Once again: any chance for an automatic trade system? :)
" The introduction of such a system is really no problem. Nevertheless, it has not been introduced because it is apparently the current system works as intended. As to the statement that "the game is constantly changing", it is not true. During all these years, the game remains what it was at the beginning - a heavily upgraded version of Diablo 2. RNG and trade based hack'n slash. To which some new content is added from time to time, but "new" does not mean "different". Except for the "Bestiary", which was so unfinished that everyone spat it like some rotten food. That is why I am sure that trade system will not change. The only thing that changes is the current "meta". GGG enforces these changes with the help of nerfs. Remember ES meta or "poison meta"? BAM - destroyed. What was next? Vaal pact meta? Now useless. And so on and so forth. Now I read that they are trying to "improve" the "barrage". Which in practice means RIP barrage based archers and wanders. These are the "constant changes". When it comes to new "AH stash tab", mentioned by guy above, I do not believe in such a solution. It would be financially beneficial, but it would totally prevent GGG from pretending that PoE is not a "pay to win" game. You have been placed on probation for: ● Make hateful or needlessly negative comments ● Personally attack or cause harm to the reputation of others ● Antagonise others in an obnoxious manner ●
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" Premium tab had made PoE be not a "pay to win" game. I don't know how to sell items without premium tabs, and I think most players are the same as me. AH stash tab doesn't change this because it already is. |
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P2W in a trade game is a void concept and retarded in almost every conceivable way you look at it. Its similar to saying you can play competitive HS without buying any packs.
IMO the only real/meaningful ladder race to 100 would be a form of SOLO self-found race with zero interactions with other players. The moment you allow parties and trade racing becomes meaningless as there is ALWAYS an aspect of "illegitimate" or "unfair" advantage/boost that nothing stops you to assume it could have been monetarised in one way or another. We live in a society that for everything there is a price. Accept it and move on... It looks to me that till that happens the ARPG genre will keep decaying... |
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" In all fairness: "Players are hitting level 100 too quickly" - Chris, almost every single damn season. Sounds like whining to me. And they also don't even PLAY their own game through the end, so their reasoning is going to be incomplete at best. But I guess we could call them "playing" PoE like most players: hit a grindwall and give up early into mapping. I mean it seems like that's how most people react in this game. :V Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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" You're completely wrong on this... They're keeping the current trade system for the average players benefit. The average player doesn't trade much. Maybe get a few build-defining items, but that's it... The average player is not on the forums either... If an AH was implemented, it would become way too easy to get equipment. It would follow the pattern of the D3 AH disaster, with everyone geared up from the AH (items provided by bots), and nobody every finding anything they could actually use as much better items would be for sale for a trans orb. GGG would then have to rebalance to the new average power level, which would mean trading become a requirement to play. That means SSF is dead, and the players who like the loot finding would also be stuffed. Easy trading in a game where items aren't 'used up while being used' is detrimental to the game. It simply has to be annoying to be limited enough! |
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" I'm so amused at all the people trying to white-knight GGG who will gleefully contradict what GGG is even saying while doing so. Chris has never said it was for the benefit of ANY players. While his reasoning has changed, it's NEVER been about what was for the PLAYERS; it was all about trying to enforce his/GGG's vision of what the game should be like; to satisfy THEIR whims. At first, it was all about "player interaction," but then this was dropped after it was pointed out enough times that it merely amounted to people copy-pasting the lines from poe.trade and other trading websites. After that, he just got more blunt: he wanted to make the game more frustrating and slow, because GGG is kinda salty at just how well the game's best players have shown they can be. To quote Chris Wilson: "Players are hitting level 100 too quickly." " Though I AM getting tired of a bunch of people who've minimal D3 experience trying to claim what things were like then. Blizzard doesn't have bot problems like PoE has even to this day. The AH was actually an unmitigated SUCCESS, at least on the non-RMT side. It was only removed because the RMAH (not AH) had become a legal liability, and Blizzard was trying to establish a potential legal defense claim to avoid having to admit that liability was the reason for removing the RMAH, so they removed the AH itself too; players HATED this, especially since the "fixes" to drops were far from ideal; the game was DESIGNED to have an AH, so it's irksome today, and its removal was a big reason for D3's failure to retake the position D2 had a decade prior. It's amusing that I'll see tons of PoE players (who hardly touched D3) claiming that it was "hated," when in fact, it wasn't; you'll notice that there's no one actually over in the D3 community going "gee, I'm sure glad they got rid of trading!" It's a sentiment fabricated by people trying to white-knight GGG and make up every excuse possible to justify the terrible trading system in place today. " Um, you mean like how the game is ALREADY balanced around the horrific amounts of power creep the game has seen? Power creep that was introduced by... Wait a moment, introduced by GGG themselves? Like, new content is balanced around this extreme; that's part of why you've not touched stuff like dealing with Elder/Uber Elder, or trying to experience what it takes to get to 36/40. (let alone 40/40) " You'll have to cite some examples otherwise you're just spouting stuff because you think you can get away with anything on the Internet. As counter-examples, I name two of the games frequently mentioned in these discussions: Ultima Online and Runescape. UO in particular is a case that GGG was unfamiliar with, and when they did look, they admitted they could only say good things about its trading. UO's had the same easy trading system basis for over 20 years now, and never once did it ever get considered "too easy it was a detriment." As it happens, it's equipment system is not unlike PoE's, too: permanent items with randomly-rolled mods, so that no two are really the same. And it's been only good for the game; imagine that! Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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