Patch 3.2.1b Notes
Thank you for improving this league, awesome.
Little OT: Stop F*** crying about maps and alch drops. This is my maps gain over 4 days - around 6h/day, running almost only T11 (few higher tier just for memory frags) with few sextants here and there and half of it under shaper/elder infl + fortune Zana mod. Also, im selling like 100 alch everytime i have around 150 - which is almost every day . Just don't be lazy and sell every unique that drop. lul. Last edited by easyyy#0981 on Mar 22, 2018, 6:57:03 PM
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will this fix my game? 8 partys at the same time bug. My end, it justifies my means, All I ever do is delay, My every attempt to evade, The end of the road And my end.... Last edited by imLuCaSsS#6273 on Mar 22, 2018, 6:59:16 PM
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still no "delete"or "discard"option for beast you don't need ... why ? i don't want to fight 4 lvl 75+ red beast in the same time just to empty some space in bestiary .... and now you made the beast harder ... jesus
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how about waiting to release content until it is not broken?
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Rare Bestiary Beasts now spawn more often, have more health and drop more items with increased rarity.
Thank god^ rare ones are often missed. also yeah no stash in the menagerie is a real oversight Formerly Kana-chan's Bench Crafting IGN: KinoMakoto (poe2) Guild always recruiting! Last edited by kanameclan#4731 on Mar 22, 2018, 7:38:22 PM
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No improvements to map drops?
I'm stuck running T8-10s for paltry exp because nothing higher is even remotely sustainable. I alch all my T8-10 maps. Started with a pool of 30 T8 maps, alched every one of them and ran them and ended up with a bunch of lower tier maps. Got maybe 5-6 map drops out of running 30 T8s that were higher than T8. Absolutely abysmal map drops. I haven't even regained the 30c from running T8 maps that I spent on the T8 maps. I'm pretty much done with this league until map drops are buffed. I don't have the currency to sustain buying red maps. You can't get that currency by running T8 maps. If I have to buy T8 maps for 1c a piece, and then alch every T8 on top of that, I'm running T8 maps at a loss if I have to buy them. 100%. I got a build that can run red maps no problem, but that content is 100% gated just because maps are too rare, or too expensive. And that's supposed to be an incentive to keep playing? In what wacky world? The reason end game in pretty much any other ARPG is better than PoE's end game, is because none of the end game is gated behind spending items to engage it. D3's "Greater Rifts" is better than this shit. So is the crucible in Grim Dawn, or the side areas, ok they require a key to unlock but those aren't terrible to get. Not like map drops. Improve your damn game already. People have been asking you to do this for YEARS, and it's falling on deaf ears. I'm sick of gated end game content behind massive currency sinks. That's the worst possible type of end game in any type of game. It should mostly be about build/equipment/skill checks. But that's not what we got. I should be able to play the game and rarely trade for items, and never do any serious flipping and be able to sustain a map pool for the most part. So it's looking like this is gonna be another "get 1 character to 85-90 then quit the league" type leagues, because I'm completely locked out of content to go any higher. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Mar 22, 2018, 8:22:06 PM
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Bring the maps back :(
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" I actually agree with this. A GR variant would be amazing. |
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I've put 5x more time into D3 in the last 4 years than I have in PoE for one reason: PoE's end game sucks.
I'm about 60hrs into this league and I'm already ready to quit. I at least get 200hrs out of the average league on D3. I'd put that much time or more into PoE leagues if the end game was simply accessible. |
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Thank You!
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