Visual Revamp of Old Skills

Please buff Ice Nova
[User Social Credit Score: 596]
Logikkus wrote:
Ice Nova looks great, but does it mean we're getting some kind of rework or buff to make it endgame viable ? It's been in a really bad place for a long time.

Try poet's pen with frostbolt + ice nova. The 40% more damage from targeting a frostbolt makes it pretty potent.

But I do agree, standard ice nova could use some love.
Looks kinda better.
"new art which runs a lot faster. " what does this mean? Like cast and or attack faster?

the best one is the ice nova.
Looks great.
Do reave soon, it still looks like it doesn't have a visual effect
dostov wrote:
"new art which runs a lot faster. " what does this mean? Like cast and or attack faster?

I think they mean performance.
Thank you for doing this. :)

Wand Attack’s probably my favourite.

Ice Nova is my least favourite... the animation’s being played too quickly to see it properly imo. I feel like it’d need to be redesigned to look better at that speed. The others all look great.
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-GGG, 2015
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
All of them look really nice... but Caustic Arrow? What is this? "Puddles of Snot Arrow"?

less demanding i imagine. same reason why all ground effects got remade. ppl keep crying about performance, so they update it and change things that are super taxing, and they still can't win with that.

lose lose i guess
Anyone know what music is in background?

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