Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games

Ayuminator wrote:
Title is wrong, fixed it for you.

Tencent has invested in Wolcen.

At least no need to worry anymore about broken Paypal on this site. GGG now get's money from other surce, so I can just invest it elsewhere :-)
Just need to get to 100 once before the pay2win or abo stuff starts. Anyone willing to donate some of their T15 beachheads?

1337 21gn17ur3
why some poeple said :" released cheap packs "

is that means s.packs will be even cheaper ?
In China, Tencent has a slogan said:"用心創造快樂"which means "we create happiness by heart"
BUT Chinese internet users added the following part:"沒錢玩你麻痺" which means"f--k off poor"
Tencent will maximize the profit of their games.
POOR SERVERS (lower cost), less maximum capacity of player at same time
Selling essential item (higher profit)
For example: no more Regret Orbs will be dropped,must buy pts in shop. Mirrors will sell in Shop.

There are too much example in China about Tencent investing case.
at first, no changes.
few expansions later, some items/functions will be added.
and they will improve the gaming experience hugely,
and these things will not be permanent,but monthly.
GHYD wrote:
In China, Tencent has a slogan said:"用心創造快樂"which means "we create happiness by heart"
BUT Chinese internet users added the following part:"沒錢玩你麻痺" which means"f--k off poor"
Tencent will maximize the profit of their games.
POOR SERVERS (lower cost), less maximum capacity of player at same time
Selling essential item (higher profit)
For example: no more Regret Orbs will be dropped,must buy pts in shop. Mirrors will sell in Shop.

There are too much example in China about Tencent investing case.
at first, no changes.
few expansions later, some items/functions will be added.
and they will improve the gaming experience hugely,
and these things will not be permanent,but monthly.

1337 21gn17ur3
And that, is, how you ruin a perfectly fine franchise...

Human greed.

Let's see what the future will bring. I am guessing exlusive pay to win items seeping into the game.

Could not hold myself, 80% of the company owned by the Chinese and they ask around other companies if Chinese are interfering. GGG seems to have that worry already while asking and if my past life experience is correct, the worst possible case you can think of is what usually occurs. I am seeing a big damage here in the long run.
I just want to point out that the fact the company is Chinese has little to do with the amount of hate they are receiving.

- business practices

- sesame credit

- working hand in hand with their government (willingly or otherwise) to spy on and grade people.

- business practices

- scope of investments and acquisitions

- the way this was hidden and handled

- to a lesser extent social and humanitarian differences
Now presenting! Venom ink; malice in the pen, poison on the paper, anger in the mind.

Brought to you by Dat LLC, in partnership with Harassment Industries.

*Disclaimer* No actual products are being sold, shipped or presented. *End of disclaimer*
Last edited by DarkNRG#0841 on May 22, 2018, 8:02:41 AM
DarkNRG wrote:
I just want to point out that the fact the company is Chinese has little to do with the amount of hate they are receiving.

- business practices

- sesame credit

- working hand in hand with their government (willingly or otherwise) to spy on and grade people.

- business practices

- scope of investments and acquisitions

- the way this was hidden and handled

- to a lesser extent social and humanitarian differences

-politics dont have any place in a video game
1337 21gn17ur3
you could have made a poll for the community to vote if they wanted tencent, another partner or none and wrote this exact post to inform, perhaps people don't want to feel betrayed and feel like their favorite company is now partnered with tencent
I usually do not read popular posts again after i made a comment on it, unless it's one of my own. I wish to have a Black robed Grim Reaper micro set in game one day, grant my wish, GGG
DarkNRG wrote:
I just want to point out that the fact the company is Chinese has little to do with the amount of hate they are receiving.

- business practices

- sesame credit

- working hand in hand with their government (willingly or otherwise) to spy on and grade people.

- business practices

- scope of investments and acquisitions

- the way this was hidden and handled

- to a lesser extent social and humanitarian differences

+10000 to this. I am also suspecting "harmless" viruses, back doors being implemented by "visiting programmers" from China so that more intelligence can be scooped out from across the world.

ExiledToWraeclast wrote:
DarkNRG wrote:
I just want to point out that the fact the company is Chinese has little to do with the amount of hate they are receiving.

- business practices

- sesame credit

- working hand in hand with their government (willingly or otherwise) to spy on and grade people.

- business practices

- scope of investments and acquisitions

- the way this was hidden and handled

- to a lesser extent social and humanitarian differences

-politics dont have any place in a video game

That is the stupidest thing I have heard today. Congrats. Both are grounded in real life, both use real world money, with that comes influence and opinion, support or the lack thereof.

It's all human shit man, all of it. You don't want them to effect each other because YOU want an escape. There is no escape, only a temporary delay or reprieve. In the end it's all tied together.

EDIT: Furthermore if people weren't so dead set on finding ways to escape reality and instead look to improve it the state of the world might not be as it is. A lot of you are like ostriches with your head stuck in the entertainment sand.

Look I understand you can't stare down that barrel all day, but you'd best give it a glance now and again before it runs you the fuck over.
Now presenting! Venom ink; malice in the pen, poison on the paper, anger in the mind.

Brought to you by Dat LLC, in partnership with Harassment Industries.

*Disclaimer* No actual products are being sold, shipped or presented. *End of disclaimer*
Last edited by DarkNRG#0841 on May 22, 2018, 8:16:08 AM

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