Announcing Private Leagues

Thank you Chris,

Thank you GGG Team,

Thank you Neon,

Thank you Henry,

Thank you Nick,

Thank you to all the countless others that helped put this together

The content of this patch is what I was waiting for and what originally tipped me to contributing and playing Path of Exile. You finally did the aspect of the game that was at the top of my list, and what I thought was so interesting about your game idea!

With love for you all, Metronomy
鬼殺し wrote:
hyyyben wrote:

You clicked register before i did..doesn't mean you know any more about the game than i please get off your high horse. :)

I did far more than click 'register' before you did. But sure, continue to live in ignorance. Buhbye.

Why is it that important for you to let me know that you clicked register, long before i have? It still doesn't prove a thing.

You should take a few min off the internet, to calm yourself. I don't blame you for being "angry" happens to all of us.

But let's move on, this leads to no where good :)
Rafe13 wrote:
There was a lot of commotion when Chris sold out to Tencent, we are now seeing why.

Sold out ? they made an investment. Tencent's interests lies in the Chinese market since it's hugeeeeeeee.
That some ppl want to play on private leagues, doesn't affect you, you can do what ever you want.

The private leagues doesnt appeal to me..but that doesn't mean i wouldn't wish they were there.

Support ggg in whatever way you like...recommend poe to other supporter name it.

To summarize : you can do whatever you want :)
Borrom wrote:
Will League mods affect item quantity etc in these leagues?

Read the post again...we know as much as you do.
All we know for sure is, that the private leagues aren't meant to be any easier than the regular challenge league :)
rayout wrote:
Small question , what happens to the player after the private league ends , does it go to standard like normal leagues or get deleted or stays there until u buy another 2 months ?

You didn't read the post by Chris...

But here is the answers:

Currently you can't extend a league beyond two months in length, as the system is new and we are still experimenting with it.

When you create a private league, you can choose to base it off any of the core permanent or challenge leagues that are currently running. It will gain all the properties of the league you based it off. If you parent your league to a challenge league, you will be able to do the challenges from that league in your private league.

Players in a private league are able to voluntarily migrate their characters (or their entire league state) out to the parent league, just like with regular SSF leagues. Because these private leagues only make the game harder, this presents no fairness issues to the economies that they are moving their characters into.

If the league is parented to the current challenge league and that challenge league ends, it loses its challenge league properties and becomes parented to regular Standard or Hardcore.

Read the original post..we all got the same info :)
Fips_PoE wrote:

Anyways I have mixed feelings about paid leagues. I also understand and agree with people stating you (slowly) start breaking your f2p philosophy.

I'm personally not the type of player willing to "rent" gaming content, so I'll most probably stick to "classic" PoE.

If you want diversity in how the game can be played, just add these features for FREE...

$T€ncent$ finally kicking in ???!

it might or might not be a Tencent idea.
I highly doubt it since it's quite clear that Tencent focuses on the Chinese market, since it's bigger.

They have get more server power, if they want to host private "leagues". It costs money.
It's up to you if you want to have your own private league, it might not be something for you.

But what i assume you didn't read in the orginal post, was:

We designed private leagues with the needs of two groups of players in mind. The first group is players who want a more challenging Path of Exile experience. The second is players who want to see how far they and their friends can get without outside influence from the rest of a league.

So read the original post again :)

Kirisute_Gomen wrote:
I'm sad you wasted your company resources on this. We could have had better.

Had better? compared to what?.
I think you should elaborate.

May i remind you that the game is free to play.
You're not paying them anything, you can't hold them accountable for anything.
Ekainen wrote:
- what about league mods ?
- why only 2 months ?
- I guess having a "permanent" league with friends and switching leagues on the go as they are added into the game will be impossible then ? That would be sad

Be patient...more info will of course come. You know as much as we do.
Here is what Chris said in the original post, in case you missed it:

Currently you can't extend a league beyond two months in length, as the system is new and we are still experimenting with it.
Last edited by hyyyben#5751 on Nov 5, 2018, 10:05:37 PM
What a pleasant surprise
Last edited by Markxile#0370 on Nov 5, 2018, 10:50:24 PM
Rafe13 wrote:


Nice how you have taken the time to cherry pick a comment or two from my last post, to respond too.

A comment or two, that's basically your whole post, i'm replying to the important parts and left out the bit where you decided to flex on your join date and supporter packs because that was irrelevant.



Literally the biggest LOL, I have ever had to a forum post. I'm posting an opinion to this feature. Take a look at my forum posts on this site... I literally have no comment to make on anything that has happened during my time playing this game. If I decide to wade into the conversation at this time then that should be signal enough that this is an issue. If not for someone who started playing yesterday then defiantly for those who have taken well over $1000 of my money :)

Irrelevant you still didn't even know this was a long term design goal and were blaming this on Tencent.


AND while we are measuring metaphorical Di*ks I'll take mine out (& as it hits the floor with a thud :), use it to draw a HUGE line in the sand to separate the time when this game was free to play & pay to play.

More irrelevant childish nonsense.

You just assumed this was new. Chris confirmed himself it's a 10 year old idea. There is a webarchive to prove it was always intended to be a paid service.


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