Item Splitting Beastcrafting Recipe Disabled
Two words... DEAD LEAGUE!
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IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde
It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle. You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta. |
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Wow ... We live in a world where some small % of the gamers will do everything to test the limit of the game etc, maybe it's time to hire those as playtesters?
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The amount of tears and 'rollback!' is glorious. What an hilarious morning.
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This league was born dead, not playing anymore.
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" Real quote : First paragraph. Builds :
Challenge boss kill services : |
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I find it hilarious what you guys do. I am sorry to say, but "players saved beasts, players have unlocked recipes quickly, players do this and that..." Please Chris, stop saying these type of things, because you are referring to a few hardcore nerds on reddit, while I for instance don´t even have said recipe, as I simply put, don´t find any red beasts in my maps! You ruin everything for the legit people playing this game, just because some uber nerd on reddit does some stupid crap with your game. ban those people already and give us Casuals a fair chance again on actually obtaining stuff in your game. I am sure you nerfed the red beast appearances already, as I have not found a single one since a whole day, how is that even possible in a league that is about "beast hunting"? Sorry Chris, you are surely a good guy and you care about your game, but your biggest mistake is to nerf the game for everyone, just because of a few idiots that abuse mechanics. |
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So unhappy. I've been putting s much time as my life can allow and am, really not having fun just due to my own shitty rng. This is icing on the cake...if icing were really shitty tasting dog poo.
I force myself to keep playing thinking I'll catch my break soon, but I think I'm about done as well :(. |
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There's a common misconception in the community that our balance team doesn't play Path of Exile. They actually do play it, a whole lot. We have people with level 100 hardcore characters, multiple famous community members who have come to work for us and you may not even know it. The minimum requirement to join our QA team is 1000 hours of PoE experience, and we still turn people with that prerequisite away if they're not good enough at the game. Our design, balance and QA team are experts at Path of Exile.
As someone also up at 3AM, it's been a pleasure watching this unfold. Oh the horror, people are getting 6-linked items! People can get labyrinth enchantments without spending weeks farming for the specific one they need! It's only a shame I was right about it being disabled. Something actually helpful? Nah, can't have that. |
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" What? Are you maybe new in this game? Everything that can be abused will be. Come on if that is new to you what else did you expect? |
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