Party Improvements

Can only agree with the previous comments

Please give us the option to NOT share loot in a group i dont want to see other ppls loot. I dont care if they find 300000 exalts or none and i rly dont wanna see it. i care about the stuff i find and nothing else.

and Please fix the Offscreen drops for the existing loot options. Its not fair towards non carrys if i offscreen the mobs and can just loot everything because its NOT allocated to anyone. (i kinda only play carrys because of that But still its not fair towards other players).

for me personal those are 2 reasons why i dont play in a non race event in a group. I´d love to play in a group if the Lootsystem would´ve be that bad.

would help too if u dont need reddit threads for that. U have ur own Forum use it for reccomendations and not a third party site. i believe ur main goal should be listen to ppl who are using the Forums and not site xyz (just gives me the feeling of dealing with a fresh company, which u arent anymore since years i guess)
Last edited by Cptbuzyo#2026 on Jun 29, 2018, 2:34:10 AM
GGG should definitely add more options to loot distribution. I am missing so badly an option 'ALL FREE' so it allows other to pick up my maps etc. I play a lot with my fiance and it's so bad we have to run to each other every time high tier map drop :(

Please, take care!
Could party loot also be fixed? That's the biggest problem I've had in my groups.

When you hear a large boom from Neversinks lootfilter you always ask or get asked "What dropped now?".

Couldn't an alternative be made to split the loot and only show per character basis? So I'll see my allocation and my friends will see theirs. The amount of loot wouldn't increase so no worries on the economy.
I think the division of the loot too cumbersome. After all, playing together in one area makes it easier for everyone to see everything (or what they see through their filter). I have no problem with that.
What me and my friends noticed is that we can both pick up the same stuff, even though we've activated both permanent allocation.

I would like a color highlighting of each player's options to help us find "Trade" or "Visit Hideout" faster. I often search and click wrong anyway. Or even better: Trade button separately.
"Poor fish-wife."
"Oops, clumsy me!"
Hey, about a master loot option? That would be really nice in my opinion.
This is a welcome first step (especially downlevelling).

As others mentioned above, it would be nice to only show my own loot.
An other big annoyance (but maybe tricky to fix) are prophecies. If 2 players are doing maps, only the player opening the map can trigger his prophecies. It should check the prophecies of all the players in the party. Also if 2 players have the same prophecy it should complete for both players and not just the one who opened. It could lead to griefing, so maybe it could be an option, off by default.
Last edited by Vulmio#5050 on Jun 29, 2018, 10:10:46 AM
Are guild stash interaction improvements in the works as well (speaking of things that haven't seen changes in quite a long time)?
Very nice start. Next big one for me is a shared map. If they explore the right side of the map while i take on the left, I really would love what they see to fill in on mine as well. It would make cohesion so much easier.
Hurray for downleveling, now I can consider inviting people without scratching my head about the kind of build I'd play.
Oh my gosh. That teleport feature is going to be SO helpful. THANK YOU!

Anyone else not really care about the downleveling feature? Heh... Maybe it's just me.

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