Announcing Private Leagues

zat0m wrote:
he got way bigger problems

I was being clinically specific to whatever level of accuracy an amateur over a semi-anonymous forum can be.

I wasn't even the first to call him out on it.

IMO feeling a strong need to directly type out your own name every time you speak, especially when you know the provenance of the comment is going to be labeled automatically, implies narcissism.

As if the possibility that we might forget his name is utterly unacceptable to him.

Also being totally oblivious to the standard practice of everyone else implies a pathological level of self focus.

To be clear this doesn't make him a bad person. I just felt like commenting on it because it was jarring. People can't learn without feedback. And I'm assuming he'd prefer people focus on his words, as opposed to a strange idiosyncratic forum practice.

Sidenote: I do "got problems." I'm diagnosed major depressive and generalized anxiety disorder. Our slur like use of a euphemisms for mental illness shames us. In the interests of avoiding blatant hypocrisy I'm not scolding you any more than myself. :)

I'm also addicted to this game and yet tightly constrained in how I play it. Perhaps that too is mental illness?
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Innomen wrote:
zat0m wrote:
he got way bigger problems

I was being clinically specific to whatever level of accuracy an amateur over a semi-anonymous forum can be.

I wasn't even the first to call him out on it.

IMO feeling a strong need to directly type out your own name every time you speak, especially when you know the provenance of the comment is going to be labeled automatically, implies narcissism.

As if the possibility that we might forget his name is utterly unacceptable to him.

Also being totally oblivious to the standard practice of everyone else implies a pathological level of self focus.

To be clear this doesn't make him a bad person. I just felt like commenting on it because it was jarring. People can't learn without feedback. And I'm assuming he'd prefer people focus on his words, as opposed to a strange idiosyncratic forum practice.

Sidenote: I do "got problems." I'm diagnosed major depressive and generalized anxiety disorder. Our slur like use of a euphemisms for mental illness shames us. In the interests of avoiding blatant hypocrisy I'm not scolding you any more than myself. :)

I'm also addicted to this game and yet tightly constrained in how I play it. Perhaps that too is mental illness?

In today's world, everything seems to be a disease.

I'd rather say, that he is just used to using signatures or he is maybe trying to be sarcastic, either way, even if he is narcissistic, I don't see a reason to go a half-shi* mode on him (saying half, because I am pretty sure you are capable of more). Tellim him nicely, that there's no need to use signatures on a forum where his name can be clearly seen is enough.

Either way, I didn't see what preceded this conversation and I honestly don't have enough energy and will to go and look, just my two cents.

Oh.. and.. yeah. Good job GGG, perhaps I should get a second job to pay for a private league.
Arcane225 wrote:
Tellim him nicely

Someone already tried, and I had other stuff to say to him or else I wouldn't have said anything. So essentially we basically agree.

Actual signatures are an official profile page setting thing. (See the bottom of this post.)

Using that and just putting your name would be pretty weird too heh. But like I said it's not like I'm saying he's a bad person or something :)
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
I am excited this is finally a reality, I guess. Hopefully there are plans to flesh out the options and make this more than the glorified "pay to SSF with your friends mode" that it currently is. Without any "real" control of items, zones, or anything other than increasing difficulty its hard to imagine why anybody would engage with this system in its current state. Making enemies harder doesn't really add much to the softcore experience and hardcore is niche at best. There's seemingly no support for shorter races oddly enough which sucks because any race over 3 hours becomes a test on who can become the most sedentary which is toxic by nature. This could be a great system, but paying for generic difficulty increases does not excite me in the slightest. The fact that entry is limited destroys any hopes for open competitive events that could help save the system in its current state. I guess the only real positive that could potentially come from this is are community events we could watch on twitch where only a handful of competitive racers compete among each other since the system wont allow for anything else.

Why is it becoming the norm that we get content that could be awesome yet its restricted and made awful, as if on purpose, to make sure the game isn't too fun.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
In No-Stash can you drop items on the ground to trade to other players? This would enable dual-accounting to store items on mules, which I kind of don't like the idea (e.g. group Ironman).
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Can we get jewels or abyss jewels on No Magic or Rare Items Drop mod?
UKEKIMO wrote:
Can we get jewels or abyss jewels on No Magic or Rare Items Drop mod?

Thats a good question, i would like to know aswell. I also would like to know if you make them drop white can this be enabled in the core game?
PlatoniusIII wrote:
So another one for the no-life crew. I can play 1-2 evenings a week. Tell me how that would even remotely justify a 10-day private league for 120 points? Why not an option giving you a certain number of hours?

This x100
If this was 10 days worth of time logged in, ok maybe. But 10 linear days? I must be in the minority here but I'm lucky if I can play 10 hours a week.
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, is that none of it has tried to contact us yet. - Calvin and Hobbes.
Valechka wrote:
You shouldn't anounce that after failed BlizzCon.

Builds need uniques, crafting needs currency, farming needs currency too - league need PLAYERS. Bad idea. You're making mmo game look like solo game.

If you want to give good solo experience to players, then you should make another "solo mode" with custom "leagues" list, which players can buy (one-time payment) and play there without ANY time restrictions. Friends can play with you in same "league" with "Solo Mode" characters only. No trading through api, no seasons, only you and any of your friends. You can do what you want. Also you'll need to rebalance drop chance for solo mode. That will give huge amount of fun to solo casual players and solo hardcore players.

But you want players to pay for some marginal pseudo-mmo content with time restrictions. Only few will do it. But if you'll make 3 months time restriction, parent league will lose even more players. So it's even not about price. Though idea overall is not so bad, but looks like chaos, and now you need to EXPLAIN how that chaos should work to players.

For players. There're not many companies which produces so much FREE content each year. And nothing changes. You just now may pay for difficulty. That's all. If you dont want it - dont pay. You dont have to pay for main leagues, for skills, for classes.

PoE was till now pretty much solo gaming, that's a way of making in more group likely.... That's what everyone wished for. Cause playing alone always is boring!
kharjou wrote:
do you realize that they can't just let people create leagues on servers for free? you think hosting the servers is free? come on, use some logic please.

Look, just leave this forum, because if you are not aware that this news post is infested with D3 crybabies, that just wanna cry about something, your only possiblity here is to loose,.... time, nerves, sense of reality.

I HOPE ALL D3 PLAYERS STAY AWAY FROM POE. Would be the best for PoE tbh

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