3.3 Doomfletcher Pathfinder Low Budget Build+Explanations [U-Atz][Shaper][U-Lab][T16] viable
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Thanks to Ahfack, with his build he more or less introduced me to Doomfletch Prism| |For people that look for high budget build, I really can only link you here -> Ahfack's build -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FAQ - Why this build?
Why did you decide to make your own build if Ahfack already made one for Doomfletch?
I was looking in the posts and questions that where given basically on a daily basis and it was always the same... People asking about League Starter Build and if this build is viable for Leagues too, as he made it in standard. So is this build viable in Leagues now, or not? It definitely is, but you have to look at a few points, which I will explain in my build very clear How much will the build cost me to run all content? For running every content you will have to get a few things up and running, which can be achieved from very low to very high budget. I will go into details about the lower budget version. But you can expect to be up and running with only 1 ex pretty high speed mapping T10 or a few more 3-4 ex to even do T15 at a nice and fast speed Any other reasons, why you made this build? Yes, there were a lot of questions from newcomers and some missing things in my eyes - Like how the calculation works, why some things are taken, why some things should not be taken if you are new / dont have high budget. I will go into detail about all this things in my build So lets start with the build!
Leveling Guide
Skill Trees for Leveling
Skill Tree Build At first we go for Primeval Force, it helps at beginning with Ice Shot or Lightning Arrow Vitality Void your friend and helper! Also the Life and Mana Leech comes in very handy and you can try to get rid of your mana flask at this moment. Vaal Pact we take later, when we start to need it. Moving in the direction of Acrobatics next Acrobatics first then Heartseeker Go on for Assassination, at this time we can go for Vaal Pact and go on, on the other side of the tree Bravery, then you are ready to take the Flask Nodes: Druidic Rite and Herbalism Lethality and a few jewel Nodes that are close (you can take jewel slots earlier if you feel to / find good jewels) If you got the Lioneyes Jewel (high Budget), you can go for the claw nodes if not go for Forces of Nature, Deadly Draw and King of the Hill, which will improve your overall damage a lot Without Lioneyes go on with Sniper and the missing Jewel Slot As this is a guide for casual play the last 10 points are pretty much up to you and most casual playing people will be in the 85-91 regions, picking some life nodes / another damage node if needed Pointblank is a skillpoint, which I only recommend for people with really high damage and tankiness. here you can find the Point blank description and the range you need to be within to make 50% dmg up to -60% damage on wider ranges. So decide yourself if you feel good enough to tank / sustain the damage in close range or if you prefer doing 100% and be able to kite and stuff Winter Spirit is another good point you can invest in and is up to your adaption. It converts physical damage to cold damage - which is not bad for us - more details in the FAQ How does conversion work
- Either Lightning Arrow - Or Ice Shot are the perfect leveling skills. Ice Shot is perfect, because as ranger you will get it at level 1-2 on first quest (coming to town) Linking those gems with this gems in prio order: with lvl 18: with lvl 38: at beginning you can also use depending on what links and colours you have (league starter for example): auras that you can use while leveling: At level 28 you can change to Tornado Shot which you will get at "A Fixture of Fate" Quest in Act 3, usually about the same level you can wear it - 28 Tornado Shot is pretty much your skill up to level 100. If you prefer you can go another arrow, Ice Shot, Lightning Arrow, but I recommend going with Tornado Shot Once you got Doomfletch Prism you should look for the optimal gem setup shown below at Gem Details
Gear Details
Armor and Weapons
Doomfletch Prism is the Main Weapon for this build and is pretty cheap. Either buy the Doomfletch Prism itself or get a Doomfletch and "Ancient Doom" Prophecy to upgrade your Doomfletch. There is not more to say, than GG GGG, even after the Nerf with 3.1 the Bow is still precious!
Drillneck is a really amazing Quiver, especially if you get one with + 1 additional arrow. The basic variant is very cheap with ~1-2c and can therefore be bought multiple times to try to get this +1 additional arrow corruption yourself. Or if you can afford buy one for around 1 ex - or even go without the corruption for lower damage Abyssus boosts your damage a lot, but also reduces your survivability a lot. So depending on if you are struggling with surviving or not you can choose this helmet. Devotos is always a great choice, with Enchantement 2 Tornado Shot projectiles it is the best in Slot (abyssus with tornado shot can be used too, if you dont struggle with surviving) as a low budget version, I linked the armor I am using right now, running T15 maps. The only purpose of this armor is evasion and life - The resistances are just there to help balancing out wise oak. High resistances on equipment are not needed at all, which this armor shows. Because you will get more than 35% from wise oak because of the increased flask efficiency from pathfinder. Yriel is a good alternative armor with life bonus, phys dmg bonus and critical strike modificator. Gripped Gloves with physical damage and life rolls are the best choice but it also works with worse gloves (the one I am wearing right now) as the evasion is a boost to survivability and damage is pretty fast, pretty high. Preferable you should find Gripped gloves with phys dmg, life, eva and res rolls (where resistances are more for balancing wise oak, than actually needed) boots are there fore this lovel movement speed increase!! Also boots are more or less the only equip piece where you have some room for chaos resistances so if you can get them on boots, take em. Prio on boot rolls: Life, increased movement speed, evasion, resistances since abyssal league, stygian belts are more or less the best belts you can get, because of this nice socket slot. A belt with high life, elemental weapon damage and elemental penetration and resistances would be the perfekt belt but hard to get - My belt has a high Life roll with some str for abyssus and high lightning resistances for balancing purpose - there is a lot of room left, but still as low budget build its easy to run higher Tier Maps I actually bought 2 steel rings and alched them each twice - steel rings are so good even with bad rolls, that it is very cost efficient. Best to roll it with phys damage essence depending on how much you can afford, roll higher or lower The amulet is a good item to balance out your missing resistances for wise oak. It can roll resistances pretty low (as you see mine with just 8 light res). Prio in rolls: phys damage to attacks, attributes as you will need some to wear all your equip, max life and crit multipliers, last resistances
Budget Version Flasks - only Flask that costs a few c is wise oak. 1 x Life Bottle with insta leech preferably 1 x Diamond Flask with bleed remove - Bleeding is one of the worst things for this build 1 x Jade Flask - Once you got the Jade Flask on, you have ~40% dodge and 70% evade which helps a lot with your survivability 1 x Quicksilver Flask - whatever you prefer here if you dont want to run with mega speed you can also take another flask instead of the Quicksilver and the main bottle: Wise Oak - You have to balance your UNCAPPED Resistances!! This is artifical for this build, as it provides so much defense and offense power for very low budget. Wise Oak gives 10 % reduced damage taken to every elemental your UNCAPPED resistances are lowest. This means 10% fire, light and cold damage reduction if you have same resistances for fire, light and cold. and 10-15% increased elemental penetration to every element your UNCAPPED resistances are highest. This means 10-15% fire, light and cold elemental penetration if you have same resistances for all 3 ![]() Without any bottles that increase resistances (single resistances, not all elemental resistances) all your res has to be the same to be balanced 50 fire, 50 cold, 50 light for example. Easiest way to balance the resistances is with jewels. phys to attack, max life and a single resistance for example. But keep in mind jewels can only roll from 12-15% so the rest has to be done with gear, but it is totally worth the outcome!
Searching Eyes like this are pretty amazing. Prio 1 is physical damage to attacks, followed by Life and physical damage to bow attacks, onslaught on kill, damage % on kill are also good mods for mapping, but dont help much when bossing if you have a little higher budget, this is the jewel which helps you upgrade a lot with claw nodes on skilltree (see level 80 with lioneyes fall)
Gem Details
Tornado Shot is our main skill for mapping and fast clearspeed! ^-Prio in this order
Barrage is our Boss Killer! ^- prio in this order If using high budget Kaoms, you can also go with 2 Doomfletcher you change with weapon swap depending on map / boss
Does not have to be a 4L but Blink with Faster Attack has to be linked else it is mega slow. Ice Golem gives nice crit chance buff Vaal Haste is a must have for Boss melting
For Boss killing: Click here for a video of how to recolour this way. (not my video) For Fast-Speed Mapping you can just go with easy variant cwdt - immortal call - increased duration (and ice golem so you dont have to recast it yourself)
I prefer this setup for bossing This setup can be used if you mainly do maps, which helps for clearspeed a lot
Pantheon Powers
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Non Budget Upgrades
This jewel is a very big upgrade in damage and life leech if you take the claw nodes (listed in the skill tree section with lioneyes) 2 extra projectiles and a big portion of max fire res - Hurry, that you will need 60! more resistances to cold and lightning if you use this flask to balance your wise oak. (flask gives 50 but with pathfinder tree you will get 60 extra) uncapped res: 50 fire, 110 cold, 110 light as example (picture is legacy version, but even non legacy is great) Phys damage converted to cold <3 helps you sustain much longer with abyssus as you will have 80+ max cold res. Same like Dying Sun - if you chose this flask, you will need +60 resistances to the other 2 elements. (only +60 lightning if you use both Dying Sun and ToH) uncapped res: 110 fire, 50 cold, 110 light or if you use both flasks 50 fire, 50 cold, 110 light very expensive but worth the jewel, extra cold dmg and hatred crit Kaoms Heart, as we do not need 6 Links and the extra life boost gives us very high survivability If you want the extra 6 Link and have the budget to craft something special like this, you can also go with an elder astral plate Last edited by exxidus#7943 on Jun 4, 2018, 8:42:53 AM Last bumped on Jul 31, 2018, 9:19:12 AM
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Normal Lab: Nature's Boon Cruel Lab: Master Alchemist Merciless Lab: Veteran Bowyer Uber Lab: Nature's Adrenaline
Bandit Choices
2 passive skillpoint You can go Alira while leveling, but you have to respecc it later on
How does conversion work?
Explained with an example from Doomfletch and Winter Spirit Skilltree Doomfletch convertion is added dmg it takes all phys damage you have and adds it to elemental damage of each type winter spirit converts phys to cold, that is right ... but Conversion is done before everything else and at the same time - therefore its not taking 20% phys dmg away from the other conversion if you have 1000 phys dmg and a total of 20% phys dmg increase, 15% fire dmg increase, 10% cold dmg and 25% light you get: doomfletch prism: 1000 phys -> 1350 fire (1000 + 1000 * 20% + 1000 * 15%) 1000 phys -> 1300 cold (1000 + 1000 * 20% + 1000 * 10%) 1000 phys -> 1450 light (1000 + 1000 * 20% + 1000 * 25%) winter spirit: 1000 phys -> 1000 phys, 300 cold (1000 - 1000 * 20% + 1000 * 20% and 1000 - 1000 * 80% + 1000 * 10%) resulting damage from 1000 phys is: 1350 fire 1600 cold 1450 light
Is this build viable for a league start?
Definitely, I played it as league starter and it is my only character in the league right now.
What gem should I quality first?
Barrage(Boss) or Tornado Shot(Map) depending on Bossing or Mapping
How can I balance my wise oak flask?
That can be tricky, but jewels are a very good instrument to do so.
Depending on which resistances you need to be balanced you can either pick duo res mods or single res mods which give 12-15% to a single resistance. The gear itself has to be at least trimmed in the direction to make the resistances even (crafting resistances you miss) and when buying new gear you can for example look for an amulet with 18 lightning resistances min/max - if you are lucky you will find something that fits perfect for you (like i did with my 8 light res amulet :P was also pretty cheap, because low res equip is usually quite cheap and with our pathfinder oak setup we usually have max res due to the fact that we gain so much from wise oak and flask efficiency
Can I go deadeye/raider while leveling?
Sure you can, but in general it is not needed,
as you will get so much benefits with pathfinder tree and even with the use of bad flasks. As a first character you profit so much from the more or less infinite quicksilver flasks and permanent +35 all res with a bismuth flask on (doesnt have to be wise oak, normal bismuth works fine for leveling purpose)
How to deal most damage with Tornado Shot
More projectiles and shooting behind the enemy deals the best damage!
Point Blank Pro / Contra
Contra: One of the biggest contras of Point Blank is mapping and clearspeed! Damage calculation for Point Blank is simple ![]() or isnt it? With Tornado Shot it isnt! Because the projectile travel distance is calculated for the main projectile (the Tornado Shot Arrows you fire) AND the secondary projectiles (explosion on impact). The secondary projectile distance is the main projectiles distance + how ever far the secondary projectile travels, which can be rather long distance before impacting on an enemy making it usually in the distance of +10% to -30% even if your main projectile hits on close range of +50% to +20% Second, you have to be close, which can be very frustrating especially when you are playing a very low or low budget version of this build - the more distance the better! Pro: If you can survive it, you deal a lot more damage to bosses with barrage. Other than that I do not find a single Pro - and I can say for sure, on low budget version you will not be able to facetank any bosses on T9+ - you will have to dodge in close range every single attack or you are dead (if not evaded/dodged) Last edited by exxidus#7943 on Apr 11, 2018, 3:12:28 AM
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26 March added Non Budget Upgrade Section
Last edited by exxidus#7943 on Mar 26, 2018, 12:50:21 AM
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why not curse on hit for projectile weakness and herald of ice run with hatred. I switched to this last night and got a huge boost to my clear dps. While its not going to curse a boss on hit I can always switch to that boot "or glove in my case" setup you have for shaper or elder. As i am not having issues dropping map bosses I have been focusing more on clear speed to get my atlas finished.
Also great guide ill be sharing it with my friends and people in my guild asking for a ranger build. Also got a really sweet amulet drop last night and a decent abyss gem as well so my damage is increasing daily. Last edited by Nighthorror848#0693 on Mar 16, 2018, 8:27:04 AM
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" in my previous tries i didnt make more damage at all and most enemy groups get scattered, therefore not giving the curse on hit effect |
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Switched to lightpoacher for more survival since I get a huge boost in DPS with the Aura bot I run with. Was having serious issues staying alive on boss fights at tier 13 and higher. With this setup I melted the elder in less than 30 secs to push him into 2nd phase. While I would rather run the right helm until I get better gloves and boots I am going to have to stick with this.
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Why not deadeye or raider if on budget, it will make leveling a lot easier I think. Esp since u really dont have any flasks to support pathfinder when on a budget.
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" I lvled without Ascendancies like usual since I do Lab when I'm done (before the final boss, though). While Raider or Deadeye would make more damage, Pathfinder is worth it even on a budget. The bonuses from your Ascendancy are active even without fancy flasks. So you can go with what you have and build from there. Most flasks aren't even hard to get on a budget. Wise Oak is 13 Orbs of Alchemy in SC Bestiary, currently (3 Chaos in HC). The other listed flasks are worth nothing, basically. I think for a budget build with the possibility to scale from there and breath through the endgame content, it's very viable. But I think OP will agree with me here that this guide is exactly that: a guide, which you can use and alternate to your likings. |
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You say that from level 28 you can level with tornado shot, my question is: since we are taking elemental damage nodes, isn't it better to level with an elemental gem and then switch to tornado once you get the bow?
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" Erytheis1 explained it pretty well - there is no actual need of high budget flasks, wise oak is the only one i need and im rushing T15 Maps like butter " preference i would say, as I also stated in the leveling skill section. Some level with ice shot, some with lightning arrow, some with tornado shot. For me tornado shot is the only arrow to go, as it has the best spread attack to kill multiple enemies while rushing through the game with 3 quicksilver flasks Last edited by exxidus#7943 on Mar 26, 2018, 12:33:26 AM
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