[Guide] What happens after a league ends?

I bought a 'Craiceann, First of the Deep' orb to remind myself that I never got the armour.

That transfers to Standard / Hardcore and then just sits in inventory forever, right?
Any clue as to when the hideout migration will occur? Will it be before, or at the same time as Incursion league starts? Also, to guarantee my Bestiary hideout takes over my standard one, should I create a new hideout in standard to leave it blank or will that affect the merge in any way? I did read the OP, but am a bit paranoid at times and make sure all the time I spent in my Bestiary hideout doesn't go to waste. Thanks beforehand.
Yes, you can create a new hideout in Standard with no placed decorations to be sure that your Bestiary SC Hideout will be kept. (Note that you will need to use a different hideout layout/Master to avoid it simply 'upgrading' your hideout and keeping the decorations in place.)

During the past couple of league transitions, everything has been migrated by the start of the new league. Before this, hideout and master migration was sometimes delayed even beyond the start of the next league (waiting for a subsequent server shutdown period).

Note that there will be two migration steps here: one for Bestiary and one for Flashback leagues. Your Flashback SC hideout could also be a candidate for migration if it contained a lot of decorations, but it sounds like you put more effort into decorating your Bestiary hideout, so it shouldn't be an issue.
Updated, as Bestiary has just ended. Look for important information in green text.

Open the floodgates with the "my hideout is gone" posts!
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on May 28, 2018, 10:32:09 PM
Grats on becoming a valued poster, Abdiel. :O
Velari wrote:
Grats on becoming a valued poster, Abdiel. :O

Thanks! <3

I'm gonna have to work hard from now on to deserve it!
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on May 29, 2018, 6:17:10 AM
This was helpful. Going to standard was a pain in the butt and very confusing, looking like we lost hideouts and master progress. I answered so many whispers about it last night it was crazy.
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My beloved pets....
Hi this sounds good. I have started first time PoE in this flasback event and i like this game. :)

I was yesterday unhappy. i lost my progress from my Master-Crafter and my Mapping (but mapping progress is not so important 4 me and is funny and do it with fun again).

Master-Crafter leveling makes me little fun and i am able to live without this. So im so happy to read in the head posting that will be migrated in a few days :)

Because I do not like to play without hideout (because of the mapping), I play my scion twink right away. I hope that everything has migrated in a few days. Because I really only want to map and get familiar with this mechanics. I am very happy to grind with nasty mods and i w8 for a next race like flashback with manny nasty map mods ^^

thx @Devs and the PoE-Team 4 a really good H&S-RPG with the necessary complexity (Crafting, Mapping etc..).

best regards
What if some of my decorations are not in standard hideout and are shown as in use? Where are they and is there a way to reclaim them without risk of removing those in the standard hideout?

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