Skill Revamps - Part 2

The only thing traps lack is an activation time buff. Right now when you have 10 maximum traps and throw 5 at once you have to really lose dps waiting for thrown traps to trigger. The cooldown removal won't fix that.
What I'd like to see most about ALL skills, is to have them useable at level 1. So we don't have to use a secondary skill for which we have no skills set just to level up to the level of the skill we really want to use.

Currently having to use a secondary skill, because our main skill has a high level requirement, has many downsides: no tree skills to make it better, different socket colors, unable to level our main skills/supports, different stat requirements, different useable gear, and we cannot immediately build our character around our main skill.
Socket Red 4link or 3red 4link nowaday very useful (immortal call, Shield Charge, forty, increase melee damage..) i think item with different style no need to limit they socket color will be great or new skill replace immortal call with green or blue socket.
Last edited by datalight0#1967 on Apr 3, 2018, 2:13:34 AM
Raise the trap limit? You mean we could actually build around ONE trap without feeling hamstring but the current idiotic trap limit? SAY IT AIN'T SO.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.
Bear Trap
Bear Trap is another skill that we're working on at the moment. In our current plan, it applies a debuff on enemies that increases the damage they take from traps and mines. The trap still does massive damage to the target triggering it. These two effects should make it a powerful tool for taking on bosses.

The skill will still immobilise enemies for a duration that's based on how much damage the skill inflicts on them.

We're currently testing out having it also apply a significant movement speed reduction for a short time after the immobilisation phase has ended.

It would be sensible if the secondary effect be "Bleeding", since its tied to movement.

Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
Hey man, sounds good to me. I hope the support gem is actually worth it, there are already quite a few powerful supports for traps right now.
Traps are Gay...
@balance team:

You guys nerfed cooldown on bear because some pvp players could 1 shot shaper with bear trap and now 3 weeks later you are buffing it again?

What s going on in your mind really, do you guys enjoy nerfing/buffing same skills over and over again?

Are you sure the QA team is up on this one? because mark my work I can predict some shitstorm incoming after uber elder get 1 shot again by bear trap the second you release it buffed like you imply it will be.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 3, 2018, 2:18:41 AM
PLEASE can we get lower cooldown on Trap Support? PRETTY PLEASE.
I guarantee you, Traps will still be unpopular after this lol.

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