Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

Finally got my first to drop. About 3.5 hours played on one of my farmers. Im now at about 3 hours 45 mins on the other two trying to get another drop. I should have started with 4 farmers. Lesson learned people, if you only need 1 then 3 farmers is fine. If you want 2 or more then you need at least 4 farmers.
I reccommend always having 4 farmers in rotation because once your characters all have 10% MS boots
and the 9% from scion tree , the 90 second cooldown is not yet completed after your third run.
I started with 4 characters and once the first OG dropped I tried it with 3 characters and ran to
a dead Hillock a couple of times. So I went back to creat a 4th character.

4 characters is the sweet spot.
Start with 3. Once your first 3 hit level 7 start a 4th.

I decided to go with 4 melee chars and used duelist.

Dual wielded on all 4 even though for a few levels I rocked a rare corroded blade on my #3 guy. Whole grind was spread over 3 days with a full 12h marathon firday night that left me wanting to punch someone.

I full-cleared on 3 chars until I hit 7 after that I made another one and only killed first mob and Hillock.

First Oni dropped on #3 after 4h 52 min 30 sec /played (this was checked after killing Hillock not on spawn). The other 3 were at 5h 17m 47s for #1; 4h 55m 54s for #2 and 1h 45m 35s for #4.

#3 was lvl 8 13% on drop and total played was 16h 51m 46s.

Second oni dropped on #2 at 5h 10min 36s / played. The other 3 were at 5h 33m 48s for #1; 5h 9m 42s for #3 and 2h 0m 12s for #4.

#2 was lvl 8 16% on drop and total played time was 17h 54m 18s.

Entered town vendored everything on me except the swords, the uniques that dropped and the raw currency picked up.

After that all that remains is :

Note that there's id scrolls missing since I idd most rares that dropped and didn't keep track of those. Also 1 alchemy orb dropped in strand off a zombie.

My 2ish wisdom scrolls:

Be prepared for the grind. If it does not spawn before lvl 7 it's going to be a long time 'till you see one.

Constantly look for upgrades for your weapon(s).You will need the best weapon(s) you can find to dps Hillock down once he goes Uber.

Your flasks need to be at least magic and at least medium so you can spam skills and restore life fast and reliably during the Uber Hillock fight.

Fastest way to lvl to 7 is follow shore line and only kill mobs on the way (note I fullcleared on my other 3 and that bumped my total time alot).My number 4 was lvl 7 19% when I entered Lioneye's Watch with 2h 0m 12 s /played.

Was it worth it? Since I don't intend to sell them and I didn't have at that time the currency needed to buy 2 yes it was worth it.

Would I do it again? With the current randomness of the encounter I would not do it again. I'd rather farm up the currency and buy two than go through 17 h of Twilight Strand.

The whole experience with the current randomness feels like rolling a dice with all faces showing a 0 hoping to hit a face that shows a 1. I did hit a 1 twice but till I did that I would have killed anyone coming to talk to me. Strand is not the place you want to be for a positive mindset.

Also I get gating such a powerful item behind a grind but making the grind accessible only to a handful of people who are too crazy (let's face it it's no longer dedication after 10 h of strand) or running an army of bots is a move in the wrong direction.

I hope you guys are luckier than me and get the encounter sooner. May you be wrapped in her embrace and live to kill another day!

Happy hunting!
THX for sharing :)

To me this current state is kinda on the egde i can tolerate. If GGG decide to lower the chances more - nevar again. I hope they will leave it this way.
BTW currently levelling a Juggernaut Blade Flurry Frostblades with chance to ignite.
My opinion so far, yes the sword is OP but the degen is crazy and I only have 2500 life.

I didn´t think that the degen would be this crazy to deal with. And I´ve already taken Enduranc charges and the extra regen node. I´ve taken regen where I could I´m running a Stone Golem.
Whenever I´m using Blood Rage I´m degenning like crazy. When it isn´t up and my EC aren´t either, I´m degenning as well.

That locks OG builds basically in place for Scion Slayers and Slayers no ?
Maybe I should´ve gone the Chieftain route bc he gets extra regen from his ascendancy.

I chose Jugger because I wanted free accuracy. I was also thinking about an EO Champion.
Bc Champion doesn´t have to invest in accuracy at all and going the EO route would allow me
to disregard crit as well.

I want to build a Oni-goroshi character that is viable as a league starter without any stat investment.
IF it wasn´t for this damn degen.. But I like that it´s there. IT´s very thematic it fits.

You burn yourself to burn others. That´s fair.
Its not "OP" it is well balanced. It would be OP if it would not have any disadvatage.
NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso wrote:
BTW currently levelling a Juggernaut Blade Flurry Frostblades with chance to ignite.
My opinion so far, yes the sword is OP but the degen is crazy and I only have 2500 life.

I didn´t think that the degen would be this crazy to deal with. And I´ve already taken Enduranc charges and the extra regen node. I´ve taken regen where I could I´m running a Stone Golem.
Whenever I´m using Blood Rage I´m degenning like crazy. When it isn´t up and my EC aren´t either, I´m degenning as well.

That locks OG builds basically in place for Scion Slayers and Slayers no ?
Maybe I should´ve gone the Chieftain route bc he gets extra regen from his ascendancy.

I chose Jugger because I wanted free accuracy. I was also thinking about an EO Champion.
Bc Champion doesn´t have to invest in accuracy at all and going the EO route would allow me
to disregard crit as well.

I want to build a Oni-goroshi character that is viable as a league starter without any stat investment.
IF it wasn´t for this damn degen.. But I like that it´s there. IT´s very thematic it fits.

You burn yourself to burn others. That´s fair.

I'm running a 2 Oni Juggernaut FB/BF. He's at lvl 85 and feels pretty good, and the only gear I've traded for was a pair of leveling boots with some move speed and The Brass Dome (got lucky and had a Belly drop in Act 9, that worked fine too). Still fiddling with the CWDT links, but he's clearing without issue through T6. I'm slow, so don't know yet how he will do at higher levels.

Make sure your fire resist is capped - without it capped the degen will shred you regardless of whatever else you have for defenses.
That´s what´s confusing me. I´m running a Purity Of Fire and warlord´s mark blasphemy and I already have 5 endurance charges plus stone golem. My resists are overcapped yet I feel the degen.
I´m running blood rage though. But anyways I´m gonna continue playing this character a while
but eventually I´ll re roll into a Scion probably.

And I´ll be going RT. Building into crit is too big of a point and item requirement.
I think I´m better off ignoring the degen and the accuracy by going RT , Slayer Scion.

With Chance to Ignite her Embrace is always up. Yes I´m "missing" out on crit but that doesn´t mean shit
when you have no crit gear bc you´re on SSF.

Frost Blades feels amazing though.
Last edited by NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso#2571 on Mar 18, 2018, 7:30:56 AM
Im doing this build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2058308/page/1

Check it there are some neatty advices.

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