Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?
Farming now and have 4 scions at level 6. It seems like Hillock drops have been nerfed. No uniques at all yet and just a handful of rares. He seems to mostly drop whites. :(
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone |
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Got mine 7 hours into grind, character playtime 1:40. Also found Tabula on same character so considering myself pretty lucky.
No idea how to link it tho... Last edited by Traizix#4734 on Sep 18, 2020, 10:42:03 PM
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" Make sure your character shows at the top left of your page; Open a thread reply box; Click on them and show their gear Ctrl-Alt click on the sword Close the character window by clicking on the x on the upper right Your sword should now be in your post. Submit your post. Congratulations on getting one! "Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone |
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I have four scions in rotation at level 8. No sword yet.
It took me about 3 hours each to get all four to level 7 and not much less to get them all to level 8. I figured the math on level 7 though. If you just run to Hillock you get 60 exp points and can do that about every minute in a rotation, including transitions. That needs some kind of speed boost. 10% or more. If you full clear at level 7 you get 5 exp points per zombie and 60 for Hillock and can generate 200 points pretty easily in a minute and a half rotation. There are at least 30 zombies in each TS map. 150+60=210 In four full clears, including transitions, over 6 minutes you earn ~800 points total In six "run straight to Hillock" over 6 minutes you earn 360 points "Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone |
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I never try to full clear. Going into alcoves or other dead ends just to kill a couple of Zombies or Sand Spitters isn't justified time wise. Zig-zagging my way up the beach to cover from shore to rock wall is normal up into level 7 though. Once into upper half of level 7 and especially into level 8 you only need the quantity of Hillock encounters and more xp isn't needed anymore so just take the quickest path up the beach and only shoot the close easy to hit targets without straying too far off the straight and narrow to Hillock. Achieving a level 9 exile won't help in finding Uber Hillock (but another TSL9BC member to help with beach clean up is always appreciated. There are always too many all-dead zombies rotting and fowling the beach). :)
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..." Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2247070 Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Sep 20, 2020, 8:50:06 AM
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" Then multiple that by 27: I farmed 27 Oni-Goroshi swords over a 2.5 year period of time grinding up to 4 in one league to honor Charan's great design and GGG's great placement in zone 1. Never gave it any thought that zone 1 is the only zone you can't go back to once you enter Lioneye's Watch. Also never gave it any thought that if you log out and not go into town that after the zone resets you can go back through the beach with a new set of Zombies and Spitters for more xp until at some point (used to be early level 6 on average but now level 8 although I ground out 5 level 9 swords) Hillock's very reclusive but much tougher twin brother Uber Hillock appears with a magical sword thrust though him (not rusty at all). This was and still is (until PoE 2 super wrecks all 6L gear) the best Easter egg find of all of PoE. This was pure genius by GGG. But alas, those days are long over and now PoE is no longer a true arpg, just a weird racer/shooter with arpg elements. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2247070 |
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I got one after just under 6 hours of farming by one guy. Three more pushing along at level 8.25.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi US Mountain Time Zone Last edited by ChanBalam#4639 on Sep 20, 2020, 10:57:43 PM
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A little late to post but better late than never I guess.
Saturday I farmed my first and last Oni. Just to show everyone what they are up against I will run through my experience : 18/09/2020 22:00 local time : The waiting line starts moving. My beach vacation is just a short while away. 18/09/2020 22:15 : My first scion pounds the beach for the first time. 3 more soon follow with a spring in their step, excited to take on the task that lies ahead. We have all earned a nice vacation and look forward to a nice relaxing day at the beach. 18/09/2020 23:20 : Over an hour in. Everything is going well as the levels follow each other quickly. Picking up increased movement speed boots is harder than I thought. So far only 1 of my 4 scions has any speed about her. 18/09/2020 23:45 : First signs of tiring seep in as I accidentally exit POE rather than go back to the selection screen. A 1GB patch awaits before I can continue on my well deserved beach resort vacation. The wait is unbearable.. 19/09/2020 03:30 : Almost 5 hours of play time and as many craft brews in to the grind. My scions have reached level 7. They are true powerhouses, one slapping zombies left and right, not even giving Hillock the chance to pull the sword out of his chest before he is crushed. 3 still haven't found out how to run a bit faster but I am excited at the prospect that any second now I could find Uber Hillock and slap him about. Any second now... 19/09/2020 04:00 : Oh innocence why have you forsaken me? Still no increased movement speed boots for 3 of my scions and not a whiff of Uber Hillock. Doubt begins to seep in. Is it really only a ~7 hour grind? Can I really meet him at level 7? I falter in my dedication and browse this very topic to see what others have experienced as it dawns on me that I will most likely need lvl 8 first. The experience bar seemingly half frozen at 10-15%. I realise that I am many hours from my goal still. What have I gotten myself in to? 19/09/2020 04:02 : A few runs along and I can feel madness beginning to seep in. I decide to check poe trade for the fabled sword. Lo and behold, there they sit. Not 1, but 2 swords are for sale like cheap prostitutes. As I long for her embrace it stings to see that others are now enjoying her sweet carress, The harlet! I loathe you! 19/09/2020 05:00 : As my scions brush past 25% of their level I feel that I can take no more. I decide to stop for the night and get some much needed rest. Somewhere, many miles away an exile is rumoured to have passed level 80. What I would not give to be level 8. Is that too much to ask? 19/09/2020 10:30 : A new day and renewed energy. Today is the day I finally hold her in my arms. I can't wait to get started! 19/09/2020 10:31 : I remember what I have gotten myself in to. Why did I decide to do this? I can't wait for this to end.. 19/09/2020 12:00 : My friend reaches level 69 on his league starter. I laugh hysterically at the number.. Is this what insanity feels like? 42% to level 8.. On the bright side, I have now managed to get increased movement speed on all my scions.. Surely the end is near now.. but the end of what? 19/09/2020 13:30 : I have been grinding for approx 10 hours now but who can be sure? Level 8 is crawling ever closer. Please, make it stop.. 19/09/2020 15:00 : Finally. My first scion rolls over to level 8. I start to rush directly at Hillock I open a stream on our discord so my friends can watch when I meet Uber Hillock. Come out come out wherever you are! 19/09/2020 15:20 : All 4 scions are now at level 8 and I have been rushing at Hollock non stop now for 10 minutes. My early excitement at reaching level 8 starts to waver. We knew that it wasn't a guarantee. Why did we get our hopes up? 19/09/2020 15:34 : Half asleep I log in once more and run down the beach. I begin to slap Hillock, prepared to log out and switch characters. He doesn't die. What is that shiny sword sticking out of hiw chest? OMG IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING I scream as my friends join the stream to watch the show. Is this what all the fuss is about? I throw spectral blades in to his face as he chases me around. What a slow, worthless pile of meat. My friends complain at the sheer boredom of the fight. Guess the fight matches the build up... Sure! pull out that sword, it won't help you. Soon she will be mine! As I let out my now patented crazy evil laugh Hollock, out of nowhere, leaps at me, knocking my scion to within an inch of it's life. The stream goes crazy as eveyone now understands the gravity of this epic battle. My prize mocking me as she grants all her strength to the brute in front of me. Playing hard to get huh? We'll see about that.. I dodge and weave, Hit and run, as slowly I chip away at the powerful brute.. 19/09/2020 15:39 : A breeze nips at the ankles of my battered scion as she stands over the lifeless corpse of Uber Hillock. In its hand lies the fabled Oni-Goroshi. As she bends over to pick up her prize it whispers to her and in that breath she can feel the fire within herself grow and shine brighter. Finally we are together my love.. My precious.. 19/09/2020 15:40 : I sit at my computer, tired, relieved and contemplate getting a second sword.. I log out to the character selection screen. Click on my next scion and delete her.. And the next.. and the next.. What? Did you think I was crazy enough to keep punishing myself like that? I have a grand heist to plan.. Last edited by Impiousbe#0903 on Sep 21, 2020, 8:15:57 AM
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Finally... 5 played hours with each of my 3 toons, at level 8.5. Took me the whole damn weekend to find it. Best part? I don't even need it. And yet... Journey before Destination. I started the whole "get a Oni" because: 1- It's almost 5 years I am in there and I could get one at least in a Remove-Only tab 2- Could help having a levelling weapon, for once 3- Wanted to avoid most of the Heist's... um... manurestorm of Day1 and Day2 4- There is a slight chance I'll do a White Wind build, so I needed some exercise with the "five six seven eight I use this hand to [CENSORED]" mindset 5- A Strage Voice in my head told me "Why not break the mold of the usual rush to Endgame by doing something new and exciting?, and it persuaded me enough" Since I felt the whole thing NEEDED a base of masochism, I also did not go with 3 Scions. Rather, I went Ranger (my main), Scion and Shadow (random mules for Essences and Exalted Sets). Casually, Ranger and Shadow were sub-par optimal choices for Hillock farming. Did not do that on purpose The whole thing was resembling an IV Drop situations. Only you have to stay awake for the whole duration and the IV Sack may or may not be the size of a silos. It's tedious. It's inefficient. The time you take to get the sword is more than enough to get to Act7-10 depending on your speed. It's something only a botfarm could accept to do for profit. And yet... I had to take into account the drops. Yeah. I had to craft and gamble for a +x% incDamage Rusted Spike. I had to understand the 3% movSpd on a Corrugated Buckler is a trap since it just covers the malus it gives to MovSpd for wearing a shield. Most important I was happy to find a Rare item, and actually had to weight its modifiers. I had to identify my Rare drop because it could actually be an improvement for my current equipment. Was it worth the hassle? In terms of gaming, not really. A pinpoint purchase would have been faster and better than the other 6 uniques I've found during the Hillock farming. But for 2 days I felt like I was playing an actual Action RPG. You know, the ones where you grind a specific content for so much time actually enjoying your time while waiting for the big drop to come. True, it's still tainted by Path of Exile's grinding, it numbs your heart and makes your soul sour - so much you are not even that much happy when getting the very reason you started the whole thing. But it is the most close feeling of an ARPG you will ever get from this game. And for this, Charan, you have my thanks. ... ... no, of course I will not farm another one. If it is on the way for my mules to get to Lioneye, that's fine. There are bot-farms for those kind of things |
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