[3.5] Ghoulish Overkill! Zombie+Skeleton Baron build
"if you're playing the MoM version of this build the boss fight potential is about the same. Aegis and Charity is effectively the heart of the build. It gives all of your pets Frenzy and Power charges, some resistance, some increased area and the chance to block. Hatred+generosity does work fantastically for the build. If you're running the Non MoM it is recommended. Chest piece is just Strength +Life + Resistance. Nothing mandatory from it. |
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What Do You think about the new betrayal unique 'Queen's Hunger'?
Selffound rare body armors are too expensive, even though they are more versatile. Until I have the resources to afford one, What are good choices? Belly, Shavronne's or anything else? I am using a Covenant atm. |
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"Queen's Hunger appears to be very strong. I'm not currently interested in the Betrayal league(mainly due to so much new standard content) so I doubt I will get my hands on one for a few months. However looking at it you could easily run it as a chest piece. If you can get some strength on there from veiled mods it's even more of a bonus. As far as the body armour is concerned. Orange and I have both cleared up to t15 maps with only Tabula Rasa on before, and Orange has cleared up to t15 with nothing but a self-found rare 4-link during his leveling process before. Although Shav's doesn't offer the build anything I would say Belly is a good secondary option. Also just using a 4 link rare with Strength+Life+Any Res you need will also work just fine until you need to start killing Guardians/Shaper/UElder/UAtziri. Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Dec 25, 2018, 12:37:05 PM
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" Hey! Getting back to you. First, merry christmas, https://pastebin.com/70jq93zK Got a new weapon to replace Severed in Sleep.
Edit: new pastebin, crafted an abyss jewel after 500 alterations Edit: I'm thinking about buying a lvl21 Raise Zombie, maybe going for a body armor with room for +1 zombies and +1 skeletons. Last edited by Mormega#3057 on Dec 29, 2018, 1:07:50 PM
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Could you link a PoB with the bis gear you have in mind? (for killing uber elder).
was thinking of trying this build but am on a 60 ex budget. Any idea whats the best way to start of with gear? |
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" Here is my PoB for my latest UElder kill. https://pastebin.com/ha3zganm Keep in mind Headhunter does basically nothing for the UElder and Shaper fights so swap it out for a good Stygian with Life+Str on it. I'd also recommend picking up Headhunter last if you don't already have it coming into this build. It's by far the largest investment for the least return. First place I would start is with the three main pieces of the build, The Baron, Arstramentis and Victario's CHarity. Everything after that is just Strength, Life, Resistances and maybe some Minion Movement speed from essence crafted rings. I'd recommend once you reach around level 75-80 to swap to the MoM version of the build (the tree I posted) and put on Shaper's Touch for extra mana resources. Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Jan 5, 2019, 1:55:04 AM
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Managed to kill shaper, ate a slam and survived. Saw your post before attempting him, bought a lvl4 empower / holy relic / smite and kept smiting Shaper while the horde did their thing.
To Uber Elder now. Edit: First time trying uber elder was not good for me. How do you keep your zombies alive? Mine were dying faster than I could keep them up while trying to dodge shit. Got closer on the 3rd attempt, shaper almost down. Any tips to keeping zombies up? Last edited by Mormega#3057 on Jan 7, 2019, 10:46:07 PM
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" For UElder the easiest trick I've found was swapping skeletons to the chest and zombies to the helm. Then don't worry too much about keeping all of your zombies up, you'll just want to keep up enough to fuel your leech mechanic. Use the extra time after dodges to summon skeleton groups on the target of choice as long as you have at least a couple of zombies alive. I usually hover around 4-6 zombies, maybe back up to 15 during the portal phases. Stick with it as it might take a few attempts to get into the groove of doing skeletons. Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Jan 9, 2019, 2:29:29 AM
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So after some recent testing with Orange and myself we've come to the conclusion that Smite is most likely not worth running. Mainly for two reasons, it slows us down and it puts us in compromising positions for minor damage gains. At this point this is what I am recommending the link setup to be.
Please note all links have changed except Vaal Skeletons in the helmet.
Zombie 6 link(should be swapped for skeletons on fights where zombies die frequently.)
Raise Zombie - Multistrike - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Brutality/Minion Speed(Choose one, was previously concentrated effect) - Empower
Skeleton 4 link (should be swapped for zombies on fights where zombies die frequently.)
Vaal Summon Skeletons - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Maim
Boots and Gloves
Raise Spectre - Increased Duration - Summon Holy Relic - Desecrate Clarity(lvl 1 for non-mom, lvl 20+ for mom) - Purity of Elements - War Banner - Enlighten
Animate Guardian - Summon Stone Golem - Minion Life Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify A couple of notes on the changes. Now that we have War Banner going pure physical is preferred so that was another nail against Smite. Plus Banner gives us a giant amount of accuracy for our zombies. This results in us not losing a giant amount of damage for exceeding a certain amount of attacks per second for the zombies. This was an issue before if you exceeded 2.44 slams per second. This brings me to why Concentrated Effect has been removed. The primary reason was because the effective radius of the slam was becoming a problem on some smaller enemies. Orange was able to successfully confirm that without concentrated effect we were able to layer more zombies on a single smaller boss. This generally leads to a faster clear by itself. It can been replaced by Minion Speed now that we no longer need to worry as much about the breakpoints we're passing. It can also be replaced by Brutality if you wish to maintain similar damage numbers to before. If you use Brutality, instead of Concentrated effect, and do not have Empower level 4 as well you should use Ruthless with Brutality. The glove and boot links aren't much different. We've added desecrate back in to make things easier in the fringe cases where zombies die. We're still handling our Curse (enfeeble - Diabolist) and the safety domes (Proximity Shield - Undying Evangelist) through the Spectres. Holy Relic gives us some regen when we shield charge for fortify. The auras all being attached to Enlighten is beneficial for the MoM version now that we have War Banner as well. The Weapon and Shield are now home to Stome Golem and Animated Guardian. This makes it easier to store your guardian before a difficult fight where it may die. The standard movement skill with fortify remains in one of the two slots. **The path of building for all of these changes at level 100** https://pastebin.com/gW1g2QfY Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Jan 9, 2019, 3:18:35 AM
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Does anyone know the amount healed by the holy relic ?
It is not told in the tooltip nor in PoB. |
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