Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

got 2 lvl 8 and 1 lvl 7 now. Lvl 8s are at 42% and 50%, lvl 7 at 42%.

Im about to sacrifice my daughter's cat to the RNGesus.

I'll submit my scion farming build for ''build of the week'' when im done.
Life goes by like a fart in the wind.
24:42 with four victims and so far one sword.

I used to play Warframe. I'm actually a Founder, quit playing when the game got way to grindy. POE is fast approaching that level.
Got 1 after 16H - which seems to be on the lucky end according to the posts here.
Farmed 4 chars, 3 rangers 1 witch. Don't do that, Scions are the way to go.

Am I missing something? Why do I need more than 1?
Glirbis wrote:

Farmed 4 chars, 3 rangers 1 witch. Don't do that, Scions are the way to go.

Personally I find Rangers perfectly suited for this farm, Scion is not the best choice.
Rangers flame arrow one shoots monsters on any range, pierces (this will help later with Uber Hillock adds) and speed is good in comparison to skilled Scion. Scion on the other hand, could have mana problems at 6- levels and Spectral Throw is not the best ranged skill out there.

Already got 3 swords on 2 rangers and scion, one more ranger to go.
to be honest the grind is much too long I've put in over 8 hours trying to get this thing and by time i get it ill be so burnt out that i wont even play the damn game because i wont want to see it again for a year, but i can't just go past it because of my own personal mindset of just leaving behind the currency or the weapon when its the only place to get it and non revisitable. on top of that you can only get it once per char so its a waste to make a char and not get it.
To me its about goal. I wanted two OGs but didnt want to wait for TS to reset, so to keep up the pace i created 4 of chars. As soon as i found two rest were destined to deleting after i drop what i have found on them into stash. So every char that didnt found OG was making last run and then delete. And this way i have 3 of them.
sarmatiko wrote:
Glirbis wrote:

Farmed 4 chars, 3 rangers 1 witch. Don't do that, Scions are the way to go.

Personally I find Rangers perfectly suited for this farm, Scion is not the best choice.
Rangers flame arrow one shoots monsters on any range, pierces (this will help later with Uber Hillock adds) and speed is good in comparison to skilled Scion. Scion on the other hand, could have mana problems at 6- levels and Spectral Throw is not the best ranged skill out there.

Already got 3 swords on 2 rangers and scion, one more ranger to go.

But scion has 3 runing pasives and onslaught and can attack multi targets too. You can even shoot enemies behind you and run when spectral weapon is coming after you and kill mobs that you just pass.
4 Scions close to lvl 8 now... I got weird thoughts like, am I doing it wrong maybe? Should I talk to first guy who gives Sepctral throw gem?

This is sooo frustrating, will go on probably but never, ever again.

Even more frustrating when you see someone placing 4 of those at once at poe.trade, at lower pries and you realize you would just buy one if progressed normally on other char.
DO NOT farm for ONI!
15 hours, 55 minutes /played across 4 characters

3 scions with movespeed boots and shields
1 shadow boots only, plus redbeak

All at about level 7.7

Uber H spawned for my shadow at 3 minutes before server downtime. Was a MUCH more difficult fight than expected and I actually died 3 times trying to smack him down before lights out. last death was actually after Hillock was dead and I was trying to pick up the sword but couldn't because I was swarmed by the adds and was unable to move. Ran back to kill most of the adds and pick up the sword well after the one minute warning. Holy shit that was close!

Not the best roll but at least it's not the worst. I'll be damned if I'll do that again, that farm was brutal.

I made 4 scions at 9 PM on launch day and got both swords that evening: First one at level 7.25 and second one at level 7.4.

I am still running my last 2 scions from time to time and they are close to level 8 but with no luck. I would sell them to finance my build since I don't have time to play as much as I would like to and progress is slow.
"Never argue with an idiot. They will take you down to their level and beat you trough experience."
Last edited by Bone2flesh#0416 on Mar 8, 2018, 7:31:11 AM

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