
so I would love to go to this exilecon but I cant pay close to $1400-$1800 US just to fly there would be nice if you could have a exilecon in the states
This might end up being my first trip to New Zealand.
" and offer various tickets options "

start pulling this type of shit and exilecon will only end up being one exile ........

losing interest if this shit turns into another money grab

one ticket we are all the same ......cucks
Been thinking about going to exilecon. Its a pretty long and expensive trip from Sweden, but my plan is to make it into a holiday and go around New Zeland for about three weeks and stop in Auckland for exilecon. I'm very excited!
Sounds awesome, but I Think its gonna be unlikely as I have to save up 1.635$ just for the trip alone, but I Hope you get it up and running, and maybe have a livestream on twitch for the main events
mopeskie wrote:
" and offer various tickets options "

start pulling this type of shit and exilecon will only end up being one exile ........

losing interest if this shit turns into another money grab

one ticket we are all the same ......cucks

If you only have time to attend one day of a three-day event, it doesn't make a lot of sense to pay for all three days, now, does it?? That's the kind of "ticketing options" they are talking about, idiot.
New Zealand is one of those bucket list countries I want to visit. Same with Australia for that matter. I probably won't make it next year (I'm already budgeting for Iceland for my birthday) but if this becomes an annual thing, I'll do my best to make it there. If Warframe can make Tennocon a thing, I bet this will be successful as well.
As for suggestions, what immediately comes to mind are unique race-style competitions (PoE BR tourney?). Something like fastest Torture Chamber full clear with a given character, Uber Elder fight clear with least damage taken and so on and so forth. Prices would ofc be an alt-art Demigods Dominance with Exilecon branding (and a lootbox :P). I have no idea how much effort is required but having an arcade-like setting with a local server were you log into your own account?
If this is about a month away, is there any more concrete info?
Gescom wrote:
If this is about a month away, is there any more concrete info?

We're looking at dates in November 2019 as they stated :D more than a year

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