Here is another unique item that you might see in the Incursion League

鬼殺し wrote:
I'm a genuine PoE idiot non-savant and even I can see that's a CI shield.


Yeah that shield just literally screams out CI! A shield to help vs bleeding without having to use death door boots nor craiceann beastiary armor...…..yeah...…..I had my reserves about playing this upcoming league with the garbage uniques GGG showcased the other day ( except for MAYBE the non upgraded ammy) but seeing that shield...…...yeahhhhhhh……...I want to get hold of that ASAP!

Side note though, why the hell doesn't GGG already upgrade / change Bloodgrip ammy to not be affected by bleeding?? Guess that's too much to ask for like me still wanting fated versions of Fairgraves cap, Wanderlust boots and Goldrim cap.
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters!
Last edited by WoT_Seanchan#1214 on May 25, 2018, 9:28:10 AM
Part of me wishes they would reveal the rarity tier for these items so we would know whether to build around them or not in their first league.

I personally never build around an item before I know the rarity of it. I'm sure the folks who planned on the Atziri Shield last league feel the same way.

(Not all of us have time to make multiple characters in a league)
Thanks for all the fish!
gandhar0 wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
gandhar0 wrote:

So yes, you are immune.

They are fighting over semantics, you aren't immune in the games descriptive terms because immune means you won't get the icon or be affected by, you'll still have bleeds applied and they will still squirt blood out of your character as you move around you just won't take any damage from it.

This is the same as poison, you don't take any damage from poison but you can still get it stacked on you.

What you describe is an issue with the game engine.
I expect in future engine-updates (3.x, 4.0 and beyond), you wont see any icons or graphics effects on your character anymore, in case immunities are in place.

They are simply not needed in that case. Why would they, if you are immune anyways?
Less icon/character effects bloat & less confusion is a win-win.

The reason why you (not you personally Draegnarrr, but some people in the community) mention this is based on some old flaws in the PoE game engine.
It's not a flaw, it's working as intended. They can easily make you actually immune - there's flasks that do that. They want you to still take 0 damage poisons because then you can use it with "While you are poisoned" mechanics. You don't understand the game half as well as you think you do.

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