Here is another unique item that you might see in the Incursion League

Looks fucking OP for CI indeed. Might just play occultist next league...
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
Tahreyn wrote:
Uoykai wrote:

so you wont poison, cause it will reflect on you, and you will get bonuses only from shield? Its ... lame... I mean we need more bonuses while being poisoned, and not 1% chaos res per poison...

You should still be inflicting the poison on your target while attacking, so if you want to make a build focused on poison damage you should still be able to do that.

However. If you combine The Golden Rule and Apep's Supremacy with CI you will have a permanent +3 to all resists (as long as you have some small percentage to poison on hit). You'll not take any damage from bleeding and thus removing the need of a staunching flask.

Isn't it easier to just equip saffel and get a flask?
And about Golden Rule and CI.... it is no point in this pair....
There should be "CI is disabled" somewhere (all new items have drawback, right?) :P
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
Last edited by Nishrek#6401 on May 25, 2018, 6:29:31 AM
Nishrek wrote:
There should be "CI is disabled" somewhere (all new items have drawback, right?) :P

Its got a drawback, its a CI shield with like half a good shields ES that is a pretty decent cost right there.

I actually like the 45% faster start of ES best lol that shits hard to get these days.
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on May 25, 2018, 7:08:40 AM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
gandhar0 wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
I'm a genuine PoE idiot non-savant and even I can see that's a CI shield.

It is.
You are now bleed immune.

You are not. You just don't take any damage from bleeding.

I know, pedantic difference; but this is probably the main selling point of the item (together with Golden Rule and Red Trail).

I really hope this item won't be exalt-tier rare, because it opens up some very neat interactions.

CI gets 100% chaos resists, and this item converts phys damage to chaos.
So yes, you are immune.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
gandhar0 wrote:

So yes, you are immune.

They are fighting over semantics, you aren't immune in the games descriptive terms because immune means you won't get the icon or be affected by, you'll still have bleeds applied and they will still squirt blood out of your character as you move around you just won't take any damage from it.

This is the same as poison, you don't take any damage from poison but you can still get it stacked on you.
Hmm... wait... what? If bleed is 100% converted to chaos, I take CI keystone to be chaos immune, then anytime I bleed I would be taking chaos damage and thus I am bleed immune. Who cares that it's not the same as "bleed immune" stat, if I run around bleeding visually but am not losing any health it doesn't matter at all to me (same result as bleed immunity). And it would be funny to take on a mob pack that bleed punctures and face tank them knowing I'm 100% protected against bleeding (run around them in circles bleeding but "look ma, no damage").

So the only real problem I see is GGG knows this and thus will likely set the drop rate to be the typical "once in a blue moon" drop. That in itself (gating it behind super low rng drop chance) is always the reason I don't get very exited with new gear announcements (I'll probably never ever get this shield).
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Draegnarrr wrote:
gandhar0 wrote:

So yes, you are immune.

They are fighting over semantics, you aren't immune in the games descriptive terms because immune means you won't get the icon or be affected by, you'll still have bleeds applied and they will still squirt blood out of your character as you move around you just won't take any damage from it.

This is the same as poison, you don't take any damage from poison but you can still get it stacked on you.

What you describe is an issue with the game engine.
I expect in future engine-updates (3.x, 4.0 and beyond), you wont see any icons or graphics effects on your character anymore, in case immunities are in place.

They are simply not needed in that case. Why would they, if you are immune anyways?
Less icon/character effects bloat & less confusion is a win-win.

The reason why you (not you personally Draegnarrr, but some people in the community) mention this is based on some old flaws in the PoE game engine.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on May 25, 2018, 7:44:59 AM
Arrowneous wrote:
Hmm... wait... what? If bleed is 100% converted to chaos, I take CI keystone to be chaos immune, then anytime I bleed I would be taking chaos damage and thus I am bleed immune. Who cares that it's not the same as "bleed immune" stat, if I run around bleeding visually but am not losing any health it doesn't matter at all to me (same result as bleed immunity). And it would be funny to take on a mob pack that bleed punctures and face tank them knowing I'm 100% protected against bleeding (run around them in circles bleeding but "look ma, no damage").

First, nothing is getting converted. You are taking one type of damage as another type of damage. This has many mechanical consequences and behaves quite differently than converted damage would. Not least of which is that Damage over Time (which Bleeding is) can never be converted in the first place.

Second, there is a difference between being immune to bleeding and taking no damage from bleeding. If you are immune to some effect, that effect can never apply to your character. You cannot have the "bleeding" debuff, period. Meanwhile, with 100% resistance, you still have the Bleeding debuff, it is just not causing you any damage.

This matters for items and modifiers that use the wording "while Bleeding", for example The Red Trail's "Gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit while Bleeding". If you are immune to bleeding, this does nothing, as you are never Bleeding. If you merely don't take any damage from the bleed, but you are still bleeding, you will get a Frenzy Charge on every hit, while completely avoiding the downside.

Exploiting effects like this is likely the main reason for the shield's existence; otherwise it would just say... you guessed it, "Immune to Bleeding".
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on May 25, 2018, 7:46:08 AM
gandhar0 wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
gandhar0 wrote:

So yes, you are immune.

They are fighting over semantics, you aren't immune in the games descriptive terms because immune means you won't get the icon or be affected by, you'll still have bleeds applied and they will still squirt blood out of your character as you move around you just won't take any damage from it.

This is the same as poison, you don't take any damage from poison but you can still get it stacked on you.

What you describe is an issue with the game engine.
I expect in future engine-updates (3.x, 4.0 and beyond), you wont see any icons or graphics effects on your character anymore, in case immunities are in place.

They are simply not needed in that case. Why would they, if you are immune anyways?
Less icon/character effects bloat & less confusion is a win-win.

The reason why you (not you personally Draegnarrr, but some people in the community) mention this is based on some old flaws in the PoE game engine.

I think it would be more like Atziri's Reflection or Inpulsa's Broken Heart, where you are 'unaffected' by something but you can still have that effect on you.

I'm quite happy to see another shield option for boosting maximum resistances.
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