Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games
Uhh dang. This is a little worrying to say the least.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
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So why should I continue to purchase your supporter packs anymore when you guys are funded by a multi-billion dollar company? What the fuck is the point?
Last edited by BrownTown86#7432 on May 22, 2018, 8:56:40 PM
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" exactly this. What a joke calling it an "investment". |
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" Time for a reality check. In the future you're supporting Tencent and not GGG, so do correctly state who you're supporting. Because it sure as hell ain't GGG. |
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" Is that how you approach all your purchases? Do you know who ultimately owns all the companies you purchase from? |
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" Suppose it isn't....does it matter? He DOES know about the ultimate owner of this one (to the extent possible...) ...Isn't that good enough? Even if he approaches different purchases differently, he still has the power to vote by walking away with his money, right? |
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" What was the point in the first place? You supported the game... which was and still is completely free to play. That's what being a supporter means, you're supporting the F2P model of the game which we hold in high regard. Are you saying that you'll continue to play the game and enjoy it but not support PoE financially simply because a proportion of the profits now go to another entity? So you were fine with a model where a handful of founders were entitled to the profits and everyone else that worked on the game simply got their wages, but now you object to a model where the business owners (including the founders) share in the profits and everyone else that works on the game simply gets their wages? You do realise that if GGG is operating as an independent business unit that they still need to generate revenue to cover all the costs of delivering and running the game so nothing in that space has changed. Are you proposing that your ideal future model of the game becomes a pay to play or subscription based title? No business can simply provide a service for no return so the money to pay the bills needs to come from somewhere. I see no reason why the established model can't continue to meet that need because fundamentally nothing has really changed. The only real change from bringing on investors is the ability to access large amounts of financial support to improve the game beyond the current means and develop new products. Why is that bad? I have seen a lot of people proclaiming that Tencent will impose a p2w model on PoE, but have you considered that they already have this model to some degree in the China version, they have this model on some other games in their stable but not all, but what they really want is to access the expertise behind how to make a more customer acceptable f2p game profitable? Something that GGG had absolutely nailed. |
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to the previous poster:
i think most of the poeple in here a pissed off because whenever you made a purchase in this game you thought it would go straight into GGG and would be used to pay bills and whatnot and the leftovers would go into more poe content. I like indi companies and i like this game. The difference here is now we dont support an indi company anymore. Every dime you now spend in this game, the most part of it will go to Tencent. The problem i see now is that from what i made out reading all the comments, there wont be much "support" left from the people. Good so if you ask me. I think this "investment" business deal wasnt really thought thru in the first place. Who would sell 80% shares of his company? You just really do that if you are looking for a payout / jackpot / lottery win in my opinion. Let's not forget that GGG would'nt be the company they are without everyone in here. They just didnt only sell out the company or shares, they also sold out the entire playerbase. |
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i play this game because of the way GGG runs it, as well as because it is fun. if tencent changes it at all, im uninstalling and never playing again
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But this is where most people are wrong.
Have a look at all the big companies and corporations out there. Have a look at their annual statements and reports. There are very few business out there that make massive profits. Let me explain. There are big companies that generate a large amount of dollars as profit, but their profit margin is single digit percentage points. They might generate $6Bn in profit, but at only a 5% ROI so a full 95% is being consumed by the business to run the business. GGG is no different. Perhaps their model is more successful and they're generating an astronomical 20% profit each year. So anyone that continues to support PoE by buying packs and points will see 80% of that money go to support the game which includes paying the wages of all the staff, keeping the servers on and developing future content. Of the 20% profit 4% goes back to the owners and Tencent receives 16%. So if you bought a $100 pack Tencent gets $16 while PoE itself gets $80 to continue to operate. As to why do you sell 80% of your company? Because you are looking for a large cashflow to continue to improve the game and develop the next game at a AAA standard. If you wanted a payday you sell the whole thing and retire. If you're passionate about your development you obtain what you need to see it grow and retain a proportion because you have faith in your vision. The honest truth is that business deals like this are incredibly complex and we will never be privy to all the details and nor should we. So we can speculate and draw conclusions based on incomplete data but the key part really is that I've trusted Chris and the team for years, so why would I not have faith in them now? There's plenty of time to withdraw support and spend money elsewhere when things actually get bad. No need to be an early adopter of doom and gloom when there is no impact to us yet. |
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