Announcing Private Leagues

These prices are outrageous! It's about 40 bucks for a 2 month league...not even 3 like normal leagues? WTF? I think I'll be sticking with SSF and SSFHC - that give me all the "challenge" I need. I'm not opposed to spending money but this is price gouging when whole games cost $40 like DRM free Grim Dawn... not 2 months use.

Oh and I don't want 10 players. I'm not in a clan nor do I want to play with others how about making it 1 player for 40 points instead of 420 for 10 player. And make it 3 months. 2?

Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Nov 5, 2018, 4:09:07 AM
Sythen wrote:
Breach isn't a current league so no, you could not create a personal Breach league.

When you create a private league, you can choose to base it off any of the core permanent or challenge leagues that are currently running. It will gain all the properties of the league you based it off. If you parent your league to a challenge league, you will be able to do the challenges from that league in your private league.

base it off any of the core permanent or challenge leagues

sorry but this is definitly not clear enough, if i hear core permanent leagues im thinking off already integrated leagues into the core game and not like in "standard league".
so basically i could base it off standard league which would gain me no benefit compared to current challenge league (beta test of newest game feature).
Why would you even pronounce it then, who would choose new_feature=0 over new_feature=1.

In my mind i didnt even think about this because its kinda useless but i get what you mean, thats propably what they meant altough utterly stupid and poor choice of words.
Wow tht's a cool feature i wouldn't have thought about. I really like it and I'm eager to see what people will do with it. I hope you will have great success with it!
No matter what you spend in the past on the game it never affected monster toughness droprates character stats etc.

Now it does and no i dont care its only "negative" stats.
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Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Interesting. I think the fact that this private league thing is totally OPTIONAL has gone straight over the heads of many posters. It's not something I personally would be interested in but for the players who are looking for ways to push the limits of their builds it seems okay.

I'd watch streams of these leagues for sure.
I used to be apathetic, now I just don't care.
Not interesting. Looking for the next announcement.

Calm your tits guyz !

I won't buy those provate league either but I'm not going to complain about something out of the global temp leagues which will have no influence on the game ...

Just don't pay, is it that difficult ?

And please don't compare this to diablo Immortal, we have plenty of expansions and new things on POE often enough.
"Is this an out-of-season April Fools joke?"

I am now the 20th person to call this announcement an April Fools joke.

Yes, I counted.

Do I get a reward?

- Self-proclaimed king of level 172 budget builds -
"Security token has expired. Please submit the form again."
Tencent: Do You Guys Not Have Points???
Piou29 wrote:

Calm your tits guyz !

I won't buy those provate league either but I'm not going to complain about something out of the global temp leagues which will have no influence on the game ...

Just don't pay, is it that difficult ?

And please don't compare this to diablo Immortal, we have plenty of expansions and new things on POE often enough.

ARE U CRAZY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? ITS WILL KILL HARDCORE LEAGUES !!!!!!!!!!! and maybe SC LEAGUES 2

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