Unable to use flares/dynamite

After purchasing them they dont show up anywhere i can see to keybind them.
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2018, 4:03:20 PM

Flares and Dynamite are bindable when inside the Delve Mines.
Really? it kills 2 ability slots?...
I can't throw the Dynamite to the wall or anywhere, but Flares are works.

And after loading new delve checkpoint, the binding Dynamite skill is also disappear.

just got it conflict with "detonate mines" skill,
you have to take off "remote mine support", then throwing dynamite will work.

hope it can fix soon
Last edited by tatami#1928 on Sep 4, 2018, 4:41:27 PM
I simply don’t have them show up at all on console. I am fully stocked with both, but they’ve never appeared anywhere to equip. I’ve spent an incredible amount of time looking for the keybinds but they just don’t seem to exist.
Savage_Lights wrote:
I simply don’t have them show up at all on console. I am fully stocked with both, but they’ve never appeared anywhere to equip. I’ve spent an incredible amount of time looking for the keybinds but they just don’t seem to exist.

Stand in your mine camp not in the mine itself. Click RS, chose a spot, and bind it like any other skill. When you exit the mine areas they will disappear but they will show back up when in the mine areas again without needing to re-assign..
Xbox Gamertag - Corrison
Mixer - https://mixer.com/Corrison
I have the same issue. I have no skills to equip related to dynamite or flares.
Corrison wrote:
Savage_Lights wrote:
I simply don’t have them show up at all on console. I am fully stocked with both, but they’ve never appeared anywhere to equip. I’ve spent an incredible amount of time looking for the keybinds but they just don’t seem to exist.

Stand in your mine camp not in the mine itself. Click RS, chose a spot, and bind it like any other skill. When you exit the mine areas they will disappear but they will show back up when in the mine areas again without needing to re-assign..

Fantastic. That worked. I’m surprised it took me so long to find any information regarding the matter.
Savage_Lights wrote:
Corrison wrote:
Savage_Lights wrote:
I simply don’t have them show up at all on console. I am fully stocked with both, but they’ve never appeared anywhere to equip. I’ve spent an incredible amount of time looking for the keybinds but they just don’t seem to exist.

Stand in your mine camp not in the mine itself. Click RS, chose a spot, and bind it like any other skill. When you exit the mine areas they will disappear but they will show back up when in the mine areas again without needing to re-assign..

Fantastic. That worked. I’m surprised it took me so long to find any information regarding the matter.

Glad it worked for you. That was how I remembered doing it last night.

You also do not need to have any flares or dynamite made to do this for anyone else having the issue.
Xbox Gamertag - Corrison
Mixer - https://mixer.com/Corrison

This is standing in mine camp. Skill should show up here with other skills correct? Never seems to... out of mine, in mine, camp, etc. never shows up??

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