Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

9 hour farm got it dropped on 2 chars both lvl 8 between 10-14%xp
wish you the best of luck farming it :)
Farmed four. Total /Played around 30 hours total.
I used Marauders, because that's what I used last league. The reserves I have are a scion, a ranger and a witch.

Still three characters left that I will use to farm more of these when I need more currency and towards the end of the league.


Other uniques

Also another redbeak, but it is on character that I can't enter to town yet.

Im so happy.... i hit 7lvl and after 10-15mins i got my sword.. :O:D Didnt know that this will be so fast. Was talking about this and we alll said that now i will get next sword only after ++++++++++ hrs. :D

So guys.... just do it.... first sword - 7lvl 2%.
KimSky wrote:
Farmed four. Total /Played around 30 hours total.
I used Marauders, because that's what I used last league. The reserves I have are a scion, a ranger and a witch.

Still three characters left that I will use to farm more of these when I need more currency and towards the end of the league.


Congrats... Wow: one is 90%, damn: one is 70%, and another wow for the mind-numbing brutality of near endless beach runs. I don't have that kind of endurance to go for 30 hours no matter how many builds are played in rotation. I have 2 swords this league (7 in total since I learned of this the 1st week of January) and 1 more farmer just hit level 9 so I'll work it some on and off but that's it for a long time. I'm totally beach bummed/burned out.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Mar 22, 2018, 4:19:25 PM
My thoughts on how to use the sword:

I´m lvl 83 now with my OG Juggernaut. I´m missing my Uber Lab which gives me another 2% regen that I desperately need. I thought running endurance charges and getting the usual life regen nodes would be enough , and it is, as long as all my EC´s are up and my golem is up.

It´s not very uncomfortable but it´s noticeable. Definetly managable though but still something to watch out for. I´m basically accuracy capped without having any real accuracy on my gear, which is why I picked Jugger in the first place, but I think Slayer Overleech is probably needed to make this sword feel comfortable.

Even though it is a high crit base sword, going RT is probably still a viable option in the beginning of a league. RT and chance to ignite. I levelled with chance to ignite and RT and kept up the buff consistently with no downtime.

Now I´m at 40% crit chance and I have to keep up Diamond Flask to crit consistently.

With this sword there are always these questions.

How do I keep up the buff ? Do I go crit ? If I go crit I need to cap crit chance and Accuracy.
If I go Jugger or Champion for free Accuracy I need to deal with the degen.

If I go Slayer /SCion I need to worry about Accuracy if I go crit.

What do I do for clearspeed ? What do I do for single target ?
I have to farm 2 swords to use Frostblades or Reave for Clear and Blade Flurry or Molten Strike for single target.

I could use Cyclone for clear AND single target, but the sword´s range kinda sucks.
But in the end the thing that takes care of all problems in one
would be a Cyclone Ascendant Slayer Raider, RT.

These are my thoughts as of now about the sword and it´s unique problems.
I´ve seen an RT Cyclone build with this sword that has quite alot of damage.

If I drop Haemophilia I would give this type of build a chance. Going crit , capping accuracy and dealing with the degen is a real drag. Good luck to everyone !
Both of my swords (Abyss and post-Abyss in STD) dropped after lvl 8.
I still enjoyed the grind.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Got excited and threw my hands in the air when beginners luck achievement popped up, but then thought "wait a minute. That wasn't Uber Hillock and it's only a freaking redbeak."

Back to the grind.
Yes, the grind... oh the painful grind! Oh my user... but I've spent too many hours on the zombie beach to let the Wookie win now (curse you GGG). 3rd run today and:


This was my last sword farmer until next league and the worst of the grinds. I swear I'm done forever doing this but come next league I'll be back on the beach grinding (and muttering something negative as I hit level 7 and know I've got to grind 100s more runs) as this sword really makes the leveling process so much more enjoyable.

Note: This farmer was started on the Tuesday after Abyss league ended and I didn't get the sword before Bestiary started so I had to grind to level 9 5% and 9 hours, 25 minutes to get uber Hillock to show up. 3 in total this league but nothing great for the % crit... oh well, at least I've got it stashed for now. The worst pain was last league and after killing uber Hillock I was DC'ed out before I could bank the sword... the ultimate pissed off moment.

"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
I am a lvl 8 Marauder with 80% and 10 hours and 48 minutes spend on this character only. I have another lvl 8 Marauder 32% with 8 hours and 3 minutes and a lvl 8 Scion 10% with 4 hours and 39 minutes. After all this farming I haven't got a single Oni-Goroshi sword. I will keep farming it coz there is really no point entering town now. But honestly this will be my last farming ever as there is really a waste of my time. Now I am farming the sword as a drinking coffee in the morning game because, to be completly honest, I have no hope anymore. Or maybe is really really bad luck.
Last edited by mohamedro#0733 on Apr 9, 2018, 3:56:56 AM
mohamedro wrote:
I am a lvl 8 Marauder with 80% and 10 hours and 48 minutes spend on this character only. I have another lvl 8 Marauder 32% with 8 hours and 3 minutes and a lvl 8 Scion 10% with 4 hours and 39 minutes. After all this farming I haven't got a single Oni-Goroshi sword. I will keep farming it coz there is really no point entering town now. But honestly this will be my last farming ever as there is really a waste of my time. Now I am farming the sword as a drinking coffee in the morning game because, to be completly honest, I have no hope anymore. Or maybe is really really bad luck.

Damn so bad luck for u. I could only imagine that feeling... i got my first sword when i hit 7lvl after 15mins (7lvl 2%).

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