Path of Exile is Coming to PS4

Kiro_TaintedFate wrote:
Ashriel wrote:

Imagine the quality of the game if, instead of hiring people to port for Xbox and PS4, they'd spent all their resources on the actual, real, intended release. The release you can play, control, type, and trade on without having an aneurysm (though still having an aneurysm from trade). Can you imagine? A PoE where AoE, CoC and density were never nerfed. A PoE where performance was actually handled by programmers who know how to design a modern game engine. A PoE where, in 2018, they weren't advertising a trailer like this using character models and animation from 2006.

But let's all praise them for this, instead, because of the "timing". All hail Tencent. All hail GGG, for using our supporter money to hire for things that don't matter: Two console teams that only serve to downgrade our experience... so let's have a party, and treat them like kings.

The game engine is outdated, game looks like shit, animation is trash, and they are doing ps4 version instead of any improvements. What a waste of resources. Useless announcement. Actually, both today and yestarday announcement are absolute joke.
Really I'm thinking of stopping supporting this guys.

Your supporter money has paid for 5 years of free content...
This "I bought some supporter packs so you should revolve around me" crap is getting old. You got your points & mtx's, on top of new content every 3 months, get over it.

They have successfully expanded their game to two additional platforms, With 100 million+ units sold between them. How is that in any way a waste of resources?

What you meant to say was, "Me, Me, Me, what about me!"

Coming from someone that can count on one hand the number of times I used a console since Ps1 was a thing.
Last edited by Chalace2#1463 on Nov 6, 2018, 1:06:29 AM
will there be couch co-op like can I play with my boyfriend with 1 ps4 console, like in diablo 3 ?
Captain_Moth wrote:
Will there be crossplay with PC?

I HOPE NOT, i hope its a whole new fresh start and with other PS4 players only...i was gonna buy a xbone just to play this on console but now i dont have to YUSS!!!!
Chalace2 wrote:
Kiro_TaintedFate wrote:
Ashriel wrote:

Imagine the quality of the game if, instead of hiring people to port for Xbox and PS4, they'd spent all their resources on the actual, real, intended release. The release you can play, control, type, and trade on without having an aneurysm (though still having an aneurysm from trade). Can you imagine? A PoE where AoE, CoC and density were never nerfed. A PoE where performance was actually handled by programmers who know how to design a modern game engine. A PoE where, in 2018, they weren't advertising a trailer like this using character models and animation from 2006.

But let's all praise them for this, instead, because of the "timing". All hail Tencent. All hail GGG, for using our supporter money to hire for things that don't matter: Two console teams that only serve to downgrade our experience... so let's have a party, and treat them like kings.

The game engine is outdated, game looks like shit, animation is trash, and they are doing ps4 version instead of any improvements. What a waste of resources. Useless announcement. Actually, both today and yestarday announcement are absolute joke.
Really I'm thinking of stopping supporting this guys.

Your supporter money has paid for 5 years of free content...
This "I bought some supporter packs so you should revolve around me" crap is getting old. You got your points & mtx's, on top of new content every 3 months, get over it.

They have successfully expanded their game to two additional platforms, With 100 million+ units sold between them. How is that in any way a waste of resources?

What you meant to say was, "Me, Me, Me, what about me!"

Coming from someone that can count on one hand the number of times I used a console since Ps1 was a thing.

Well from what I've seen from the beginning of your post, everything comes up to "argumentum ad hominem".[Removed by Support]
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Scott_GGG#0000 on Nov 6, 2018, 1:34:27 AM
Couch co-op?

That's literally the only reason for almost any of us to be excited about this development, imo.
Wash your hands, Exile!
no botter, no market snipping.

"real" economy start from poe console
Cool, i guess for the ps4 ppl... but i play on PC and that's the only version that matters to me. It should get the polish and optimizations as the priority.
Again wasting staff and resources. Good job fucking idiots.
Kiro_TaintedFate wrote:
Chalace2 wrote:

Your supporter money has paid for 5 years of free content...
This "I bought some supporter packs so you should revolve around me" crap is getting old. You got your points & mtx's, on top of new content every 3 months, get over it.

They have successfully expanded their game to two additional platforms, With 100 million+ units sold between them. How is that in any way a waste of resources?

What you meant to say was, "Me, Me, Me, what about me!"

Coming from someone that can count on one hand the number of times I used a console since Ps1 was a thing.

Well from what I've seen from the beginning of your post, everything comes up to "argumentum ad hominem".[Removed by Support]

Don't be mad.
I'm assuming that was some childish insult. Congrats.

More players, irrespective of platform, means more money and more development, stop being so self-absorbed.

Would I have preferred an engine overhaul? Sure, but this is fine too.
Not gonna lie. Ever since Marvel Heroes closed i'm extremely pessimistic about console ports. Dividing your focus that much will kill the main pc version if handled poorly. I'll give GGG the benefit of the doubt however.

Unlike what many people here are posting, GGG is a great company. Very rare thing lately. I can't remember how many times i've seen them do things for the playerbase that other companies would straight up decline. They have top notch customer support as well.

EDIT: Some people here are going absolutely mad. Seriously.. Show some respect. If you have anything to say, be constructive and civil about it.
Last edited by Vandenreich#6288 on Nov 6, 2018, 2:26:29 AM

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