Patch 3.2.1b Notes
Please fix the map drop rate. I'm at 154 maps on my atlas, I hardly ever see t14-15-16. Keep on having to buy them.
Increase the number of captured beasts you can hold in Menagerie. Most crafting recipes are garbage. It takes time to figure out which beasts to get rid of while using these useless crafting recipes. I'd rather be running maps mentioned above. Paying for bestiary orbs is just crazy, you should be able to just delete the beasts you don't need. Increase the amount of red beasts. I'd like to be able to finish the grind challenge without having to pay for beastiary bosses. This is the first league that I've been really disappointed with. Only one person on my friends list is playing it, the rest don't even log in to play standard. Sad. |
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Dear GGG -
I am still a fairly new player; only been here 90 days or so... enjoyed several builds and leveling a few into the 70's in Abyss and am now at level 85 in Standard (we won't mention Bestiary, plenty of that in the thread already). I am learning and enjoying things a lot. Moments ago, I just ran a T10 Map and gained 10% of my level in experience; I was thrilled! Sadly, it is the only T10 map I have ever seen. None are dropping, none are for sale in-game, and now I feel stuck. I can run my few remaining T9's and 8's, but they hardly benefit me experience-wise, and since maps are not dropping I will be at a complete stand-still soon. This situation is unacceptable. You are obviously aware of the problem as it has been mentioned countless times in all relevant (and some not-so-relevant) forums. Your patch notes have been transparent and exhaustive in relation to Bestiary changes. Where is mention of the things in the 'normal' game that have gotten broken and now need fixing? I suppose I could trade with other players, but with prices going up and availability of maps going down, that is not a pleasant prospect; besides... I shouldn't need to depend on such sources. The game is a blast, the people usually quite friendly, and it seems that GGG is a company that listens to its player base. Pretty happy overall, but the map situation is a dire one. Fix it please! |
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the stupidity of this league:
on trade, a simple 6 linked armour cost between 10 alc - 20 chaos on bestiary recipe you need monsters 80+, that means maps t13 at least, fight them once one by one, then all 4 in the same time, each with 2 mods at least ... and all of this, in order to survive a t13 map beast you need a 6 linked armour ... who was the geneius behind that ? oh, not to mention that problem with t13 map: THEY DON'T DROP ... And another stupid thing: menagerie it's full ... i'm not spending chaos just to delete beasts, so, without a discard option i need to make a lvl 2 character, go to altar, start a receipe and just die. That's just stupid ... Question (stupid one, i know): Why having an easy game, on normal league, it's an isue at all ? We have SSF and Hardcore for chelange, but the rest, casual players who just want fun, why we need to suffer ? In my mind,happy players means more shop purceses, that means more income for your company to develop new content ... Last edited by Morbidus#6367 on Mar 23, 2018, 4:45:52 AM
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The fate of the menagerie seems to be integrated to the core.
I'm not against that idea if that means you'll improve it (ex: adding new recipes each league). |
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these changes had to be made before the league started....
ps: map drops are fine. cant understand why people complain not sustaining higher than t10 this is not even possible, guys. Last edited by Farfan#7597 on Mar 23, 2018, 6:27:55 AM
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harbinger orbs addition in beastcrafting should be way rarer.. the way they are now, will completely fuck the economy, because some people are not educated on how to roll their maps.. buddy of me gained more than 100 red maps yesterday alone... now you will more from the yellow mobs and it will get cheap to up maps with harbinger orbs.. that is just stupid
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This league is suck.
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Oh, good. Yellows now take unnecessarily long to kill, like reds, but without being any treat at all. Fun? Now people with even just average damage can sit there holding down their right mouse button for a minute while nothing else happens every time they encounter a yellow Bestiary creature.
And then, for mostly just wasting your time for a while, they drop more and better loot than a boss. Because that makes sense. Could you please stop trying to placate Reddit. Almost every change you've made has been a detriment to the league. Stop caving in. |
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Still buggy and frustrating
So so many times I get a rare beast to like 30-50% I realize it's not going down fast enough. I stop and move about, move my Warchief Totem away to better gauge the DPS. Then I try to throw another net. And then I get this stupid green beast icon on the map. So, so annoying. Now I realize sometimes the issue is you run out of nets, but you can hardly notice. (edit: to add insult to injury, you run out of ONE TIER Of nets, you actually have more nets, but they are not selected!) Also the net icon in the bottom right feels like such an afterthought. If you actualyl went with just one net, that you can improve through crafting or trials perhaps, then you would always have just one net, and not have these problems with running out, or all this silly inventory management. Christ, I'm doing end game maps and still have to lug around 2-3 type of nets. Completely unnecessary busy bee work on top of all the choices already existing in the game. Why? A single net would also have been able to be mapped to the skill bar, better integrated in the existing UI. Then no problem of running out of nets with no visual feedback whatsoever. Just think about this. What are you going to do one year down the line? Add yet more countless different kinds of busy bee work items to pickup amidst the already countless drops? More things to filter? Why? Not to mention how the net tiers kinda overlap.. you level so fast in this game if you learn te basics like the popular streamers .. as a casual I'd probably be able to get it under 10h some day to endgame maps on a new SSF char. Not very hard. Do you think I have the time to bother with all these silly tier of nets during the story? Last edited by DeF46#3887 on Mar 23, 2018, 12:58:24 PM
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Okay, this happened again. Not enough DPS. So I try to throw another net on a beast after a few seconds break. The game really fails at telling me what is going on. I throw more nets. No feedback. Why isn't it working? Can't use more than one net per creature? If that is the case then just visually mark it as failed as soon as the first net breaks. If that is not the case, why isn't it working?
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