Announcing Private Leagues
Anyways I have mixed feelings about paid leagues. I also understand and agree with people stating you (slowly) start breaking your f2p philosophy. I'm personally not the type of player willing to "rent" gaming content, so I'll most probably stick to "classic" PoE. If you want diversity in how the game can be played, just add these features for FREE... $T€ncent$ finally kicking in ???! IGN: ??? (Fips_PoE - Conquerors Of The Atlas, Metamorph League) Originally joined: Jan 29, 2013. Last edited by Fips_PoE#5499 on Nov 5, 2018, 4:28:42 PM
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Is this out of season April's fool's joke?
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this company has the most mediocre game filled with stupid content that is only there to irritate its player while providing rewarding instant feedback in the way of explosions, flashy effects and sh--ty sh-tcrow monsters dying instantly and dropping "rare" items.
they take this a step further today by adding a terrible private leagues by default that begs the question "who would actually pay for a worse experience" i imagine that they will later placate to those asking with an update that essentially makes THIS the only desirable way to play POE. the only qualms i have with this awful stupid pointless feature is that they are asking an absurd amount of money for it. how about you stop trying to find new ways to get money from your players and just lower your stupid prices for sh-t. i paid what $15 for a f--king hat? go f--k yourselves chances of getting a beta key 0.000001 % Last edited by GunHammers#5068 on Nov 5, 2018, 3:49:50 PM
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Nobody gives a shit if this is optional or not. Buying a Headhunter for 100$ is optional too. You don't have to buy it!
Your "WOW BEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD" is more and more introducing special feature premium plus features including making stash tabs and all other things more and more a must: > Not making fossils stackable although promised, because they saw how many stash tab sales came in. > Using 3D art that was supposed to be art for in game items as MTX that you can buy from store etc. > Increasing grind shitloads and forcing you to waste more time on completely boring, no action or effort shit because it increases your play time. There's plenty more that GGG has done to grab more money while sacrificing the quality of the game but it's barely and rarely heard because of Reddit's protective hivemind and white knights on the forum. There is barely any negative feedback on Reddit, if any, and on forums you have more than half of the players dissatisfied with it. Considering that devs don't give a shit about forums, the game will just go down and down due to endless white knighting, terrible feedback and out of touch devs / scrub playtesters. No matter what shit GGG makes up, there will always be those "Thanks GGG you saved my life! I was depressed before but now I'm a loathing gambler with no life or sense of surrounding <3 best company!" Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums -
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Well, I envy you the passion. With quite a few major poe gaps community keeps asking for (i.e. nightmare of trading) it takes a kind of single-mindness to concentrate on features not many will approeciate or pay for. Private leagues feature is a great example. Who knows? Maybe there will be some streamer-on-streamer streamed online 10D ultra hartcore minirace. For remaining players in its announced shape the only benefit may be entering you tube to comment 'X streamer's build is so powerful it eats hardcore Uber-Elder for breakfast'
TBH I expected something of any value for me after the preannoncement a few days ago. Deflated |
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Okay.. i can understand new players have no clue about the history of the game since the very beginning and discussions and feedback that took place at that time between the community and devs..
..but I AM really surprised that there are comments from people who actually were there at times and act like their favourite game turned into p2w.. ..which brings me to obvious conclusion that even when you were there you were not active giving your feedback or even reading any of the forum threads about your "favourite" game BUT in the end you have an opinion to state being clueless about the past you never cared about which is brought to life after long waiting. I can only be thrilled about it cause i knew it, it was in my knowledge that this was about to happen and this was the vision of GGG since the very beginning. I can only say to new players, this is something that was here before you even think of playing this game. To older players since Beta's, since you participated since then you should have known better so please take your salt to a personal level with yourselves.. its nobodies fault if you were not reading at times this took place and stop stating/forcing your clueless opinion like something has changed because IT DID NOT. They actually deliver. |
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As always GGG's new content is targeted towards full time Streamers.
I wonder what the game would be if there was no Twitch and what decisions would Chris make then. |
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Paying for this is silly imo
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" So you've been around longer have paid more and know less. OK. " See my above link. It's pretty clear it was... Flex less and read more i guess ? -Morbeis Rafe: Nice how you have taken the time to cherry pick a comment or two from my last post, to respond too. LETS JUST CLARIFY ONE POINT... BEEN AROUND FOR LONGER BUT KNOW LESS? Literally the biggest LOL, I have ever had to a forum post. I'm posting an opinion to this feature. Take a look at my forum posts on this site... I literally have no comment to make on anything that has happened during my time playing this game. If I decide to wade into the conversation at this time then that should be signal enough that this is an issue. If not for someone who started playing yesterday then defiantly for those who have taken well over $1000 of my money :) AND while we are measuring metaphorical Di*ks I'll take mine out (& as it hits the floor with a thud :), use it to draw a HUGE line in the sand to separate the time when this game was free to play & pay to play. Last edited by Rafe13#5074 on Nov 5, 2018, 4:44:49 PM
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I would have been looking forward to a flashback event or some such, which the entire community would have had opportunity to partake in.
'$150 in' this league & Tencent GGG want me to pay for something interesting to do until the next expansion?! You should be ashamed of yourself Chris. Last edited by Rafe13#5074 on Nov 5, 2018, 4:58:40 PM
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