[3.5] Ghoulish Overkill! Zombie+Skeleton Baron build

TokeMcBong wrote:
nzrocketman wrote:
Spacecom wrote:
First of all some nodes are wrong as shown in picture:

Also I think higher level linked gems will give more attack speed.Multistrike will do for sure.
I cant think of anything else. By the way nice corruption on Violent Dead jewel I need 2 of those :D

So i change the 2 nodes and run lvl 20 haste and multistrike to lvl 20 and still only getting 1.74 so how else do i bring it up

Changing those nodes should put you over 2.39 attacks per second. If you're as low as you're showing on your path of building you probably forgot to enable frenzy charges for your minions (don't forget power charges for them too.)

If you're running haste and vaal haste you are almost certainly over attack breakpoint.

** I also don't recommend going the bottom path through these nodes anymore. Going the top path saves you 1 point unless you have minion leech on your abyssal jewel.

So i changed it to add frenzy and power chargers on the minions and that brings me up to 2.14 attacks per second. is that enough or do i need more, if i need more where do i get it from. if i dont take the 2 nodes at the bottom. have lvl 20 haste 21/20 zombies and 20 multistrike.
Commander of Darkness ascendancy node: auras yo ucast grant 3% increased attack speed amongst other things, you have it ?
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Last edited by Spacecom#5362 on Jun 28, 2018, 3:47:46 AM
can the OP please detail the desired attack hits in the main thread instead of through the comments
Spacecom wrote:
I am beginning to understand some of the mechanics of this build. My zombiez' Slam Attack has an attack rate of 1.74/s which goes up to 2.32/s with 3 frenzy charges, which always happens when they hit(on hit), and all the minions + the character get them (the frenzy charges) because of the Victario's Shield and the special nodes "sharing charges" (conduit I think) and "give shield properties to minions".
Also the two jewels + the ascendancy node "Flesh Binder" drop down the cooldown of zombiez' Slam Attackto 1.25/s.
Now I kinda lose it here... what I am guessing is that we use the Multistrike gem linked to R.Zombie gem in order to force the second attack of zombie that happens inside the 1.25s period (which is the cooldown time of Slam) to also be a forced Slam because zombies with frenzy charges hit more thna twice per second and after that the circle repeats with the another fresh slam and a repeated slam from multistrike.
But now I lose it again... what do you mean the top circle? use picture my man , I am dumb.

This is sort of how it works. So you have Slam taking .x seconds. Multistrike makes slam repeat 2 additional times at lower damage, but increased attack speed. This repetition is a locked function. So once a character starts a multistrike attack it isn't finished until the third use of the skill has gone off.

So with multistrike and a slam that has 2.38 attacks per second we get an attack pattern of such.

Slam .42s (slam goes on cooldown)
Slam .84s (slam still on cooldown)
Slam 1.26s (Slam comes off cooldown as this ends)
= 2.38 slams per second.

So the total time it takes to perform a single slam, multiplied by three gets your slam breakpoint. If you take the points you pointed out in your picture you can, in theory, push yourself over that threshold into bad territory.

A multistrike slam with 2.7 attacks per second.

Slam .37s (slam goes on cooldown)
Slam .74s (slam still on cooldown)
Slam 1.11s (slam still on cooldown)
Reg. Attack 1.4s (Slam is on cooldown for the start of this multistrike chain. Heavy dps loss.)
Reg. Attack 1.77s (Slam is off cooldown, dps is being lost.)
Reg. Attack 2.14s (Regular attack string ends.)

= 1.4 slams per second + 1.4 regular attacks per second.

Considering in this build Slam is around 4x the damage of the regular attack, has area effect and cannot miss this tiny gain in attack speed (less than 30% to cause this.) Will cause a giant loss in dps vs the above 2.38 slams per second.
Hey interesting news here:

I played a Dark Forest T14 map and noticed a corpse of a mob and it said "grants power-charges" like the apes for "frenzy charges" but now for power..

..unfortunately I don't remember the name of the mob.

Do you know the name or where to find it???


Dan_Rey wrote:
Hey interesting news here:

I played a Dark Forest T14 map and noticed a corpse of a mob and it said "grants power-charges" like the apes for "frenzy charges" but now for power..

..unfortunately I don't remember the name of the mob.

Do you know the name or where to find it???


I believe it is the Infected Ape variant from act 7 that gives the power charges. Should look like the same ape that gives frenzy charges with a parasite on it's back.
Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Jun 28, 2018, 1:45:32 PM
Thanks!! .. but it's not possible to recast them with desecrate in High maps to give them enough toughness! They just don't show up after casting desecrate..

Anyone knows why??

Last edited by Dan_Rey#2146 on Jun 28, 2018, 4:47:37 PM
Dan_Rey wrote:
Thanks!! .. but it's not possible to recast them with desecrate in High maps to give them enough toughness! They just don't show up after casting desecrate..

Anyone knows why??

probably because when they "die" they turn into the parasite. Not sure if that's what shows up in your desecrate, but it would be my guess.
As a new player, just started a week before the incursion league, I am really enjoying this build. Thank you for creating / sharing it.

I do have a question about CWDT links though. You mention using Immortal Call, which requires Endurance Charges, but I do not actively see any passives or items that grant endurance charges. Am I missing something obvious? I've been using Molten Shell to great effect thus far.

I'm curious if you could also add Fortify + Raise Spectre + Animate Guardian + Minion Life. Using a Spectre with the Allies Deal Greatly Increased Melee Damage. Equipping the guardian with Dying Breath,
Leer Cast, Zahndethus' Cassock, and Victario's Flight to provide two more damage auras, movement speed aura, and regen from Consecrated Ground.

Not sure how well the Spectre or Guardian would survive on high tier maps, but my spectre has survived incredibly well since I got Invoker.

kinnex wrote:
As a new player, just started a week before the incursion league, I am really enjoying this build. Thank you for creating / sharing it.

I do have a question about CWDT links though. You mention using Immortal Call, which requires Endurance Charges, but I do not actively see any passives or items that grant endurance charges. Am I missing something obvious?

Immortal call has a base duration and is extended by consuming endurance charges if you have any.
IGN = Tetti

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