Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
SP3cTr0 wrote:
Xavathos wrote:
SP3cTr0 wrote:
I agree with capturing dead beasts isn't needed, but I'm playing with Slayer and the ascendancy "kill enemies that have 20% or lower life" makes too hard to capture the beasts...the nets fail a lot and the beasts always enrage.

I don't imagine how I do this league with this!

I'm frustrated! I don't want to change my character because of my choice for ascendancy.

PS.: I think people playing with DoT and Minion can't control the damage on the beasts just as I do not control the "Hit Kill" of the Slayer's culling strike.

You realize this is a classic case of carpenter blaming his tools, though right?

You can not take culling strike on Slayer if you want to be good at capturing beasts. Or make another class. Slayer is supposed to be exactly that, a Slayer. Not a hunter.

Just because of my choice does it mean that I can not do the game content? Nice!

If it is there it is to be played, a choice that everyone has, and this should not interfere with the game.

A league mechanic that doesn't favour any build or class at all? That's completely unrealistic. Cyclone Slayer was WAY better at Abyss than most other classes, because of the spawn locations. So now Slayer has a tough league and others get to play.

I don't see the problem here.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
How about:

1. Click throw a net, animation is instant, net auto target like volatile dead.

2. Netted beast is zapped but can still run and fight.

3. Netted beast gains immortality (like immortal totem).

4. DPS netted beast to 1 HP before net expired.

5. Case 1: Net expired -> Beast captured -> Profit.

6. Case 2: Net expired -> Beast enraged and recover 20% HP -> repeat step 1.

That way we can enjoy the league mechanics with just one extra action which is instant and without mouse target.
No. I'm used to it by now, no need to change. Plus I've become adept at timing my net throws based on my minion dps.
Freaz wrote:
I think the 3 second timeframe paired with netting the rarest a small area, so that we don't net adds would be enough.

You could also add a "revive" skill, so we could revive the beast and try again if we still screwed it up.

It's never going to be enough until the League mechanics are completely castrated, so they can just keep wiping maps and pick up the valuable remains afterwards. Really, it's like trying to argue with Kitava over a meal.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
Mythabril wrote:
Freaz wrote:
I think the 3 second timeframe paired with netting the rarest a small area, so that we don't net adds would be enough.

You could also add a "revive" skill, so we could revive the beast and try again if we still screwed it up.

It's never going to be enough until the League mechanics are completely castrated, so they can just keep wiping maps and pick up the valuable remains afterwards. Really, it's like trying to argue with Kitava over a meal.

Haha, good one mate. :)

Sad that it's true though. :(
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Devs, did you forget the Slayer 20% cull when making this league? Adding nets to dead corpses is the only solution here!
"Capturing" dead beast is incredibly stupid idea. It's like pick up drop. Just opposite what this league is about.

It's called "Bestiary" not "Pet Cemetery" and players aren't gravediggers.
Yes, please, i still even one shot or enrage beasts with rare mods.
Ygidua wrote:
noheal wrote:
would be fun to see how many of the people voting are actually in maps

I play a summoner and am in maps, still voted "no". :)

Our only issue is targeting the beasts, we have 20-40 mobs on screen, it´s super hard to throw the net on the right one.

This issue will be fixed (no matter the result of the poll):


Chris wrote:
Yeah, we're doing this for regular nets in a patch (small radius though)
I am personally excited about and enjoying the current capture system. The ability to throw a net and have some time to subdue the beasts feels natural. As a casual player, I feel that being able to capture a dead creature would ruin the whole mechanic for me.

As one of the things I love about this game being the players choice on how they want to play and build their character, playing around a mechanic in the game should be a choice to. If someone wants to play a high clear speed strategy, there should be some downsides to it. They are currently the most efficient at amassing currency and valuable items. I feel that people who are able to efficiently capture beasts should also be rewarded for their efforts.

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