3.2.0b Patch Notes
" I'm really disappointed. Due to Necromancy Nets, the fun of capturing was lost. To grind pack rapidly with massive DPS build, and using Necromancy Nets will become the only way for competitive players. The rarity of Necromancy Nets can not be deterrent against it. They who can run the map fastest can get many chaos, and can buy Necromancy Nets as it as they want. Bestiary league will become it so that only Noob captures beasts without killing it. |
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" I do play SSF, that´s why Voici and Uber Lab Trials are such an issue for me and I am surely not the only person here. :) Many threads were made about this, but GGG remains silent. That´s why it is so awkward to see how they act swiftly to those on reddit, while they ignore us here for months. :( The Vocal minority is on reddit, they made a lot of noise and GGG caved in. The poll does not represent the playerbase, no matter how it turned out. I also find it problematic that 2% more or less, are going to make life misery for 48% of the voters now. GGG could have found a better solution for sure like beasts becoming stunned after defeat and you have a short window of opportunity to catch them still, or they could have made beast hunting grounds, where you only hunt beasts and no other mobs are present. They could have even given us the ability to grow beasts, like with daily quests.You know, stuff that wouldn´t break the purpose of the league. :) For me personally, I am only afraid that rare beasts will now be even more rare, as it is now so easy to catch them. With GGG´s sense of humor, they might nerf them now, as they cater to the speed meta guys that do 50 maps an hour... or more. Us that might do 10 already struggle with finding beasts, it´s maybe one beast an hour, this is just depressing. A buff to their numbers would have been a nice fix, but again, GGG remains silent about this... Ahh, my frustration grows :) |
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Hey, while you're at it, could you put a stash in the Menagerie? Einhar lets me put a waypoint on the map wherever I want, making it slightly more annoying to use isn't going to stop me from using him that way. I'd like to finish rarity/quality sets without having to go back to an actual town.
Furthermore, the Trade Manifesto delenda est.
Bone Mommy did nothing wrong. I want to join the Syndicate. |
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" Everything that is changed in an online game, has an impact on other players. Look at Bisco, after it´s implementation, drop rates for maps and co. were nerfed dramatically. At Legacy I found two Barons, three zombie maces, more red maps I could do and I sat in front of the guardians. After legacy, I have yet to find either a Baron or Zombie mace or actually have a realistic map pool to choose from, as nothing drops, nothing! You might not notice this in trade league, but in SSF we have all suffered because of one item, that we don´t even have! XP penalty is another story. Speed meta guys, reach 100 in a few days, so the XP was lowered and now they reach 100 in a few days more. Us Casuals, however, we can no longer reach 100, not that we did before, but maybe 95 was a thing. You can insert every change here that came because of the speed meta community, it has turned the game upside down and it is most noticeable in SSF. The game has become partly, unplayable and the chance is high that now at Bestiary, the red beasts spawns will be nerfed, so that there isn´t just one in each 10th map, but only in each 50th from now on, as this is the amount of maps that the speed gang runs an hour... Another aspect is of course also, that some people were smart and build a character around the league mechanic, they are now screwed too, as their char will be terrible now, considering the circumstances, especially if they did hope to make a living from trading beasts. Last edited by Ygidua#3074 on Mar 8, 2018, 10:07:20 AM
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I still think those nets to capture dead beasts being added is not a good call, but the public has voted...
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" The public has voted RARE nets. GGG implemented them as insanely COMMON. So 26% won against 74%. |
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" Just noticed it ingame. 3x Thaumaturgical Nets = 1 Necromancy Net Well, this is really insanely common, not in any way rare. So, I name it now: GGG, either you made some unwanted mistakes by setting up the rarity of the Necromancy Nets or you hoaxed us very much by making a poll when it doesn't make any difference at all how was voted. If it's the first (unwanted) Point: Please fix it asap! If it's the second point: Well then you have to think about which consequences this could have. I mean, we pay a lot of money to support your company and we want to have a voice heard as community. This is a harcore arpg and not a casual game. We support you that this game gets better and better and wish for that it stays at how it is meant to be played. If people are too lazy to learn the game mechanics and don't want to adapt and you listen to them more than to the harcore player base...well...than you ruin the game we payed you for. Please think about that wisely! Last edited by haGrOck#6020 on Mar 8, 2018, 11:23:19 AM
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Before this patch I had an issue where the altar in Menagerie did not activate and reward me with the item ("create a Unique boots") after killing creatures. The altar would not show the hover status (colored edge), nor would be selectable. I was able to leave the arena if I remember correctly further suggesting that the fight was over, yet the music did not stop and the altar (along with my reward) was unavailable.
I exited to character selection. Logging back in, same instance, the combat music was still playing. The altar was available to start another recipe if I remember well, but no item. The recipe ingredients WERE consumed (/sadpanda). The patch notes do not suggest this particular issue was fixed. Last edited by DeF46#3887 on Mar 8, 2018, 11:25:36 AM
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" You just can vendor 3x Thaumaturgical Nets for 1x Necro Net now. And I have on almost every map at least one or more of those t10 nets... *sighs* |
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Fixed a bug where :80% of bestiary crafting recipe were useless . NOT SOLVED
Fixed a bug where :Water bestiary mobs will spawn in area where they can't.( Crab on lava maps for example i wont repeat my self like the comment i made on Mathil last video but i DO " crabs like to boil themselves into lava").NOT SOLVED Fixed a bug where :you need way too many mobs to craft items with REALLY JOKE ROLLS. NOT SOLVED Fixed a bug where : the league was a BUG by itself. NOT SOLVED BUT hopefully GGG step in and make Bestiary worth time because is my time NOT GGG timne. AHH and eventually opening a portal for a league specific boss; not farmable because chances are u never find that legendary monster u need for the recipe to work. did like 500 maps already only found one; im not gonna invest 8 hours on league per day to not be rewarded at the endof it,my time is precious. Rant .yes.Complain yes. Pokemon league worst than Torment League Confirmed. Knowledge is power. Guard it well ,Blood Ravens. Last edited by BalcArrow#3895 on Mar 8, 2018, 11:47:35 AM
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