Announcing Private Leagues

Well.... it's nice idea, but making pay for it is wrong.
Consider making this feature free for everyone every 55-75 days after new league starts. Create 3-5 variations and let play us.
This private leagues are for like 0,03% of community (personally would play once with some friends). Others would gladly see more unique league combinations and mods like triple/quadriple beyond, 50% deafult monster pack size. We want to see 1000 rampage stacks using just 1 spell and every single league avaiable inside this private league ++ 20 exiles, 10 ghosts, 10 breaches, 20 invasion bosses and maybe in white maps - 5 bosses, yellow -4, red - 3. This is the other side of the coin which contains mods which gives us something instead taking it back. After that league ends every item is removed but every piece of currency goes to standard (for this i would consider paying SMALL sum).

// small sum = 1$ for 30 days - it is better to get 1$ from 50k ppl than 2k ppl x18$
Last edited by Kryptolog#1325 on Nov 5, 2018, 1:13:29 AM
People actually asked for this??? I can't believe this... This is ridiculous.
Last edited by K4r4k4s4#5749 on Nov 5, 2018, 1:08:06 AM
I ain t paying cash for 10 days mini leagues. Sound like a cash grab specialy created for streamers followers.
Poe Pvp experience
If I had that many friends I probably wouldn't be playing PoE.
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, is that none of it has tried to contact us yet. - Calvin and Hobbes.
Well its cool idea, but mostly for streamers who want to make some event for subs or to make competition vs other streamers.
Fralu wrote:
Hi, maybe i am dump.....does that mean that i have time to clean up my stash in standard??

For those of us who want to Play the game solo, what shall we do with 10 lots for 10 days??

What will happen in standard leage meanwhile??


Time to quit.

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, is that none of it has tried to contact us yet. - Calvin and Hobbes.
Akenmaat wrote:
Contrapatior wrote:

Akenmaat wrote:

You could make the argument that getting more stuff = more fun.

faster character progression and more loot seems like a win to me.

More fun, I agree. But unless we're working off different definitions, it wouldn't be winning unless it was against another player. Since we're in different leagues, there's no competition.

But it doesn't give you a competitive advantage over anyone else if it's a void league.

nice broken quote lol
anyway yeah I think our ideas on p2w differ quite a bit. I think being able to pay for something like mayhem league at any time is a "win" through and through, even if you do lose your character at the end of it all.

but honestly, that wouldn't even be my biggest issue with the use of older league modifiers. the biggest issue I can see with that is legitimate fragmentation of the player base, to the point where economies would suffer, perhaps even development would be affected as well. I just think it's a massively bad idea.
Contrapatior wrote:
it's actually the exact opposite, it's pay to lose lol

Last edited by boxanata#2179 on Nov 5, 2018, 1:18:07 AM
I have been asking for this feature for years and am quite excited!

How will this work if I wanted to have a private league with my guild which is located across the US, EU, Asia, etc?

Will there bea single server that is is instanced (and a ton of lag) or will we all sign into different servers like we do now based on our geographical location?

Grouping across continents is brutal even with fast connections. Thanks!
One thing we really have been asking for a long time: Stop bring nerfed stuff to Standard, Standard deserves better treatment.
Last edited by jonnxp#0588 on Nov 5, 2018, 1:22:53 AM

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