There is great potential for this mode/event if you put some effort into creating specialized trees for each class (could even be a separate mini Skilldrasils for each class so that there are multiple specialized paths to choose and try). You could even roll out skills modified specifically for the mode, rather than try and tweak numbers of the regular game skills; I'm sure there are a lot of single-target ideas and variants out there that would be awesome in a mode like this while being pretty horrible in the main game.
You could even do crazy themes like including those Descent Champions chests/weapons and other mutators. It was great fun playing this as a novelty and the mode felt very similar to playing games like Fortnite (a last-second level up saving me from certain death in the storm one game was too funny), but a serious look at skills, passives, and items could truly make it into the PVP people have been calling for ever since D2:LoD (since both D3 and PoE have shit the bed on it to this point). |
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Do I want ROYALE to come back?
Definitely. As a permanent mode? No. I think it's better suited as a short occasional event. It wouldn't survive as a standalone game mode. However, I think it would be nice to have on weekends, or maybe every other weekend. Also, there should be something you can obtain only from ROYALE as a prize. The hideout decoration was awesome. One of those again, or some sort of pet (heck, make a royal weta pet, just a weta with one of those silly golden crowns or make it purple and call it royale weta pet). If it were every other weekend, then alt art uniques could be taken into consideration aswell, since at that point most uniques are widely available and the impact on the league gameplay shouldn't be too bad. TL;DR: yes, it should come back, but only occasionally with awesome prizes I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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Please bring it back. I think addressing server issues and making sure it doesn't affect the normal game play is best use of your time though. Don't spend too much time with reworking the items or tree since I like how it is the same as the base game, just maybe some a buff everyone gets to take reduced projectile damage should make a huge difference.
If servers are an issue or the interest inst enough random days in the year would be totally fine |
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I would like to see it brought back, but the game sizes dropped considerably by the end of the event. If it's brought back on occasion, I think that would keep it from getting too old too quickly.
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Re-playable Random "LEO" daily for rep rewards depending on final rank as prize. Sarn arena as lobby?
Betrayal : RF/JUGG |
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When i saw Royale i remembered the old cabal online nation war... so nostalgic. keep royale at least a weekly event, is so much fun!
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I'd love to see it brought back, and I don't mind the dev time spent to do it.
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If it does come back, my worries are how it will effect the community, it's a fun novelty. But i don't want it to split the community. If it is in the game, perhaps it should a leo daily quest or simply a queue for pvp or something. I am against the idea of it being it's own entity outside of the game.
But overall i don't really mind whether or not i ever see it again, always just looking forward to the next league, new content and updating old content. #Make_Animate_Guardian_A_6L_Build_Skill <3 |
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Bring it back randomly on weekends. Or perhaps during the race league in form.
But as a full time gamemode I don't think it could sustain itself. Then again the BR craze is rather insane right now and it just might work. |
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Awww ... sad that I missed this due to travel.
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