Skill Revamp - Elemental Hit

gandhar0 wrote:
EonLight wrote:
Socket two of these jewels into your tree and you suddenly have an Elemental Hit that always deals Fire Damage. On the other hand, socket just one of these jewels and suddenly you're left with a skill that only deals Fire and Cold damage.
Socket all three jewels and deal no damage? Bring it on meme builds!

2 Jewels max.
Read the description.

socket the no fire one and then pick avatar of fire for the ultimate build XD
self found league fan

Wtf ggg! Does anyone else see this b.s. ??? Yet another unnecessary nerf among the long list of many before this one. Who comes up with these nerfs and "buff" ideas?? Sick of my builds / chars being rendered useless cause of these nerfs.

New elemental hit : Uses ONE random chosen element and deal no other damage..... Sound familiar??

Old/ current elemental hit: Uses all 3 elements at the same time and deals no physical damage.

GGG let's stop the fuckery, if I really wanted to use some random off brand fraudulent version of elemental hit, i'd have gone with Wild Strike and be done seeing as it does the same thing. Only thing is Wild Strike is restricted to melee (go figure) so, now you're turning Elemental Hit into an alternate version of Wild Strike? Wtf sense does that make?

Ok most people here obviously don't use Elemental Hit and aren't aware of this change as being a nerf. Sec i'll make a post devoted to this topic.
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters!
Kinda makes you wonder how much Xoph's Nurture and Signal Fire are going to cost this league.
EA IGN: Man_Screams_At_Skeleton
About Kinetic Blast vs Elemental Hit , yeah KB still be wander OP skill for clearing till 3.4 . As Chris Wilson said they focus on making skills to clear max ONE screen and they will nerfed some of skills like KB in 3,4.
Regardless that, as I seen in Incursion rooms are freaking LARGE and you are surrounded most of the time. May be KB will not be the best option for this league at all.
On the other hand, socket just one of these jewels and suddenly you're left with a skill that only deals Fire and Cold damage. Remember that we noted that it can't deal the same type of damage sequentially? Suddenly you have a skill that pairs very nicely with Elemental Equilibrium, as each attack will alternate between the type of damage it deals, taking full advantage of the reduced resistances.

Am I missing something here? Is there anything that would prevent a triple element elemental hit working well with elemental equilibrium and constraining it to 2 elements would make it work properly?

Can´t wait to see a Vigilant Strike rework too!
I'm not sure how I feel about this, I really wanted to make elemental hit work but just couldn't, I knew it needed a buff but not sure this is the buff I expected, I mean, it had its charm with the random element and no physical damage scaling... I guess we will see...
devouring totem revamp or riot!
Good Job
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