{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
Thanks a lot for the build , having a lot of fun in yellow maps. Still need better gear (prices are a little high) , and need to optimize my tree , still testing some nodes. I’ll buy victario shield today , then it’ll depend on pob numbers. Blight maps were imposible because of lag , but the rest has been going nicely
A couple of questions I would like some help with What are the best 5L/6L gems for frost sentinels map clearing? Are phantasms better than other damage gems? How needed is the 2nd unending hunger? Bought one and not sure how important is to get a 2nd Does anyone has a good 90ish tree to compare mine? Thanks all and happy gaming |
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" If you're using frost sentinels then yeah the links Hercanic uses are the best. Phantasms are super good for us. Only link I'd toy around with would be Controlled Destruction but...that damage ! You don't need a second unending hunger (thank god, given the price...) | |
" Still haven't been able to source one, for every chaos I gain, the price goes up by two. |
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On the mechanics of Elemental Equilibrium, would it be helpful to add chaos damage to the zombies so the spectres make more damage with their cold? As a supplement to the damage buff produced by ball lightning.
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" Herc mentions it briefly, but once you have Unending Hunger, Phantasms begin to fall off as Spell Echo becomes a more appetizing option. If you still want to focus on having as many minions as possible, you'll need Phantasm, but if you're just focused on clear speed, Spell Echo and the other "pure spectre" suggestions will be better for you in the long run. " I might be misunderstanding you, but Chaos damage does not proc Elemental Equilibrium, minions cannot apply Elemental Equilibrium, and each enemy can only be affected by one instance of Elemental Equilibrium at a time; applying it with your Ball Lightning is enough to give your Frost Sentinel's the maximum possible benefit. Also, your zombies will eventually get chaos damage anyway as a side effect of the Grave Intentions notable we take towards level 85. Last edited by RegulusNorth#0510 on Sep 9, 2019, 2:46:20 PM
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I understand, I didn't know that the minions couldn't cause EE.
Thanks for the tip. |
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So i've got a question regarding ball lightning, i'm not a fan of running cyclone with this build, i've tried it and i'm just not enjoying it, id rather just use ball lightning + coh + proj weakness, or something like that setup.
What would be the direction i should go with the build?, i think id rather have the frost sentinels as my main guys, and skeletons/zombies (carrion) for single target, i'm also messing around with dead reckoning, any suggestions would be great. |
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Just did Uber lab and got this helm enchant
So Desecrate now gives me 8 corpse. I don't have a strong understanding of the calculations of the benefits of Cwdt/desecrate/spirit offering. Is this enchant useful for us? |
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1. Is Carrion Golem worth using and if yes where to fit it in the setup?
2. Some of the min-maxed gems might be expensive. Is it better to go 21/0 or 20/20? |
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@ everyone:
Random idea: Animated Guardian in Hungry Loop with Minion Life, Meat Shield, Elemental Army, and Melee Splash/Fortify/Empower. With Hatred giving him cold damage, he'd inflict -10% cold exposure from Elemental Army. Then give him:
Then use the new Triad Grip gloves with 4 green sockets: Cyclone + Withering Touch + Additional Accuracy + Culling Strike/Faster Attacks. Add Lightning Damage to Attacks and use a flat LGoH claw. An Elder-influenced ring can give another 20 LGoH. Cyclone provides EE, Wither, and LGoH, in addition to its normal utility. Triad Grip makes all physical minions deal full cold damage (plus Chaos from Unholy Might and Spirit Offering), which is then amplified by the More Cold Damage of Hatred. Animated Guardian stacks cold resistance reduction (-50% = 10 + 9 + 31). With EE that's -100%, or double the cold damage. Versus Shaper, Ele Weakness would be (31 * 0.34 =) -11%, so -30% from AG and -80% total. Then link Skitterbots with Bonechill Support, turning its guaranteed chill into 16.3% more Cold Damage (10% * 1.63 chill effect)! 1.8 negative resists * 1.25 more cold Hatred * 1.16 more cold Bonechill = 2.61 or 161% more damage! @ Horswag & Timekeeperz:
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" " " " Yep, I literally surrounded the link on all four sides with arrows in the hopes that people wouldn't miss the link. Then again, I had the same issue with the "I Accept" spoiler. So I added the skull icon to help it stand out, but still had people confused. So I added the note about Neophyte guides to look back up, and still would get a couple confused people every now and again. In the end, there's only so much I can do. =o\ @ Max_zero & Sophrael:
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" " " " That's a great idea to test. Monster skills are separate from player skills. Originally, Warcries were a spell that could be triggered with CWDT, but GGG didn't like how powerful that interaction was with Immortal Call, so they replaced the Spell tag with a new Warcry tag that couldn't be supported by CWDT. Since it is no longer a spell, Spell Echo wouldn't work for players. But for a monster? Its skill might still be tagged as a Spell, so it's certainly worth a try. When I tested the apes, they did not generate charges nearly enough. Blood Magic, assuming their mana regen is slower than the new cooldown they added, would work against the other combat Spectres. But Spell Echo? If it works, it'd also help Frost Sentinels and the like. @ Vlammenzee2190: " Since CWDT isn't linked to anything as a result, you could have just pulled out the entire gem instead of breaking your links. @ nowitsme: " No reason it can't be. We don't use any League-specific uniques. @ alpha0meqa:
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" " " I'm using Frost Sentinels. Since I don't have an Unending Hunger jewel, Fire-raisers were too slow, and couldn't even cast before I was already moving on to the next pack. Carnage Chieftains didn't work out very well, either, due to how delayed their warcry is. @ ZackRichartz, Revak, Scubapuppy, Gwonam:
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" " " " " You can activate it when you anticipate getting hurt (telegraphed boss attack), or immediately afterwards to protect yourself while flasks take effect. If you see your minion health getting low, activate it to give their leech and regen a chance to breathe. " It's worth noting that Staunching Flasks have two lines, one for immunity and another for removal. I haven't tested, but even if it doesn't remove bleeds Bone Armour still lasts 4.2 seconds for us. Bleeds only last 5 seconds, and immunity means new Bleeds cannot be applied. So either way the Bleed will be gone at the end of the duration. @ Scubapuppy:
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" " Yeah, I had a bit of difficulty finding a trader, too. The shield is selling like hotcakes, apparently. Rather than message just anyone, I only went after the ones with high lightning resist and mid-high life, even if they cost a few more Chaos. @ Tolemi959:
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" " If you hit with Flame Dash and then do nothing else, yes. EE is replaced every hit, so the moment you hit with Ball Lightning, or Cyclone with Added Lightning Damage, the Fire EE will be replaced by the Lightning EE. " We hit ~21 times per second per target with Ball Lightning = 5% chance per hit to give all allies within 40 radius of us a Frenzy Charge. Three of these give our minions 45% attack/cast speed, 15% movespeed, and 12% more damage. So it's a very potent source of damage, effectively like adding another 50% more damage link to all our minions. @ banthom: " Desecrate level doesn't matter anymore, so just pop our your CWDT gem and manually cast the Desecrate we use for Spirit Offering. Alternatively, since we don't have to worry about zone level anymore, just hunt down the monster in its native zone and directly raise its corpse. @ gabriella88 & vDJ:
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" " " " If you're using Ball Lightning then you do not need to add Lightning Damage to Cyclone. " I'd try to keep Feeding Frenzy, it's just that good for Zombies. " Yep! @ dbush2765:
" " " No. If you're using Fire-raisers, you're using them for damage. Ignites don't stack, and, unlike players, Spectres get most of their damage from there being multiples of them, so Ignite is not worth it for them. " Yes. Hatred with Generosity and EE is worth 48% more damage for Skeletons/Zombies/Carrion Golem/Phantasms/Holy Relic vs. Shaper, and 65% more damage against normal monsters. @ ElectroHarmonix:
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" " 4% for minions * 0.75 for us (25% reduction) = 3% " Extra. This word has a specific meaning for GGG. They don't want you to double-dip on %life with %ES. That's what Extra means: It adds all applicable Increase modifiers together first and then multiplies that against your base. 15% of Life as Extra ES = 0.15 * base flat life * (1 + % increase life + % increase ES). @ nicoalix: " Neither Chaos nor Physical Damage are Elemental Damage. They have no effect on Elemental Equilibrium. EE doesn't stack, either, so adding different elements won't do anything. EE is replaced every hit, with all elemental damage of that hit increasing the monster's resistance to those elements and reducing their resistance to any element they were't hit with in that one single hit. Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on Sep 9, 2019, 3:41:38 PM
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