Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

鬼殺し wrote:
de99ial wrote:

I think You could make say Her something better. Because maby from Her point of view it sounds good but from point of view of player it sounds... like it sounds. I really enjoy Her texts but that one made my kinda dissapointed, because maby She would say something like that but obviously You as an writer did an "easy and lazy" thing.

I won't disagree but as a writer I wanted to pay homage to my two of my favourite lines in the game. I couldn't choose which to keep so I kept both -- THAT was my mistake, not the writing of them. I should have chosen just one and written a new one for the other, thereby making a one-off reference rather than a series. Well, of course there are other things I wrote for each. I think by the end I had about four versions of each line. Probably more for some -- the Templar Courts line, for example, had a bunch of drafts. Don't call me lazy when you don't know what goes on behind the scenes, thanks. :)

Well You see that is not as clear as You might think it is. I described how it looks from my point of view. But THX for claryfication, makes sense, but it is not so obvious as You might think it is. :)

Regards man :)

If you can't control it, STOP.
I am going to farm till 4 x 8 level scion and give up. After that I am going to standard and just buy the damn train... I mean sword.
DO NOT farm for ONI!
My tale of oni:

After farming for maybe 12 or 15 hours I finally ran into Uber hillock with one of my 6 shadows, the best geared one no less, and this is in ssf bhc. Scared of the new fight I equipped a bow and tried kiting him but it wasn't working very well and he just kept spitting out zombies to the point where my fps was starting to drop (maybe like 250 zombies) so I tried walking them to the top of the screen then logging, but when I did I logged to standard (too much latency I think).. Clearly I was mortified, but after a few minutes of great sadness I trudged on, and even leveled up one of my level 6 shadows who was waiting on the bench. And then only 2 runs after that char hit 7, I saw him again (maybe 40 minutes later) and this time I knew better then to run, I just sat there and face tanked him and he was done in about a minute. So I picked up the sword and ran into town before those super zombies could kill me.

Tldr: uber killed me after 13 hours of farming in bhcssf, 40 minutes later I saw him again Ave killed him.
I was farming Oni-Goroshi in SSF BHC with 3 characters. Finally met an Uber Hillock after reaching level 8 + 5% with all 3 of them. Summing up /played from all three characters it took about 15 hours.

I actually enjoyed the fight too. It wasn't too difficult for me but I can see some people dying here. And it certainly took a while.

Also a while before finally getting Oni-Goroshi one of the Hillocks dropped his pyjamas too.

Last edited by enumag#1661 on Mar 9, 2018, 7:56:40 AM

SSF BHC 4 character rotation :
Witch @ level 8.02
Scion @ level 8.09
Ranger @ level 8.19
Shadow @ level 8.25

My observations :
- As I found 8 Onis in the last league (4 in SSF AbyssHC, 4 in SSF standard), it took into level 8 this league for all the characters, where I found 4 last league within level 7.
- So many plate vests! (on one run through with my shadow, I counted 27 plate vests dropped!)
- it took until level 8.16 on my ranger for a rare crude bow to drop.
- the above unique items were all that dropped during this whole run.
- easiest run : ranger (with 68 dps) followed by the witch (78 dps) : both of those battles were mostly trivial as Uber Hillock rarely got a punch in. as I was at range. Scion took much longer as the dps was lower. (and I am not that skilled at spectral throw)
- hardest : shadow (with 89 dps). This fight went into the 7 minute range, at which point I had dozens of Awakened running around. Knowing I could not get close to Uber, I wanted to see what would happen and just stood there. Failed and back to SSF standard. Seeing how I had Onis there already, I just deleted him.

Special thanks: This Oni item has modified (in a good way!) the way I play the game, which is not like most of the player base I would gather. So thanks to GGG and Charan for putting this item in the game for people like me to find and play with!

Good luck to those still hunting/grinding!
It was around 7 hours playtime across 3 characters level 7-8 until it dropped.

3:10hrs ~ 3:28hrs ~ 1:15hrs ~
"Break the Chains of Fate that Bind you."
Last edited by Serotriptomine#1403 on Mar 9, 2018, 10:50:19 AM
Currently sitting at about 17 hours across 3 characters. All 3 are Level 8 and about 7% in. Still no spawn, starting to feel the anger towards RNGsus.
Let go, mute game and turn on some comedy stand ups in background.
I’m nearly 30 hours in with 5 level 8 characters and still no sword.

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