Saying you don't need to pay for anything is a blatant lie. The game is designed in a way that FORCES you to pay money on stash tabs, yes.
BUT, buying: The currency tab The map tab Essence tab Divination cards tab Fragments tab x1 tab upgrade to premium (to put things on sale) as of today, cost you $40 bucks. Now, GGG keeps releasing amazing content (most of the time) for FREE, I'm new to the game and currently trying different builds. My highest char level is 86 i think, I can do maps up to tier 6-7 hands down with my very trash build and gear. I use the characters I don't play as "mules" or "banks", but I gotta say, that GGG deserves those $40 bucks, this game already gave me more fun than many "full" triple A games. So paying $40 for that quality of life, will be a no brainer for me. I think only cheap players are the ones complaining about this game being pay2play or pay2enjoyendgame. Last edited by CthulhuMaster#6402 on Jan 2, 2019, 4:56:33 PM
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Making a thread with a blatant lie as a clickbait title, followed by an OP that advertises and directs players towards a different game... you're not obfuscating the intent of this thread as much as you think you are.
--- The point you (sort of) raised is that by extreme endgame you reached a point where you hoarded so much stuff that your stash was full. So...? There are ways around that, and ways to deal with it. People who genuinely get into that situation and are stuck looking for a solution would be advised to take advantage of alts (you can create as many accounts as you like, each with their own stash, and trade between them), fill the backpacks of mule characters with spare currency, socket loose gems into stashed equipment.. these kind of things. There are probably other better strategies out there which people use too. Part of the problem is people have become far to accustomed to holding onto absolutely everything they might possibly need in the future. Seriously, you don't realize how easy you have it these days: Diablo 2 had a pitifully small stash on it's original release, and Diablo 1 had no stash at all (you just dropped your loot on the ground at Tristram). Neither of those games were F2P, and neither had an MTX that gave you more stash (though someone made an unofficial mod for Diablo 2 which did that), so you were often forced into selling or disposing of quite valuable items and then hoping you'd happen to find another copy if you ever need it again. So if anything, the limited stash forces you to choose between paying your way out of the problem (buy another stash tab) or stick you Diablo 2 hat on and approach the problem in a similar way that you would have done back in the day. There isn't just one solution to the problem. And it's a problem that players won't even encounter until they've already completed the entire 10-act campaign, seen 99% of everything the game has to offer, and possibly already gotten hundreds if not thousands of hours of enjoyment from a game which didn't cost them a penny. If you still insist PoE is not F2P, even after all that, I'll insist that even if you stopped playing at the point the stash became impossible to manage, you still managed to get way more value out of this free game than most triple-A games offer at 60$, and a far better and truer F2P experience than pretty much *any* other game that claims to be F2P has to offer. |
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Dammit just pay 20$ and be done with it for the past 5years and next 5years.
If you don't like it, go play candy crush or hello kitty online Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
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" QFT, all my newspaper route money went straight to the Arcade. ~ I have selective hearing, and today, you have not been selected.
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I got multiple free stash tabs from all kinds of events throughout the years.
Although it seems like they don't have time anymore to throw those events. |
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im surprised noone is talking about the real p2w, premium stash tabs.
If you try playing without premium stash tabs you're gonna struggle tremendously and be at a serious disadvantage compared to other players who can sell everything they find much much much easier then you can. have fun browsing the trade forums for someone looking to buy your item while dude who shelled a couple bucks sells his item in 1/50th the time. |
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To make it more fair and strike a balance between f2p and p2w:
GGG should just charge the following to all players: 1) $60 to play standard (pay once, play standard forever) 2) $20 to play current league (time limited to only three months) 3) if you play league again, you need to top up another $20 to extend for another three months 4) unlimited stash tabs and character slots available for both standard and league This is most fair to all and everyone pay the same amount of $$$ and get same amount of stash tabs and character slots. No more arguments between f2p or p2w or pay for convenience crap. No more alt accounts. No more botters. No more RMT. This is the best solution... I think... 34pre98qua
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POE is also the only game I have seen (personally) that lets you have 24 - TWENTY FOUR character slots per account for free. Then you can, of course buy additional ones for like 30 points when not on sale. The Devs wanted everyone to be able to play a FULL experience for free, completely free, without being hamstrung by a new account or not having enough characters to hold your old ones to play at another time when you felt like it.
All your stash tabs from the temporary new leagues turn into FREE storage in standard when the league ends - THAT NEVER EXPIRES. Despite some of us telling them they should expire them after a few months, the Devs didn't want to reduce the server strain in that way and wanted to offer that to people. I don't have a lot of money, sometimes I have NO money but what I can spare usually goes to POE because I, personally, feel that the way the game is designed, the friendliness of the customer service and the game devs and just the overall HEART they have put into the game - deserves what little support I can give them. Going on about 7 years (I think) and they have yet to pull the bitterness, the absolute taking for granted their customers and gamers that other big name gaming companies do everyday. I'll continue to support POE and play the game until they are the ones that say, no more. They at least deserve a thank you from everyone playing, even if you never see fit to pay them 1.00 for all the hours you put into the game. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia Contact support@grindinggear.com to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks! My beloved pets.... ![]() |
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" The current system allows people to spend what they like, which is a lot better. Also paid games have botters and rmt so why would GGG get rid of them this way? They would most likely lose majority of their playerbase. People will always argue about p2w so it doesn't matter. The game is f2p and has always been. Reasons have been said enough times. |
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Its not f2play for me.
How many need spend my time in to a game? Why rare loot is so random 99.9% junk ? (example item lvl 100 got stat lvl 30) Why ppl finish this game after 40H of play doing all conntent+high end game gear ? I DOnt Know v889...... |
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