[3.5] Ghoulish Overkill! Zombie+Skeleton Baron build
I am up with some new videos and images and crap lol.
click me to see a new T15 Red Elder deathless with Watcher's Eye drop click me to see a new Chimera Guardian deathless, only Chimera phases offcourse Now time for some Elder farming drops.I find this build the best solid farming machine for up to tier15 Elder.Haven't tried Uber Elder yet though.The thing is that the nature of this build counters everything Elder has to throw at you.The only mechanics I am afraid is big area one shots like Malachai's, Shapers, or Elders slams and that's only because zombies cant survive many of them and I cant resummon them or I have to use bloodmagic gem and then it gets slow and messy.But because in Elder fight you have the Shaper bonds on Elder you avoid slams. Also most other builds have trouble with the Elder attack that petrifies you on spot and damages you while leeching energy shield.Well for this build this is the most safe mechanic lmao because while we are immobilized our zombies still hit elder doing damage offcourse and also leech life for us + we have huge life regeneration. My life pool never drops during this elder attck I only lose my energy shield lol. I dont even have to use potions, nerf pl0x? Because we have soo many summons on ground they take care the squids and the portals very effectivly without leaving behind anything on ground or having Shaper taking damage while he buffs the bonds. Also from experience, I dont have to push my zombies and skeletons to kill as fast as possible because that way portals dont stay alive enough to summon more monsters and and I dont get the vaal souls for vaal skeletons which I need for the last Elder phase.So everything adds up pretty nicely with result to have clean, relaxed, deathless Elder fights= cool farming. Farming Elder has many benefits first of all good xp if you aim for T15 elders which need farming a lot of red maps. Second good loot: ![]() (Actually in screenshots there are 4 Onyx Amulets lolmao.) So just from what I can prove aka from screenshots I have dropped 8 Watcher's Eyes and 4 Onyx Amulets. I ve sold everything except 2 crappy Watcher's Eyes. Just the last two Impressence Onyx amulets which were both fire, have been sold for 6 and 4 exalts each.I havent drop a very good Watcher's Eye yet but the most expensive I've sold was like 5 or 6 exalts and cheaper yet 1exa.I am also selling Cyclopen Coil belts 10c lowest, and sold one with 14% attributes for 45c, elder uniq gloves 1c, elder uniq bow 1-2c, elder uniq mace 3c strict. Now lets focus on how expensive the build is. Build mostly uses very common uniques: Baron helmet 1c, more if you want good stats. Gloves 1 alc. Boots 1 alc, a few chaos if you want perfect %strenght. Shield 1 alc no matter stats. In standard, which I play and calculate prices, I use an 1h-weapon with tier 1 strenght and resists I miss. I bought mine for 1c. I leveled all my gems and turnt them 20% quality myself. Then I decided to buy a 21/20 zombie gem, 2-3 exalts. Jewels all unique, 1c for the Zombie jewels more if perfect. Around 10c to 20c for good Efficient Training and Brawn unique jewels.. Once you start dropping and selling watcher's eyes you can buy a perfect Emperor's Mastery(limited to 1sad face) for 5-6 exalts. I dropped the elder chest, craft the zombie affix myself and 6-linked it myself.If I had to put a price on my chest which gives exactly what this build needs life/resists/%increased strenght/%increased life/ affix open to craft + 1 zombie/6 link well I would say more that 10 exalts at least.But I was lucky it dropped and linked it with like 900-1000 fusings. Amulet can be costy around 80c for good stats. Rings and belt I had them in my stash not top tier. They can be costy if you aim for T1 life, strenght and resists. But now compare the drops just from Elder with what you have to spent :D so much profit already You thing I khare, but I realy dond. Last edited by Spacecom#5362 on Aug 12, 2018, 11:56:38 AM
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hey, just glazing over your build rq so forgive me if this question was already asked..
instead of using Victario's, have you considered using one (or two) carnage chieftain spectres linked to blood magic for endless Frenzy charge generation? I find it insanely easier for getting charges on minions if you can risk 2 gem slots. edit: holy shit i just read what you said about mon'treguls, i think you need to do some retesting because trying to manage 12+ zombies is annoying as fuck, and having 6-7 tanky ones available nearly all the time (lets say shaper beams em or something, one of the few scenarios where they will die). not to mention of course the insane AoE clear they provide without needing to throw on melee splash on anything. second edit: may have jumped the gun a bit there, if you're 100% certain about zombies permaslamming with 2x violent dead and the flesh binder node, then you're onto something pretty big that i never considered myself.. still, resummoning zombies is a pain in the arse because it's very mana intensive even if you've got shapers touch, no? yea, what about it Last edited by Voidurai#1307 on Aug 12, 2018, 5:52:33 PM
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" The carnage chieftan spectres aren't bad, but they don't give power charges or block/resistances. Plus you lose out on the Proximity shield spectre and around 6 skill points. It's not a bad build but if you're going to do it there is another guide on the forum designed around doing that with Mon'ts grasp. You give up your skeleton damage entirely for that build versus this build where skeletons are around 35% of our total damage. Mon'treguls grasp is a damage loss for this particular build. In every combination we've tried it just comes out as a loss, mainly from the fact that Skeletons and Vaal Summon Skeletons are a huge portion of our dps, on bosses they can be higher than zombies. This means the 95% increased minion damage on the temple-mod weapons serves us better. I am also 100% certain about the permaslamming breakpoints for the zombies and I can post a video of a single zombie on perma-slam when I get around to it. An easy way to check for yourself is to just summon 1 zombie and go to blood aqueduct and watch it go slam happy. Resummoning Zombies is a tad annoying, however with the Shaper's Touch MoM variant the build has over 1800 unreserved mana and should be able to summon 15 zombies without stop during combat. Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Aug 15, 2018, 12:57:02 PM
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"That won't do it because one zombie can't generate for itself the frenzy charges needed for the correct attack rate number.If it has those frenzy charges though it's permaslam.On the other hand sometimes the zombie permaslams even with no frenzy charges (same setup).Final verdict: frenzy charges = permaslam no frenzy charges = sometimes mixed attacks, sometimes permaslam. Video or never happened uploaded at 50fps so you can slow it down in youtube: Details: 1 zombie, no frenzy charges(on the attacking zombie), same setup during all video. Slam attack animation looks like a zombie hitting with both hands the ground and a red feathered pulsing ring/circle with the zombie as center appears. Normal attack looks like slaps lol. the video: https://youtu.be/-wa6hh77ZeY You thing I khare, but I realy dond. Last edited by Spacecom#5362 on Aug 20, 2018, 4:20:23 PM
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man i used your build last league and it was a pleasure really !!
i just swaped body armor and glove for Geofry sanctuary + shaper's touch for more defense (10k ish eHP) i wanna try a pure skeleton next league but i'm sure i will ended up playing this build |
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is it possible to get a good chaos version of this going? just wondering since next league will have more viable pathways into chaos damage? and chaos zombinos sounds like OMEGAfun. lso keen to try out another summoner build as I hvent done one since abyss
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"There isn't a way that I know of to get them to do a ton of chaos damage. You can give them poison chance(Severed in Sleep/United in Dream) and link added chaos damage to them, but that's about the best that I can come up with. It isn't a path I recommend going down, but I haven't seen everything the new patch is bringing yet. |
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Will you update this guide for 3.4 or maybe share a POB link for the new skilltree? This build will be pretty sweet for the delves i think... |
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"Yes, we will be posting an update to the build as soon as we can. This patch looks like another substantial buff for the build. Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Aug 29, 2018, 10:14:21 PM
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Last edited by ruzga#5270 on Aug 30, 2018, 6:58:37 PM
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