Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?
Just bumping this with my first OG drop this league. I've been farming it ever since it appeared 3 leagues ago or so. Here it is, after a total of about 12 hours, dropped at lvl 8:
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" Me too. I have 4 Oni swords collecting dust in my Standard Stash and 2 more in my SSF stash with 2 in use. With 8 total I'm not sinking 15 to 20 hours into the challenge league to farm one. GGG was correct that pre-Bestiary the grind to a level 6 uber Hillock was too low and too many were wielding Charan's Sword. But they went too far into the "this is too painful to get" extreme with now needing upper level 8 or even level 9 before getting uber Hillock. If it rains it pours or a severe drought (polar opposites) are frustrating and really shows off GGG's inability to balance their game very well. Now we have either the meta skill Arc Trapper Saboteur that smashes the temple mobs (WOW! I've killed half the monsters and the timer just hit 30 secs.) or most builds of the "damn it, I need more time!". I'd like to see more middle of the road balancing done by GGG but sadly I fear that will never happen. I was a BC child (before computers) and thus listened to radio and watched TV more than I do now that I have very good Internet access. PoE is but one of many, many uses of my entertainment time and with so many great looking entertainment software coming out yearly PoE is getting long in the tooth and in it's twilight time for my playing. GGG can chase the young players money trail (twitch shooter generation) as much as they desire and fall prey to the "make money at all integrity costs" business philosophy all they want to. At the end of the day I'll not be praying at the GGG PoE alter any more than any other top tier game. If it's "fun to play" I'll give it a try and only stay with it as long as it remains fun to play. As GGG goes deeper into the speed meta rabbit hole and farther from "the arpg I'd most like to play", me and my Kiwi pet will one day hire Lilly Roth to transport us to the mainland for seeking entertainment fortunes elsewhere. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..." Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2247070 Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Jun 27, 2018, 6:39:16 PM
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Yeah BC child :)
First PC i hat in last class of high school. Before that ive seen Spectrum (anyone remeber that?) and C64 (and those?) only in friends and familly houses. Some NES but it was always in other houses. Good times :) No cell phones, no paranoia that "someone will take my childres so i have to controll every step of theirs", we disapeard from home for 8 hours, back on evening and everything was OK. And i had like 10 years old then :) Try it now and see how "parents" will react. Madness. But it is OT, so lets get back on track. I already decided that im gonna do OG Dual Strike Jugg nex league (lets hope it will be better than Incrusions). |
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Just want to add my findings in SSF league.
Made 2 scions and started levelling them, ones they hit 7 I made a new and only killed boss with first 2 and everything with 3 until 7 where I made a 4th char I got a several levelling uniques including tabula rasa. First swird dropped at almost level 8 ( ca. 4 hours played ) on first char but only 75 crit so I kept going and got the 2nd sword on the 2nd made char also almost level 8 at 77% and I was wtf let’s do it I made my marauder and started levelling him between the 2 farmers left and 3rd sword dropped on 3rd made char just over level 8 with 79% crit And that was it for me and stopped All chars had a total play time on 16 hours 15min |
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That kind of luck is hard to believe BaGookTribe but I guess some people should definitely buy lottery tickets. Anyways, for the sake of stats, here is my experience in 3.3 for the sword quest.
I opted for a two minutes countdown since last year I lost some time due to the unconsistent 90 sec reset, and also because my watch only do minutes. I killed most mobs until level 8 and then went straight line, killing just enough to proc onslaught (Scion). After 80% of level 8 I started to lose my sanity a little bit but hopefully I was listening podcasts, which helped a lot dealing with the boring repeats. It really helps having something to focus on while doing this. On the off time I was farming Aqueduc with level 70+ chars since I am out of character slots. After level 9, I did about ten runs and it finally happened ! ![]() ![]() ![]() Thats 7 hours 19 minutes played, over about four days and 12 one hour+ podcasts. Full gear
I did not find any magic boots until level 8 and a half, and then it started dropping and I got about three or four pairs with 10% movement speed. So yeah, it was pretty slow. I did find about 29 Humility cards in all this time with the offtime characters on Aqueduc. I really cannot recommend farming this sword at this time, it is way too much time and spirit consuming, ok last year was too fast but this is about at least twice the time now. If you're not playing SSF, you should definitely farm currencies and buy it it would be easier, otherwise, I hope you got some serious patience, this is some insane boring repetition. However, I still think the entire concept is a great idea for a very special unique, the fight is great, and what about a special unique, this sword is so cool ! Thanks again for creating Oni-Goroshi, such a unique unique ^^ P.S. In 7 years, more than 6k hours and over 100 chars, I never found any unique in Twilight Strand except the über Hillock drops, which dropped a bonus Goldrim the first time, and nothing else after that (other than Oni of course). So good luck getting that special achievement ! https://www.youtube.com/user/PeipeMasta
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looks like i farm oni-g's when the league is pretty *meh*.
i farmed a few in beastie league. and i farmed 6 in incursion. so far. yep, temp leagues of late have been pretty *meh*. ooh! 'member when PoE was good and fun? i 'member!
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I didn't read the entire thread but have been farming for the Oni-Goroshi a bit. Haven't got the lucky drop yet. I have 4 characters (levels 8, 8, 7, and 5). I was wondering if item rarity helps much? I notice that I have one character with item rarity of 19% and she has found four uniques. Only 2 uniques from the other three characters. Such a small sample set is far from definitive. I was just wondering what others have seen?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" Item rarity is not going to help with finding uber hillock. Last edited by Rafurion#5473 on Jul 11, 2018, 8:54:19 PM
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" It will have no effect on Oni farming. You have to spawn uber hillock to get Oni to drop, so just keep spamming instances until he spawns. You will know when he spawns. ;) Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you. Last edited by Shovelcut#3450 on Jul 11, 2018, 8:56:28 PM
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" But... what if uber hillock spawn chance scales with item rarity? I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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