Player Traders - Online Hideout Trade Rack/NPC/Vending Machine
" what should limit them then? at least for me, playing the game is about slowly perfecting a build. if you need shavs for your build, just use solaris lorica until you find or can afford one. age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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" Slowly perfecting how? Through trail and error? Through not trading? Dude if you want to be SSF just say so. Trading shouldn't be hard for the sole purpose of slowing down progress. That is mind numbingly stupid. If you treat trade as an enemy to the game... Why even have it? Hmm just use solaris instead of shav's. So just trade for it? Or wait for a drop? Your not convincing me of anything. Like I said it isn't about price. It's the fact some items are build enabling. And the likely hood of having that specific item drop for you is extremely low. Give me a good reason why trade should hinder progress. And I mean a good reason. What should limit progress is ones own ability. Not the amount of time one is willing to sink into trade for an item. Trade should be a choice. Not something that determines build viability. Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Aug 20, 2018, 2:49:57 PM
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" trade is slowed down to prevent even more harmful market manipulations than already exist. it's current abilities to slow down progress is zero/null/nada/nothing. it's effective as hell, overpowered, game destroying, fun killing, you name it. and ggg knows that. it's fucking fun destroying to a point that players, even streamers go ssf to have at least some challenge. age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill! Last edited by vio#1992 on Aug 20, 2018, 5:11:09 PM
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" No... That statement is just wrong. Trade has only ever been improved on. Not slowed down. GGG has added tab support for trade. And Varios other things. Never once have they slowed it down. And it isn't to prevent harmful market manipulations. Its current pace/speed is what enables price fixing and other harmful trading tactics. But the improvements so far has gotten rid of some of that crap. Being slow doesn't even enforce the benefits you claim they do. " Ehh what? Is it fun or not fun to destroy things? You make it sound like streamers do SSF for a challenge. Which would imply your fun statement is wrong. Either way SSF should be a choice. And not something forced on you because the current trade system has flaws. SSF is a game style choice. Trading is also a choice. You make it sound like trading disables people from having fun. Ok then you can choose not to trade. It doesn't mean others shouldn't have the option to make trading a better experience. Again your reasons to why don't match the logic you present. If anything it is backwards, and conflicting your own statements. Also trying to place a small % of players as the norm. Such as streamers makes no sense. If you force everyone to play like the top players, or streamers. Well you would just loose the majority of the players instead. You have the choice to go SSF. Can you stop trying to force that on others. Simply because you don't like the current trade system? None of your arguments have been for why it is bad, or better. It has only been for you to push your opinion that SSF is funner. And that is just a matter of preference. Edit: Drop rates are balanced around the fact you can trade. And therefor trade needs lots of improvements to become more functional. But hell if they do what blizzard did to D3. And balance everything around SSF and pretty much kill all trading. That would also be an improvement over what we currently got. Though not one I would prefer. This discussion is about how to fix trade. Not weather SSF is funner than being able to trade. Your welcome to go play D3 where it is basically SSF, and no build diversity. It seems to be what you prefer anyways. Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Aug 20, 2018, 7:06:12 PM
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if ggg ever "fixes trade", we likely will get the xbox trade functionality ingame, the trade api stream being cancelled.
advertising items only over their own (now nerfed) search options. i see that as a viable option. do you? age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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" This statement from the trade manifesto would seem to contradict your assertion: " Now, you might disagree with that position, but it's not "just wrong". It's what GGG believes. POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums. Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all." QFT: 4TRY4C&4NO |
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" Like I care about some stream. POE on the xbox is it's own thing. And it's trade system is generally more liked by its players. However; no one is asking for it for a reason. The trade API changing or going away is GGG's call. But you would like it to be SSF anyways. So why would you care? I really can't understand you. You say trade is bad. And make it sound like the Trade API going away would be a bad thing. Maybe you should figure out what you want before you say crap. " Not my fault GGG doesn't seem to know how to create searches. Just look at how long it took them to get there own trade website up and working. And I still prefer's UI over GGG's and both are bad. It would be better than the shit we got now. As no one would play. And than we might get a real trade system afterwords. " LOL!!! GGG Clearly just doesn't care to get it right. They have no drive to work on it. And everything they have said about it, only looks like a shit excuse. There is no real merit to the content. The xbox trade being clear proof of that. And to be honest who the fuck cares if a bot can pick up all the shit bad crap items out there. I can't see a bot making a profit buying every alc listed item out there. It buying crap because people don't know how to price things. Is the person pricing shit wrong own's fault. How is an automatic purchase any worse than a bot with a trading script running? How often do you ask if the person you are trading with is a bot? The stupidity is real. It isn't going to make it that much harder or easier for a bot. It will just make them change the bot's code. Most bots make money off currency anyways. Not items. It's much easier and faster to do. + Less load screens. It isn't going to break the economy much more than they already do. As it won't be that much faster for them over all. Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Aug 21, 2018, 1:09:46 AM
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" Anyone looking to flip currency or get trade equity to save up for that [Enter Build Enabling Item Here]. And that 'Fairy Tale' was a legitimate conversation between me and a friend (he hasn't come back to the game since). I like how you didn't take the time to read the entire post and come up with a viable solution to anything but instead took the time to post and stoke some embers. And somehow I'm the lazy one? For all of you posters and readers: Create or at least add to a constructive conversation instead of the negligible satisfaction you receive from a reaction. " I am "annoyed" with current trade (hence this post) but in the post here my friend was. That makes 2 people annoyed and having a discussion on how to improve the game instead of simply invalidating others. Give reasons instead of a ramble. By the sound of it you have some trouble with trade as well. @TheLockedGuy, I totally agree with 99% of what you have to say. The ONLY difference we have is that i would NOT like a SSF Modern D3 Experience - we can already go back and play the skeleton and bones that is D3. For the record, D3 Vanilla, especially the first 2 weeks were amazing. Blizzard didn't release the Real Money Auction House until after the initial Gold Auction House release. D3 would very much still be alive if Blizzard hadn't made the greedy corporate move to capitalize on player trade. Which leads me to my next bit. I believe trade is monumental to any ARPG's longevity and health. In real life we have a Auction House that is Wall Street. "Botter's" in the form of market manipulators conduct inside trading on the daily yet we still have it as the life line to global economy. PoE drops items specifically in the form of currency. How is this ANY different? Sure the global trade market isn't run on Chaos Orbs but people gamble on Loot Boxes and lose just like the stock market and no doubt tragedy inevitably ensues as a result. Essentially currency is Time. It doesn't matter where you spend it, it's non-refundable so be wise with it. I don't see how much longer most players who trade in a game centered around trading will tolerate trading in it's current state when the Chinese version of the very same game gets a AH 3+ years after initial release and NA still doesn't. Will a AH deflate items? Initially, simply due to the ease of access to items which is the very issue we are attempting to address here. But it always stabilizes to some extent (until collapse that is). Then again, imagine how much time you saved because you could easily click and get that leveling item and now continue to progress through the same game you've played through 50 times. The real reason NA will not get a AH like it's Chinese counterpart is simply because GGG has seen the failures of D3 RMAH in the NA market and know it's player base will not tolerate it. So they simply won't add ANY version of it, not when they are making millions from their Chinese RMAH version of PoE. No doubt this post will get censored. We are on a Chinese owned platform now, after all. #TenCent |
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" " That was meant for Vio who doesn't seem to understand that SSF mode, and trading are two different things. I think I stated I would prefer for this to not happen. I do think it would also have a negative impact on the overall player-base. Hence why I am telling Vio to just go play D3. All of his arguments seem to be for a game more like that. It wasn't directed at anyone else. Though the thing is... POE being balanced around trade. Is what makes SSF more challenging in POE. Something I think he fails to realize. And one of the reasons D3 is so freaking easy today. And isn't what I really want. But if it is something GGG has to do in order to realize what keeps players playing. Then by all means lets have a player count drop for a stupid change. Just so they can hopefully get it right later. As there aren't really many ARPG choices out there. I know this game works off of trade. I remember going down for a week. 90% of my clan stopped playing until it came back up. GGG realized this, and added more support for Later they finally made their own web browser. In hopes it doesn't happen again. Even if they know trade is what keeps the majority of players here. They will never admit it, but Chris is not happy that is how it really is. And if trade was the true problem with D3. Than why didn't removing the AH bring everyone back? Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Aug 21, 2018, 1:43:03 AM
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" Literally the 1% I disagree with you is in your statement to: 'make PoE more like D3 if we HAVE to choose between current broken PoE trade vs SSF D3.' I, personally, would prefer this broken PoE trade experience over broken D3 SSF. I agree and share similar views on the rest of your points. Realize, trade is essential to virtually ANY ARPG (excluding SSF players as this is additional and optional). The reason D3 never bounced back after removing the AH was because the AH was D3's lifeline. The ONLY thing D2 was missing was a better way to trade with other players and D3's GAH solved that. If Blizzard left the AH as it was when first implemented (Gold AH only) then it would be alive today. Blizzard killed their entire player base with 2 decisions: 1) by adding the RMAH Blizzard chose corporate greed at the expense of player experience and 2) removing BOTH the GAH and RMAH reinforced that image as they took their RMAH money and ran. In truth, Blizzard was making so much money from the RMAH they probably feared an audit. Not to mention gold farmers were literally dying at their desks from leg embolisms from grinding D3 for profit so Blizzard was gaining some negative press as well. From a business standpoint, Blizzard made the right move to shut down the AH when they did as things would have escalated to Battlefront 2 Loot Box status inevitably. That being said, if Blizzard left the Gold Auction House as the only platform for player trade everything would have been fine. It's when corporate greed really shines through that you get the reputation EA has now. And sadly, it's the very same reason PoE claims to not ease NA trade experience - GGG already has their oversea's cash cows. |
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