
On the one hand I could probably afford to go, on the other hand it's like a 30 hour flight from England and I'm fairly certain I'd go insane in Economy. Arg!
Why not in Europe or North America?
Your player base is there.
If you are going to face a real challenge, it has to be a real challenge. You can't accomplish anything without the possibility of failure.
Okay, I'm the kind of guy you're probably interested in tipping over from the "interested" camp into the "will be going" camp. So let me just lay out a few things I will be considering as maybe it will help your decision making:

1) I travel a lot for work. I've had New Zealand on my short list (for personal travel) for quite awhile now, so this (and my love of PoE) has my interest level high.

2) I will want to bring my family on the trip and more importantly, will want to bring my now 10yo son to the ExileCon itself (he'll be almost, but but not quite, 12yo by the time of the event). He loves PoE and I could not attend without bringing him.

3) Early November might be a little tough because of the aforementioned. It's hard to take a kid out of school at that time of the year (I'm not against taking him out, but two weeks before he's going to be out anyway is just tricky...I'm dealing with that same thing this coming November as we plan a Europe trip.).

4) Sooo...what does that leave? Why not do it over the Thanksgiving holiday itself? Or at least the M-W of Thanksgiving week. Travelling to New Zealand is a BIG deal for most Americans and thus stomping Thanksgiving week is not necessarily a bad thing as they can both attend conference and extend the trip for sightseeing. Alternatively, mid-December would result in a similar effect (i.e., allows visitors to extend their stay over Christmas for additional sight seeing purposes).

Net net: 1) Make sure the Con allows 11.5 yo's :-) and 2) Make the Con align CLOSE TO an American holiday for extended travel (and school removal) purposes. I'm going to guess that this latter requests aligns with college student needs as well.

Thanks for listening!
Damn, the idea does indeed sound great! I especially liked the part where u are considering doing flight and accommodation giveaways, since the trip to NZ from where I live would cost me a 3 month salary :D Maybe do separate giveaways for flights, and for accommodations, so people who can afford either the flight or the accommodation can only opt to try to win either one or the other, depending on their needs (and possibly make it so people who can't afford both can participate in both giveaways). I can't afford a ticket myself, but If I do win one - accommodation will not be a problem. Also make sure u speak about New Zealand itself more - It is one of the most biologically-diverse places on Earth, with amazing nature. You NEED to show people what they can experience apart from the ExileCON, because there sure is a lot to experience :D I'm sure some Lord of the Rings fans don't even know most of those movies have been shot in NZ, and that piece of info might be the tipping point for them to choose to attend ExileCon :D

Great work as always, nice that you touch bases with the community.

I'm sure the community would love the idea of a carnival game including a large pool, a Chris Willson sitting on a plank right above it, and a small target on the side which would drop him in the water if hit :D That alone could pay for all the investment needed for the gathering itself :D
Oh hi.

I'd def like to attend =)
Oh hi
Please sell all mtx you could get at ExileCon to your players in a digital package or something as well.

I would love to go but neither have the time nor spare money to fly all the way to New Zealand from Europe right now, but I would hate missing out on a really cool looking mtx (set) just because of that.
I won't be able to attend due to expenses, but please offer streams of the event!! Or at least a VOD after it's done.
Last edited by Nicksiren#6476 on May 18, 2018, 12:40:50 PM
Tickets will cost me around €1000,- and I'll be traveling for around 60 hours. I'm dedicated, but that's a bit much for me.

Would love to meet you however, so who knows, I'll combine with with a three week vacation or something ;D
I am a nice guy.
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why none is talking about "4.0.0 mega-expansion"

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