Deadandlivin wrote:
Hey! I'm new to the game and thinking about crafting an endgame head. Mainly because my head is absolute dog and also because I need to stop chinese farming and actually learn to craft.
I'm thinking about buying an elder based 150% stone golem buff base and fossil craft it and I'm simply wondering what the go to strategy is to get a great helm. I've never crafted anything above my flasks and maps before so this is completely new territory. Tried to google and all I really see is the results of the crats.
Which fossils, which resonators and which lvl should I go for?
Obviously aiming for + to minions skill, minion damage + minion life and some decent stats.
I've also pooled up quite alot of currency and mapping feels awesome. Clearing T16's in 2-3 min and onetapping T12-15 bosses. Just Monoliths that are a slight problem due to golems hitting the wrong stuff and my boys sometimes randomly getting oneshot. Probably getting around 60-80% of the monolith depending on map.
I'm wondering how much of a boost you actually get from an Empower 4? Both in damage and to survival of the golems.
Kinda reluctant on throwing out 12 exalts on a new Skin + an Empower if you can't feel a major difference.
Mainly because my gear is pretty awful. Probably worth around ~2-3 exalts with all gear and jewels considered.
Gem levels to the ice golems is the biggest difference you can make to the build. Your Empower 4 for the golem 6L should be your #1 endgame gear priority.
Elder Helm crafting is mostly for keeping the stone/chaos golems alive. the 20% damage from a minion damage support won't make a huge difference to your ice golem damage. However with minion life on hat, you can link them to corrupted empower 3 and/or minion totem resistances and the chaos/stone will stop dying during the uber elder fight.
Regarding crafting the hat. Just use pristine/bound fossils, hope to hit good life and minion life/levels. Ilevel 86 is the only helm that can roll +3 minion levels.
EDIT: Update to the Mom/PHase acro tree. Had accidentally left the storm burst+cwc setup from the non MoM build in it. You need to proc EE with storm brand not storm burst if Hatred in unset ring.
Last edited by Utopian238#5973 on Jun 19, 2019, 12:22:19 PM
Posted byUtopian238#5973on Jun 19, 2019, 10:36:44 AM
Whats going on with PoB and multistrike for ice golems, it doesnt add almost any dps which makes no sense.
Posted bytrefi289#2080on Jun 19, 2019, 1:28:03 PM
does bow base attackspeed matter since it uses CWC? like shortbow vs slower bows
Posted bykinosti#6623on Jun 19, 2019, 1:35:47 PM
Gem levels to the ice golems is the biggest difference you can make to the build. Your Empower 4 for the golem 6L should be your #1 endgame gear priority.
Elder Helm crafting is mostly for keeping the stone/chaos golems alive. the 20% damage from a minion damage support won't make a huge difference to your ice golem damage. However with minion life on hat, you can link them to corrupted empower 3 and/or minion totem resistances and the chaos/stone will stop dying during the uber elder fight.
Regarding crafting the hat. Just use pristine/bound fossils, hope to hit good life and minion life/levels. Ilevel 86 is the only helm that can roll +3 minion levels.
EDIT: Update to the Mom/PHase acro tree. Had accidentally left the storm burst+cwc setup from the non MoM build in it. You need to proc EE with storm brand not storm burst if Hatred in unset ring.
I've spent most of currency in the beginning getting 21/23 gems. Golems doesn't seem to be popular this leauge so they are extremely cheap.
Noticed that you had changed the EE procc to Storm Burst with the bow setup and used it without knowledge. Which as you can guess didn't work out well since you basically CC'd yourself and got onehit by mechanics.
Swapped to an old build you had posted from 3.6 where you had linked Storm Brand with Vurnability and Curse on Hit.
How much does the Frost Golem damage change when you swap to a lvl 4 Empower from a 20/20 Impale gem? Or is it mostly for survivability there aswell?
Posted byDeadandlivin#2745on Jun 19, 2019, 1:53:24 PM
Deadandlivin wrote:
Gem levels to the ice golems is the biggest difference you can make to the build. Your Empower 4 for the golem 6L should be your #1 endgame gear priority.
Elder Helm crafting is mostly for keeping the stone/chaos golems alive. the 20% damage from a minion damage support won't make a huge difference to your ice golem damage. However with minion life on hat, you can link them to corrupted empower 3 and/or minion totem resistances and the chaos/stone will stop dying during the uber elder fight.
Regarding crafting the hat. Just use pristine/bound fossils, hope to hit good life and minion life/levels. Ilevel 86 is the only helm that can roll +3 minion levels.
EDIT: Update to the Mom/PHase acro tree. Had accidentally left the storm burst+cwc setup from the non MoM build in it. You need to proc EE with storm brand not storm burst if Hatred in unset ring.
I've spent most of currency in the beginning getting 21/23 gems. Golems doesn't seem to be popular this leauge so they are extremely cheap.
Noticed that you had changed the EE procc to Storm Burst with the bow setup and used it without knowledge. Which as you can guess didn't work out well since you basically CC'd yourself and got onehit by mechanics.
Swapped to an old build you had posted from 3.6 where you had linked Storm Brand with Vurnability and Curse on Hit.
How much does the Frost Golem damage change when you swap to a lvl 4 Empower from a 20/20 Impale gem? Or is it mostly for survivability there aswell?
Yeah I had brought the cwc setup over from the Generosity linked builds and didn't notice the base phys damage on storm burst.
EE Proc on Storm Burst works fine in the bow setup or non-mom setups because your hatred is in the victario's influence or otherwise linked to generosity.
Personally I'm using Maloney's and scourge arrow but that's definitely the end-game goal. You can clear through uber elder fine with storm brand/burst respectively.
Empower will give you more frontloaded damage in addition to more survivability. Impale is neat but if you're going to replace a link don't replace part of the core 5L
Golem+Minion Damage + Melee Phys + Multistrike + Empower. Anything else is a supplement to these five, they aren't worth giving up.
Ruthless/Impale provide the most boss fight damage, but you lose out on the frontloaded damage for clearing legion from something like fortify, minion speed, or maim.
Last edited by Utopian238#5973 on Jun 19, 2019, 2:24:43 PM
Posted byUtopian238#5973on Jun 19, 2019, 2:20:16 PM
Whats going on with PoB and multistrike for ice golems, it doesnt add almost any dps which makes no sense.
PoB is broken for multistrike, ignore it don't drop multistrike under any circumstances.
does bow base attackspeed matter since it uses CWC? like shortbow vs slower bows
Attack speed matters, but more importantly dex requirement matters. The higher the dex requirement the harder it is to color 4R
Posted byUtopian238#5973on Jun 19, 2019, 2:22:53 PM
Hi, guys.
Between the two ghastly eye jewels wich one is better defensively?
1. 8% taunt
2. 4% taunt + 4% blind
Thanks in advance.
Posted byBigND2k14#9694on Jun 20, 2019, 9:14:31 AM
How do you get 1200 life/sec? I've got 9 golems, 3 eminence jewels, lvl 21 stone golem, and 150% helm enchant for stone golem. I only have 677 life/sec. I know I can still get level 26 golem, but that wouldn't even get me to 900 life/sec. What am I missing that I'm so far away?
Posted byELicious#6225on Jun 23, 2019, 5:55:14 PM
ELicious wrote:
How do you get 1200 life/sec? I've got 9 golems, 3 eminence jewels, lvl 21 stone golem, and 150% helm enchant for stone golem. I only have 677 life/sec. I know I can still get level 26 golem, but that wouldn't even get me to 900 life/sec. What am I missing that I'm so far away?
life recovery rate sources, such as elder belts. also maybe some %hp reg on tree.
but lvl 4 empower in a +3 minion socket helmet with a lvl 21 stone golem together with an elder belt should put u in a good spot.
Posted byKinGGaiA#6634on Jun 23, 2019, 10:46:18 PM
Is this build good at deep delving? I want to try to push 1k depth with a summoner.
Posted byWildNothing#7890on Jun 24, 2019, 2:24:33 PM