I personally don´t like Battle Royal, but a lot of people do and also liked that mod. So keep it and repeat it at some time. I personally also don´t like racing so much (except descent) but for those player who like it it is a fun mode so you are keeping it.
I would prefer some more changes for pvp in generell so that more people are interested in it and like to activly play for it, maybe with more tiers (normal to lvl 28, cruel to lvl 50, merciless to lvl 68 and then open for end game) some more objective based pvp (e.g. Capture The Beasts: an area with a lot of red beasts that spawn after timer and two teams trying to capture more of them, both teams can kill each other, if you die you have a respawn timer) The only thing I would advice you to is that the royal mod should be an timely limited exclusive thing. Because we need players and if you would make it a permanent mode it gone result in no players active in it. |
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it was really fun
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No. If I want battle royale I will stick to a game with stronger focus and better polish. I liked the idea - if not the execution - and I don't mind it coming back from time to time. But please do not invest significant resources. There's a plethora of feature requests.
Last edited by SpectralLynx#0668 on Apr 4, 2018, 8:09:24 AM
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Patch it in as a "between leagues" time filler.
patch it in as a themed special event (as it was for April fools) and offer themed fun MTX prizes. It doesn't really have a point in the main game though. Just a wildly fun distraction. |
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Please bring it back as a game-mode playable at all times.
I cant remember the last time I had as much as fun in PoE as I did playing Royale like 50 times until I finally somehow finished #1 (with Molten Strike!!!!!!!!!!!! thought I was gonna get split arrow'd at the end n___n) There is no point to do have the game-mode run seasonally. Keep it simple: Standard, Season/League, Royale for Game Modes (with HC versions in Standard and Season/League) I know you guys could turn this Battle Royale mode (you should call it POEBG) into a revolutionary option that ARPG Fan's have been seeking since Diablo II's prime.. Make the right choice. If maintenance costs aren't too overbearing (cutting into major content and expansion updates), please please please expand on this mode and keep it permanently. I'll buy another 10 supporter packs in addition to the 8 or so i've already bought =) Cheers |
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Royale was awesome! Definitely looking forward to seeing it back again.
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It was really fun and very well done, especially considering how fast the development was.
I think it will not work as a long term mode, but i'd like to play it again from time to time... maybe limiting it to 1 weekend each month or something like that, and each time with different skills available for players or different map layouts. |
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I would really like to see this mode in an improved form as part of Leo's PvP offers. Especially for the daily missions that would be a lot of fun as many players would be drawn to play Battle Royal at least once in a while.
One suggestion though: It may be worthwhile to consider something players can do while they are waiting for the game to start. On April the first, everyone was playing Royal. So the matches began almost instantly. But if this is not the case, people may have to wait a few minutes. Maybe you could give everyone 10-20 Skillpoints at lvl 1. So everyone can spec their Character a bit right before the battle starts. Thus, I don't know whether that other player with almost no gear is rather tanky or deals brutal DPS. |
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First of all, I would like to forward my gratitude towards GGG employees for this gem of a game and their dedication towards their work.
And as for POE: ROYALE, I have to say it was S P E C T A C U L A R. And I would very much like to see it run as weekend events or in any other shape or form. Now addressing some of the concerns in this comments section I would like to put forth my opinions. As condencending as they may be, it is not targeted against any player/dev. So apologies sought in advance. 1. Since they were able to develop this game mode in such short time. It's not wrong to say that they will be able to polish it and make it into some sort of playable game mode without putting too much of their work time into it. So worrying about balance changes and the core game developement is a waste. 2. Since it will run as event (if they take this direction), it won't affect the core league and market that much. 3. Since the match timings are short even if people are playing it, they can easily switch leagues for trading/mapping/etc 4. There is so much variation that can be brought in this game mode to keep it fresh for its subsequent iterations. 5. If I am not wrong, the devs are also humans who enjoys coding this game as much as we like to play it. So, this game mode will provide them something interesting to code/balance. 6. This game mode can provide devs with free game/skill/item testing before releasing it into core game.(something to think on) 7. This game mode will give them more behavoriable data on PvP. |
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it would be very nice if you were adding more and more pvp modes; pvp is important too. When will you add Moba style mode?
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