. For the most part, if you get hit by these attacks/spells you'll die ("one-shot" hits). So a big part of these battles is simply getting used to how the battles function and where you need to be for each sequence. Not every hit/damage the bosses will deal are "instant kill" hits though. So be sure to have lots of health on your gear. Every piece of gear should have health on it. If you have 75+ health on all gear and almost all the health nodes I suggested on the tree, you'll have over 5000 health. That's actually not that much for endgame not having that much is pretty suicidal. So besides working towards gear as great as you already have, but with more health on them, you're set. Your weapon is great! I like the max rolls on the amulet too! But you are missing out on your own survivability...yet adding minion life and speed is awesome too. I'd have a hard time choosing between that myself. Your belt has to go though. It's an awesome belt for Energy shield characters, but that's not what we're set up in the tree for. You could easily cap your resists and increase your health with a nice rare belt which will also let you remove the lightning resist from your Bone Helmet and add health instead. You're doing great! Good job with your gear! "Nope. What we're doing is the only way to get zombies far away. They'll follow other minions that are hitting enemies, up to a certain point, but minions without a duration are designed to stay close, while minions with a duration tend to just go until their duration expires. It's just how GGG has made it. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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