3.7 In-Depth Ice Golems Guide - Snowybois - On Hiatus for 3.8

i think occultist used to be better for really deep delves due to profane bloom explosions (scales with harmonies btw, so u get some stupid 600-800% dmg profane bloom) and curses being OP for deep delves.

think my golems started to have troubles surviving at 550+ but i didnt really build for deep delves. just my 2 cents.
KinGGaiA wrote:
ELicious wrote:
How do you get 1200 life/sec? I've got 9 golems, 3 eminence jewels, lvl 21 stone golem, and 150% helm enchant for stone golem. I only have 677 life/sec. I know I can still get level 26 golem, but that wouldn't even get me to 900 life/sec. What am I missing that I'm so far away?

life recovery rate sources, such as elder belts. also maybe some %hp reg on tree.
but lvl 4 empower in a +3 minion socket helmet with a lvl 21 stone golem together with an elder belt should put u in a good spot.

Thanks for the advice. I looked up Elder belt mods and found one that said "#% increased Life Recovery rate (Global)" I bought a belt with this but my life regen per second barely moved. I think the only reason it moved is because of the max HP (I gained like 2 life regen/sec). What exact mod am I looking for?
elder belt life recovery rate doesnt show up on character sheet. have to plug it into pob to see it in effect.
Utopian238 wrote:

Okay so now for information on the new toy. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Glorious_Vanity
Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel SACRIFICED IN THE NAME OF DORYANI. This jewel will convert all nearby nodes 'randomly' and convert all nearby keystones to Corrupted Soul "50% of non-chaos damage taken bypasses Energy Shield. Gain 20% of Max life as extra maximum ES"

This allows us to life stack, while essentially getting a free chayula's presence. The 'downside' of damage bypassing ES is an upside for us with our massive life regen. When utilized it turns a bunch of worthless int nodes into potentially good things like resists, aura effectiveness or curse effectiveness.

The notables/minor nodes are RANDOMIZED by the seed of the jewel. The number of souls sacrificed is the seed of the jewel. Ideal locations for us are Upper Right/Upper left, and if you're not necro aegis, then right side of Sion converting necro aegis.

If you are trying to hit 100, I strongly recommend a life stacking/mom build running one of these for Life/ES/Mana stacking.

I'm 93 in decent gear without discipline and i'm 4700hp/2367 ES. Add a mana shield on top of that and you're in money. The jewel can turn notables into really strong mana regen/max mana nodes to help as well. All around an amazing edition to the build's survivability.


Are you aware of the functionality of MoM alongside ES?

MoM only takes damage taken to life from mana first. This means that MoM is less effective when using in conjuction with Glorious Vanity (15% damage to mana as opposed to 30%) if the damage split from the Glorious Vanity node is calculated before the MoM keystone.

Before if you take 1000 damage to life, 300 would go to mana.

With this combination, if you take 1000 damage to life, 500 goes to ES. Then 30% of that remaining 500 (150) goes to mana, and the remaining 350 goes to life.

IF this is how the calculation works then MoM is only half as effective. MoM would only absorb 150 damage (15%) of 1000 to mana instead of the expected 300 (30%)

Still worth it? You would require less maximum mana than normal as a result.

Its possible that the game calculates MoM first and THEN splits the remaining damage to ES/Life, but it may not work that way.
Last edited by Alcsaar#1714 on Jun 28, 2019, 3:03:20 PM
Utopian238 wrote:
Whats going on with PoB and multistrike for ice golems, it doesnt add almost any dps which makes no sense.

PoB is broken for multistrike, ignore it don't drop multistrike under any circumstances.

With new Multistrike in 3.7 we can skip second and third attack, then is it still worth for golem? Do they cancel bonus attacks from Multistrike?
any reason why a decurve bow instead of a Harbinger Bow for example?
I`m using a two-handed meele elder weapon so i can get the new fortify on it, then multimod it
My flame golem league starter has been sitting on the self for a while, while I've been busy with some other builds and getting some curr
I am still hoping to switch it to ice golem build

Wondering is this ice golem build (in one of it's many versions) has come to a point it's a solid choice and tanky enough for end game and legion content

feedback? thoughts?

snowmittens wrote:
My flame golem league starter has been sitting on the self for a while, while I've been busy with some other builds and getting some curr
I am still hoping to switch it to ice golem build

Wondering is this ice golem build (in one of it's many versions) has come to a point it's a solid choice and tanky enough for end game and legion content

feedback? thoughts?

it can clear all the contents but still depends on your skill to dodge things and keep distance so your golem dont stand still dumbfounded, endgame is like kill them first so you wont die kind of thing, legion one shot is just ridiculous so im currently going for a dodge version and just dodge as much as i can
whats the point in using dread banner if the golems cant stack it? Been using it since i picked it up not a single stack gained.

Even in pob if you uncheck it, it does nothing to your damage..
Last edited by Paleepower#5207 on Jul 19, 2019, 10:22:07 AM

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